
Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Life in the Fast Lane

Life in the fast lane, sure to make you lose your mind!
Life in the fast, yeah!
: )
My blog absence can be contributed to three phrases: moving, renovations, house-flipping.
For the last three months, I've been taking pictures with my cell, and thus, not blogging from lack of  high quality pictures, but my blog is so much a part of who I am that I feel more compelled than ever to keep recording our experiences.
I've been blogging since 2007 and the last nine years are such a treasure to have in a written format.
So, kids.
This blog is for you!
:  )
Spring brought to Colorado a slight break to the harsh, winter weather.
Any day you get into the 50's without snow {in April,} you seize!
We spent a full afternoon hiking a winding trail, crisscrossing the top of a smooth plateau, admiring the many hoodoo formations and caverns, carved out over time by mother nature's strongest elements: weather and time.
On the way home, we spotted a herd of grazing mule deer, also enjoying a brief moment of full sun.
Such a great, carefree day!

For an end of year 1st grade project, the students completed a research paper over their favorite animal, its habitat, and closed by creating a giant replica of their chosen animal. Harbor chose a penguin and we really enjoyed researching and studying about it for a few weeks. 

The kids continue to grow and grow.

Why not?!
: )

One afternoon, after school let out, we had another unexpected break in the Spring weather.
David had to work late, so I pulled on my bravery and loaded the three kids and our gear by myself for a hike through Garden of the Gods.

It was glorious!
Red rock formations towering overhead, late afternoon sun, and well-beaten dirt paths made for a splendid end-of-week celebration.

The following weekend, David suggested we explore a popular rock climbing area just a few miles from our home. It was a bit colder, but bearable.
The kids really showed amazing endurance and kept a quick pace.
We encountered lots of free-climbers using no equipment, other than good climbing shoes and a steel gut.
: )

Colorado is full of lively people.

My sweet girl is almost two years old.
These pictures mean so much to me.

It might take months, but I am making a promise to myself to get caught up.
Hope all my friends and family are well!
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