Monday, July 25, 2011

For the Grandparents {and family}

I hope a happy weekend was had by all! I wanted to let my family see Harbor William and hear him saying his colors. He is still a very quiet, low maintenance child, but he is talking and sharing more with us everyday. He is a very sweet little boy and is content to play alone for hours on end. He is just a really easy kid to parent.
I'm thankful to be his mother.  : )

Much love to our family in Arkansas!

1 comment:

  1. That was so sweet, "Thanks for thinking of us". We miss Harbor so much. Its so good to hear his voice again. I see he still knows his colors & can still count,I wasn't sure if he would find the time to practice such stuff living in a different state,ha!!!And seeing Harbor in his big boy underware really makes him look like a big boy not a baby any longer, boo-hoo. Gigi & Poppy's boy is growing up, boo-hoo & somedays I feel the miles are far between us, but these video's help. I loved it when Harbor said Gigi & Poppy live in Arkansas & that I'm at work too,ha!!!Can't wait to see you guys, Harbor, Bichon & I will go for a walk to the train tracks & talk about all kinds of stuff like our colors & counting & find a big stick to drag along the sidewalk as we walk,ha!!!Simple times are the very best & make for a wonderful childhood. Harbor reminds me of you in that way he can play by himself for hours & be just content to be left alone & do things at his own pace & you know you are still that way today. So I guess we know what kind of personailty Harbor will grow up with, low key & easy going.Give Harbor a kiss & hug from Gigi & Poppy, we miss you & love you all.Mom
