This week David has been leading a kaizen at work with the other engineers at the plant, and he has been leaving home at 5:30 a.m. and not getting home until around 8:00 p.m. With those long hours, it can be hard to make family a priority. Every evening David and I do a devotion before bed, and since his time at home is short, Harbor sits on his lap and listens to his daddy read and pray outloud. Before Christmas, David and I purchased Dr. Dobson's, "Bringing Up Boys", chapter book and picture book devotional. We read a few paragraphs together from that and then do a short couple's devotion from a different book. Harbor usually falls asleep in David's lap, lulled by the sound of his voice. It is by far my favorite part of my whole day.
Last night's message was so good.. one quote still resninates with me tonight.. "To your husband's virtues be kind, and to his faults be a little blind." What a wonderful reminder for me on weeks such as this when we see each other so little, to make sure that I make our home a place of refuge and peace- a place set apart from the busyness of the world.
I recently painted a tile for Harbor's room. I'm hanging it where his verse was rubbed onto the wall. Though I loved the verse, the texture of our walls made the letters lift, and it was driving me bonkers.
Harbor's 9 week pictures...
Mom, David, and I all went to Harbor's two month well-baby visit. It was great fun to have them there with Harbor and I. I love that my mom takes pictures of all of our "events." David looked SO greasy at the doctor's office. I'm sure they thought he had been under the hood of a car all morning. Even now that he is out of school, he finds some way to get "dirty" at the plant. Ha! I tease him that his "banking" hands are officially gone for good!
Harbor's stats at nine weeks:
12.5 pounds (75th percentile)
24 1/2 inches long (90th percentile).
Bichon is such a sweet little friend to Mr. Harbor. I don't know how David and I get so lucky, but as far as Bichon is concerned, we think she is quite perfect. Really. She is very gentle with Harbor and for that I am grateful.
I'm sure everyone is looking forward to the weekend. We have lots planned- dinner with friends, house projects, and maybe a date out on the town! I've been busy with crafting projects, so hopefully I can post on those later.
God bless and enjoy your family this weekend!
Oh, he is just adorable! I love that tile. You are so creative!! It is wonderful that your mom is able to be so involved. Harbor is a very blessed boy to have so much family that loves him :)
ReplyDeleteyall are all just precious!!!
ReplyDeletei love looking at your sweet harbor pictures and how he's growing. i keep thinking of harbin not too long ago...they just beyond precious and truly a gift. thanks for sharing with us. yay for true well visits! God is good.
ReplyDeleteHe is so adorable!!! This year is already starting to fly by! I love the tile.
ReplyDeleteWow he is growing so fast! He looks so happy and so do you!
ReplyDeleteHarbor is such a cutie! I just want to hug on him! :) I would love to know what couple's devotion ya'll are doing. :)
ReplyDeleteHe is beautiful!!!!
ReplyDeleteDr. Keever is Brooklynn's doctor! She loves him b/c he looks like Papa (my dad). I love him b/c he noticed that her eyes were crossing the second he saw her! Harbor is so handsome! I love what you said about ignoring faults--I need to be better at that.
ReplyDeleteONLY 12 pounds! I'm not joking that I think B weighed 12 pounds at her 4 week check-up! I'll have to go back and look! However, she did weigh 29.6 at her one year check-up the day after her birthday! She's tall though so I'm not too worried. He is TOOOO cute though! He is very alert! You and David are great parents. I was just talking to your mom about it the other day how you tried everything NOT to get pregnant and I wanted a baby on my honeymoon, haha. Just goes to show, no matter how long you want to wait or what you think you can or can't do, when it happens you CAN! Love you!
ReplyDeleteI think you meant to paint that canvas for Hayden. ;-) I'll just come on over and pick it up! ha!
ReplyDeleteyou guys are just the cutest!! I love the picture of you holding him at the Doctors office - he looks so happy to be in his mommys arms!
ReplyDeleteBless you all!
ReplyDeleteHarbor is so adorable..oh my gosh you just want to kiss him all over.. and you look so happy. I don't comment often I think i may have one other time BUT i had to this time.. I just love your blog and I love seeing new pictures of that sweet baby!! My hubbie and I are hoping to get pregnant this summer and I want a healthy baby but I would love to have a little boy!! YOu have gave me great decorating ideas.. so thank you..
have a great weekend! you are so very blessed!
Oh my sweet little Harbor, he really is growing. You might not notice it since you are with him everyday but he really is. And there is my pal Bichon, she is just as sweet as ever, she has always been so great with Harbor. And I think Harbor will be a tall man when he is done growing, wow...95% for his age thats great. I really hated to see Harbor get those shots at his check-up but at least they had cute band-aids, ha!!!Harbor done so good with it all. Love you Jessica, Mom
ReplyDeleteHe is too precious!! I love his tile that you did for his room!
ReplyDeleteHe is so adorable!! He looks so well-behaved at the doc's office. So cute!!!
ReplyDeleteHave a Blessed and wonderful weekend,
PS Can't wait to see pics of your crafts!!
harbor is getting so big! i am happy to hear that things continue to go smoothly for the most part and you are enjoying all this time with him! :)
ReplyDeleteHe just gets cuter and cuter!! I love the little "thingie" (for lack of a better word!) you've got him in in front of the fireplace. What a great little...uh..."thingie"!!
ReplyDeleteI love the tile. I think I might try to make one...or three myself.
