
Saturday, September 27, 2014

Ushering in Fall

Fall is my favorite season!
Especially in Colorado.
The Aspens are starting to turn colors in Rocky Mountain Nat. Park.
The nights are getting cooler.
I'm frantically trying to organize closets and clean out the kids' clothes.
{changing their closets with the seasons is such a job!}

My mom is still here in town with us- 5 weeks and going!
I am feeling more and more like myself since my recent surgery.
Nursing is getting easier and Hollin is starting to form her own natural schedule.
I've booked the clubhouse for Harbor's 6th birthday.

I have a lot of work to do, but am so happy for him.
This will be his first friend party since he turned two!
His other parties, since we lived away, were celebrated with just us.
{3rd birthday in Detroit on Belle Isle
4th birthday in Chicago on Lake Michigan by Navy Pier
5th birthday in Colorado at Garden of the Gods}
[Click here to see parties 1st-4th!]
[Click here to see his 5th party here in Colorado]
He is so excited to have a real party with his friends!

David has been working on a few big projects at work.
Despite that, he has found time to cycle in the mornings when time allows
and take the kids to the park on these first nice days of Fall.

Today, we sadly attended a funeral for a co worker's son.
He was young with a wife and three very small children.
Heart breaking!
While there, I had the opportunity to meet many of David's team, 
which was nice to put names and faces together.

Since we were already dressed up for the funeral, my mom kindly snapped a few outside pictures of us.
{Thanks, Mom!}
We happened to hit the time of day just right to catch that beautiful hazy sunshine.
The little boys wanted to explore until a runner 
{does everyone in Colorado run and climb and hike and bike? Everyone is in crazy good shape!}
came by to warn us of a bona-fide rattle snake up ahead on the path.  Needless to say, we all crept back closer to the trail head and kept a close eye on our feet.
{If you know my mom in real life, you know how hilarious that moment was!  Poor Mom!}
: )
I feel so overwhelmed when I see these pictures.
My heart is so full it hurts. I feel so blessed.
I would say lucky, but I believe beyond question that these kiddos are from Him.
How and why he chose me to mother them is beyond me, but I'm so thankful He did.
David is pretty great, too!
A wonderful husband who works his tail off to provide 
and a loving father who is never, ever too busy to play with his kids.
Yes, blessed.
: )  

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