I couldn't decide what to get Zayde, so I just bought a canvas tote and painted some paisely on one side and did his monogram on the other. It is his church "murse" now (man purse!) I also made a really fast and simple tie blanket.
Zayde's soiree... Loads of fun and a full house!! Since she did all the decorating and cooking, it was the easiest party I had the pleasure of hosting. : )
Harbor William- 12 weeks old
I'm a bad mommy. It took me 10 weeks to finally order pictures of Harbor for the house. Sigh.. I added a cute new frame to the hallway that leads to the guest room.
I also bought some great lime green fabric on sale and had mom sew a new sofa table runner for the living room. I had it monogrammed (of course!) in black. I also got a steal on the new lamps- the bases were $19.99 at Oops and I ordered the fun red shades from an online store.
Someone requested pictures of Harbor's nursery.. I'm pretty sure it looks the same as always, perhaps a little more "worn in" now that he is sleeping exclusively in his crib.
Harbor and I having an early morning feeding sans makeup, getting ready to drive daddy to the airport. David's company sent him to Charlotte, North Carolina for a week to do some engineering labor at a sister plant located there. We miss daddy!
Harbor fell asleep on the way home...
Harbor and I headed over to Dean, Lyndsey, and Hudson's house for a playdate. We met up with new mommy Adrienne and sweet, little Jonah, and Melissa and her girls, Chaney and Riley. The kids had fun playing and the moms had fun talking "big people business."
Here's to another week of fun, friends, and family! Hoping you have a great one, too!
Hey!! I love the tote that you made. I left a comment on your previous post about the ornaments, but I wasn't sure if you saw it. I didn't want you to think I was ignoring the comments again.
ReplyDeleteI love the new layout and header, I forget when I read on my phone I miss out on changes.
ReplyDeleteI love the tote you are so creative. Harbor is a doll. He is getting so big.
What a fun and cute party. The cakes were really cute and looked yummy too. The "murse" you made was adorable -you are so creative.
ReplyDeleteYour little man is growing so fast, those little leggings he wears are the cutest things ever. Loved seeing all the great pictures and thanks for sharing your fo'real craft room, I long for one of my own.
Adorable party! Harbor is looking so grown up. I love your green dress and brown boots--so cute!
ReplyDeleteYou are so crafty! I love doing that stuff too! I adore the blanket that you made for Z. I need to make one of those for Andrew or Reagan. Our boys might be buds some day, they are just the same age, by a month or so.
ReplyDeleteThat looks like it was a really fun party! And I love the bag you made for Zayde, it was beautiful! Harbor is getting so big! He's just adorable! I know how you feel, missing David. I hate it when Nathan has to be gone for work!!
ReplyDeleteI love your posts. You are so nice, you have so many friends, you share your homes. In Italy houses aren't so big, it's so difficult to meet with many friends, everyone are so busy and rarely it's possible to stay together. Please continue to post. Kiss Harbor.
ReplyDeleteSara and Sons.
I love following your blog your so fun and creative I've show my husband many times your home and told him "remember how that looks because I want that!" I love the blanket! How would I go about making that and what is the best material?!?
ReplyDeleteI can't believe you drew the paisley. It looked awesome! You're very creative!
ReplyDeleteThe tote and blanket are adorable...you are so good at what you do!
ReplyDeleteHarbor is getting so cute in his tie shirt :)
Wow not bad at all! Thanks so much!
ReplyDeleteThat paisley you painted is awesome!! Looks like such a fun party to me. Little Harbor is such a cutie and getting big!
ReplyDeleteDavid's in my hometown! I hope he's enjoying his stay...the weather's beautiful here right now!
P.S. I can send you the link to the snuggie if you want it ;-)
I loved the paisley part of Zayde's man bag, Ha!!!!Is so creative. It will be perfect to carry his stuff around in. And I loved, loved, loved the 12 weeks photos of Harbor, daddy David, & Poppy. Harbor is trying so hard to talk. So cute of the 3 of them. Your playdate with the kido's looked like it was fun & you girls got to talk mommy talk since you all are on the same page these days. Its good to have other mommy's to talk too. Love you Jessica, Mom
ReplyDeletelove the tote and the pictures of Harbor...he looks just like his daddy!
