Last weekend, we decided to get out of town and go hiking.
It will officially go down as Hollin's first hike.
Not too shabby for a five week old babe.
Start 'em young, right?
: )
Little did we know, as we climbed in elevation on the way there, that the Aspens would be changing colors.
Amidst the deep green of the local pines, the yellowing Aspen trees looked like bursts of sunshine.
Or yellow fluorescent highlighter markers.
Some of them were really vibrant!
The hike started out great- but ended pretty comically.
We hiked into a pretty intense rain storm, got soaked about three miles from the trail head {not fun with such a tiny babe strapped to your chest!}, Henry almost toppled into the lake, and David had to carry both kids for awhile.
All the pictures are pre rain storm as my mom kept the camera bag tucked under her vest.
Trust me when I say we were drowned rats.
Sometimes the best pictures aren't the ones you get to actually take.
Now that we're home, dry, and recovered, it will go down as a fantastic memory to kick start Fall in the Rockies!
Beautiful pictures! Love seeing you and your family embrace your family of five and live life to the fullest!! Miss you, Jessica!! Oh, Hollin needs to be added to the Family signature! :-)
Beautiful pictures! Love seeing you and your family embrace your family of five and live life to the fullest!! Miss you, Jessica!! Oh, Hollin needs to be added to the Family signature! :-)