
Saturday, March 12, 2016

Hiking Cheesman Canyon

Last weekend, we splurged and drove two hours for a hike at Cheesman Canyon.
We had never been there before, but David was itching to see the reservoir.
Located just outside of Denver, close to the tiny town of Deckers, it is remote and stunning.

We knew it was our last chance to have carefree fun for sometime:
we closed on our house last week and are currently knee deep in renovations.

The drive was peaceful and serene.
The town of Deckers is nationally renowned as a major hub for fly fishing and
the kids really enjoyed seeing all the people in waist deep water with their lures.

We stopped and bought sandwiches for a picnic lunch up top and continued on until we finally wound our way to the base of the trail head.  

The area, back in 2006, was hit hard by a wildfire and we passed hundreds of burned and singed acres. We bounced back and forth between heavy pines and singed outcroppings. 

As we climbed several steep switchbacks, we could finally glimpse our prize:
the Cheesman Rervoir, 

The burned areas were really odd.
New growth creeping up, but towering crooked trees, looking much like something out of a Tim Burton movie, poking overhead.

So grateful for this Papa of ours who can carry more than his share of the weight.
: )

The air was crisp and clean.
It was warm, but the snow capped Rockies were a great reminder of the high elevation we were hiking. 
The Lord always seems to speak to me in the clearest voice while in the untamed places.

We hiked off trail to an outcropping of giant granite boulders for our picnic lunch.

Have you ever seen a prettier picnic location?
: )

We snacked on cold subs, veggies, and crackers.
They were heavenly after such a climb to the top!

We set up our camera on the rocks and used the timer to snap a family momento.

This series of shots make me smile.
It is proof that my kids aren't always the "happiest of campers" on these long trips.

And then we were off, leaving our picnic place just as we had found it.

We continued to climb higher, traversing thick wooded areas and then coming into singed clearings.

I'm always on the hunt for pretty little lovely things!
: )

Such a beautiful, quiet place.

We took a few breaks here and there.

I didn't realize Henry was sipping water when David took this picture.
He is growing up into such a big kid! 

This ended up being my favorite shot of the day.
"Grab your coat, leave a note, and run away with me."
What an incredible gift to raise our family in such rugged beauty.


And after we finally made it back down, the only one with any energy left was little Hollin!
She is such a sweet little thing.

I snapped this shot as we drove away.
I think the old adage is true:
sometimes you have to get lost in order to find what matters.

It was a perfect "last hoorah" weekend!

If you have followed our blog for several years, stay tuned for house renovations, decorating, and goodwill salvage posts!

We are in love with our new home and are putting our own touches on it this month while we transition out of our temporary apartment.

Yesterday we ordered all new appliances and today we picked up new hardwood flooring for the entire lower level in weathered barnwood grey.

I am so ready to unpack and settle.

Hope all is well with you, dear friends!

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  1. Missing you and your family!! Hope all is well!

    1. Thank you, Julie! You've encouraged me to keep blogging and get caught up! Thanks for reading!