ReplyDeleteHere you go girl! I want to find some of that animal print fleece you used on Zayde's blanket...I think that would be so cute!
Yes, Gastonia is about 30 minutes up the road from me and home of the awesome Mary Jo's fabric store. You would be in heaven there!
if you get any more creative I'm going to throw up!Haha! Seriously, I frame a picture and think I'm super mom and then you go all out doing all kinds of crafty things! Can we hire you around here?:)
ReplyDeleteLooks like the party was a lot of fun! I'm so glad you are getting some quality time with Harbor before you go back to work. Yay for summer coming soon. It will be here so fast!
Thank you for hosting Zayde's party! We had a blast! We absolutely love his new "church" bag!
ReplyDeleteYour pictures are awesome! You are so talented. The birthday present you made for Zayde is just adorable.
ReplyDeleteWow...that's quite a post! The blanket and bag you made are so cute!! You are truly a Superwoman!!
ReplyDeleteHarbor is getting so big and is so adorable. The bag you made is too cute. You are so creative. Cute birthday also.
ReplyDeleteI love Harbor's onesie with the tie...I bet you made it
ReplyDeleteI love that blanket tote idea! Really cute.
ReplyDeleteI meant to get back with you about my backgrounds--yes, I do make them. I use paint.net which you can download for free. I majored in graphic design for a year before I changed over to Art History, so I got a help in that department. I just download digital scrapbook freebies or cute fabric swatches from places like reprodepot.com and that's my starting point.
I LOVE that paisley bag!! (I love paisley anything.) You are so talented! Great gift!
ReplyDeleteI love that picture of Harbor sleeping in his crib. Doesn't he just looks so peaceful and sweet that you just want to grab him up and smother him in kisses?!?!
What a cute blankie and bag! I need to check out those pics of the blankie more so that I can see about making one for Shelby. I saw some adorable giraffe print fabric at the store that would be cute with a pink solid on the other side. I don't have a sewing machine so this looks great.
ReplyDeleteYou look fab girlfriend!
I have loved my time at the U of A too, but I am ready to be done!!! I got your order. I am sure it has been there and I just didn't pay attention. I will start on your ornaments. I should have them done in the next week or so!!! I am so excited to be making these for you!!! I love reading your blog and I was so anxious for Harbor to arrive!!!
ReplyDeleteWhat a super cute b-day party, cute kids, cute tote that you made, etc.! It all looks great!
ReplyDeleteH is growing so fast--his smile is precious!
Love the red lamps.
I'm not sure if I've ever commented or not ... I've lurked for a while now! I came from Staci Brown (my sister). You are so talented!!! That tote started plain as can be! And your little guy is a cutie!
ReplyDeleteThat was so sweet of you to host Zayde's party. We missed coming cause we were out of town-looks like it was fun. I love the bag you made him! So cute. Harbor just gets cuter and cuter!
ReplyDeleteHi!! Thanks for stopping by =) Your son is ADORABLE!!! And I am wayyyy impressed with your creative abilities!!
ReplyDeleteNo, actually he was just showing out for the dr. He has since only rolled over a couple of times. I was looking at some of your other posts, and I think I know your relatives, the Byrds. My husbands family are (used to be) neighbors or something like that. They came to my baby shower for my first little girl, and made me teh cutest bag and braclet. Ends up they were patients of mine at a dentist office I used to work at. You can email me @tonetteweathers@cox.net.
ReplyDeleteFirst of all...you look amazing! Seriously...you had a baby a couple of months ago?!?! I wish I had half the creativity and talent that you have. The tote is too precious! LOVE LOVE LOVE the pics of Harbor smiling! He is a little heart breaker! As if the smile were not enough...the baby legs...SO CUTE!
ReplyDeleteWhat a great idea for a party ;)! All of the decorations turned out really cute!
ReplyDeleteIt looks like you are enjoying motherhood and glowing every moment :)!