ReplyDeleteHarbor is soo cute! We did the two month checkup today. Harbor is a little bigger than Cade:)
ReplyDeleteHe is such a cutie! :) I always enjoy seeing new pictures of him! I love those little socks...too cute! :) The tile looks great!!
ReplyDeleteHe's a tall guy like Greyson! Girls love tall men!
ReplyDeleteCan you believe he is 2 months already??
Such a cutie! Love the new blog design.
ReplyDeleteL-O-V-E the new background and header!
ReplyDeleteMerry Christmas & Happy New Year!!! I received you and your mom's Holiday Greeting cards yesterday. Thanks for sending us greetings! I forgot to update my new address to all of you! Harbor is growing so fast and looking very tall and alert. Athletes, tend to have those similarities, you know!
ReplyDeleteCoach Petrino is signing something for Harbor that I will mail to your mom once he finishes!
Seems like time is in a fast foward mode for some reason. Enjoy Harbor's infant stage it goes fast...
Thanks for introducing "blogs" to me: Your paragraph about husband & wife spending quality time to do a short couple's devotion is very important! Aime & I actually spend our last 20 minutes of awake time doing something similar, we communicate only about us; not work, no school, no kids, just us. 70% of the time we fall asleep talking to each other:) Hey, it keeps us like love birds.
I'm very proud of you guys. Looks like you and your family are doing everything just perfect as can be.
God Bless you and your family!!
Please tell your mom hello & we miss her!!
Love Snowden's
He is too cute! I love the new page!
ReplyDeleteWow, he is getting so big already. I just love your new blog look. Where did you get it?
ReplyDeleteHave a great weekend!
He is so cute! I love coming to your site because you always have so many great pictures! :)
ReplyDeleteHe is just precious!! I am glad he is doing so good and you are looking mighty good yourself! I love the new blog look too.
These pictures are just precious! Your posts are so neat and inspiring. It is fun to read a fellow educator's blog. I noticed in your blog roll that you know the Pinkertons. I went to Arkansas Tech with them.
ReplyDeleteKelley (George) Honghiran
Jessica, I live in Russellville. It is a small world.
ReplyDeleteHe is so pretty. It makes me miss the baby stage enjoy it!!!
ReplyDeleteHe is gorgeous! Love that tile!
Harbor is so precious! I also really like your blog background. Did someone design it for you? Its super cute!
ReplyDeleteCute new blog look :)
ReplyDeleteWow! He really has grown! What a cutie pie! I can't believe how fast it all goes by!
ReplyDeleteHe is absolutely ADORABLE!!! I am so glad that you shared that book title with me b/c I would love to get that ;)!
ReplyDeleteHis eyes truly are so sweet and they reflect one happy, loved baby!
He is absolutely adorable!!! I love how photogenic he is!!!
ReplyDeleteHarbor is so precious!!! I just love seeing all those cute pics of him! It makes me so excited for the day to come when I finally meet my little man (which could be any day now!)
ReplyDeleteDid you get his bedding from the same place that Kelly got Harper's? - Polkatots? If so, that is where we got ours too and we love it!
Either way, his bedding is really cute!
Thanks for the compliment on my blog header- A Southern Accent made it -
she does great work!
Hope y'all are doing well!
Thank you for the comment..Your blog is great and your little boy is too sweet!!
ReplyDeleteNo, not yet. We are wrapping up with a few last minute details and then I plan to do a whole post on the nursery, including the bedding!
ReplyDeleteWow, he's getting so big! I love the doctor's office pics! And the quote from your couple's devotion really struck me. It's so true! My husband was just telling me last night about a friend whose wife was snapping at him for not finishing ROOFING THEIR HOUSE in time for her to go to a movie! Yikes! The poor guy was wishing she'd be a little more grateful! I think I'm going to write this quote on a sticky note on the bathroom mirror as a daily reminder. Thanks again!
ReplyDeleteI know you are loving every minute with your little man! He is too cute! And you look fab- Hot Mama! I love all of your pictures!
ReplyDeleteI just came across your blog, and I love your son's name! It is adorable!! :)
ReplyDeleteHi Jessica - I don't know you and you don't know me. I stumbled upon your blog from Kelly's Korner. But...I have to say...I don't think I have ever seen someone look so genuinely happy after having their baby. You absolutely glow and appear to be just giddy with happiness.
ReplyDeleteI am so happy for you and just wanted to share this observation.
-Heather Bailey
Oklahoma City
love the new layout!
ReplyDeleteYour tile is cute. Great idea.Your son's name is really cute,too
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure if you know me at all, but I went through NTL with you. I ran across your blog somewhere and I absolutely love it. Being new to the blogger world, I have no idea how to do many things. I'm hoping you will be willing to share some pointers in your free time. How do you create a header like yours and the signature? Also, where did you find your background? LOVE IT!!! Your baby is adorable, by the way! Thanks!!
ReplyDeleteOH, by the way, I LOVE the "sock" picture. If you read my post on socks, YOu know that I love babies in socks :)
ReplyDeletelucky you! We were so lucky too, only being out about 12 hours... and being asleep all but 2 or so of those! How did Harbor like the storm?
ReplyDeleteHarbor is one handsome little man. You look amazing too Jessica! I am back to blogging on my family blog again so I will try to keep up with your sweet little family.
ReplyDeleteSuch a sweet baby!! BTW, that is not our nurse- how funny that both of our nurses are just the same!!