You look amazing Jess! I noticed in Amy's blog, you're t-tiny and love the green on you! Harbor is seriously the cutest little guy! I loved getting the v-day card in the mail! I smile everytime I see the little guy on the fridge! :) So much to comment about. Loved all the pics.. The lamps and runner especially!
ReplyDeleteI just LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the bags you made - absolutely adorable!!!
ReplyDeleteYou are so talented!! On top of that, I am so impressed that you even have time to do little projects like that with a little guy around!
ReplyDeleteYou are absolutely overwhelmingly talented!! Harbor is growing so fast!!! He is so adorable!
ReplyDeleteYou are SO talented! Do you have an Etsy store? I can't believe you made that tote- it's adorable. And I'm pretty certain you are a bean pole!
ReplyDeletefor cute!!ove your decor!! I did a western party for our oldest buy!! I ordered a really big barn with fences and set it up in the living room and had strawbales too!! it turned out cute I had bandanas and cowboy hats for all the kids. It was so much fun!!
ReplyDeleteYou have to be one of the craftiest people I have ever seen. Love the tote! Harbor is a doll baby! LOVE his room!
ReplyDeleteSo I have 3 of the ornaments made, but I broke an ornament so I ordered more tonight. They should be here next week or the first of the next week. If that makes sense. I will let you know when I finish them up!!!
ReplyDeleteOK I love your blog! I must confess I read it every week! I don't know what I like seeing more the pics of Harbor or your craft projects! I am a teacher in Fay and just wanted to let you know that I enjoy your blogs lots!!!! Happy Valentine's Day!!!!
ReplyDeleteHi Jessica, you don't know me, but I am a friend of Brittney H. I love reading your blog, I hope you don't mind. You're such a talented little woman! I'm always so impressed with all the neat little things you just seem to throw together. How do you find so much time to do so? Harbor is adorable, and I hope you don't minde me peeking at your blog? You need your own little tv show! haha! I also love crafts but never have time :(....your blog is adorable!
ReplyDeleteYes, I will be walking with the business students!! I think it is at 12:30 in Barnhill. I will finish the last one up when I get the order in!! How are you gonna make his announcements?
ReplyDeleteYou did a wonderful job on the tote and blanket! That was very sweet of you to host Zayde's bday party for Amy:)
ReplyDeleteI love the nursery and you are SO talented with the tote and blanket. I want one! I love it!!
ReplyDeleteWhere did you find your 5 tier metal shelveing unit for Harbor's room? I have been looking for one all over and can not find one?
i can't believe how big harbor is getting! he's just the cutest thing! happy to see y'all survived the storm and were able to help so many out! :)
ReplyDeleteHi Jessica,
ReplyDeleteI have been following your blog forever but just started my own. Yeah I am not a learker anymore!! Still trying to figure all this out though. Little Harbor is so adorable. Thanks for sharing all the pictures with us. I love the tote and I love the monogrammed table runner. Too cute. O.K don't leave us hanging what was in the red bag from David.
Linda :-)
ReplyDeleteI left you a little comment on my blog... nothing special just funny :)
FUN week!!!!! =)
ReplyDeleteI love the b-day party yall helped host for Z!!!! He is such a CUTE!!!! The man purse you made ROCKS ROCKS ROCKS!!! Love it!!! You need to come out with your own craft blog or craft book...lol!!!! You know I'm always amazed!!!! You just ROCK like that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =)
Hey Jessica!
ReplyDeleteLoved all your picts- especially the ones of Harbor smiling at David.. so sweet! Also the one of Harbor and Bichon asleep on the couch together =) You should frame that one in the nursery!! Looks like Zayde had a fun party at your home.. I hated to miss it. Oh- thanks for the V-day card.. cute pict of Harbor.. Julie loved it, too! Maybe we'll see you all again soon~ take care!!
you look great and I loved all the pics!!
ReplyDeleteHi Jessica, I found you from Kelly and love your fashion sense. Please come decorate for me! Where did you find the giraffe fleece? I want to make my baby girl a blanket, but the prints I have found are not as cute.- Anna at annajenk@yahoo.com