
Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Missing May

I really am missing May.
When I taught, I waited, and waited for May to arrive.
It meant end of school, the arrival of warm weather, and summer time.
Where have you gone?!
This May, we spent our days eating chocolate pudding

using all of the powder room toilet paper and getting caught not replacing the roll!

: )

Playing at the park
{It did snow on Mother's Day here in Colorado, but it was our last snow!}

And riding bikes.
David splurged and bought a Trail Rider tandem bike for Harbor, which attaches to his bike.
Henry attaches to Harbor- which allows for the new baby to eventually sit beside Henry.
It was a big purchase {not cheap!} but so SO worth it.
Those boys of mine ride almost every single day.

On cooler days, we've stayed busy with crafts.

And more recently, a sweet, dear friend of mine, Melissa, offered to take some photos for us.
Melissa is a new friend here in Colorado and her husband works with David.
She did a wonderful job- and we were so excited to use the shoot as an opportunity to announce our newest little one's name.
: )
Cannot beat beautiful Colorado backdrops!

She took hundreds for us, but those are some of my favorites.
Little Hollin is loved so much.
I've connected with the same uber talented woman to design Hollin's crib bedding that designed Harbor's over five years ago. She lives in a different state, so it is all happening long distance, but if you are in the market for crib bedding, visit: She is excellent!
Hollin has started to receive a few things in the mail from friends and family, like this precious box all the way from a darling friend, Annette, in Michigan. We love and miss our Detroit buddies so much. Moving cross country grows your heart {and your Christmas card list!} in the best possible ways!  Thank you, Annette!

I started working on a few festive 4th decorations and got the hair-brained idea that I could assemble my own giant pinwheels from card stock and grommets.
Thanks a lot, Pinterest!
They took forever, but my mantle is finished.
Hopefully, a 4th of July post will be coming your way soon.
I love documenting all the holiday decor for my kiddos so someday they might not forget all we worked on together.

This guy has officially ended his baby days.
He is 16 months old, talking up a storm, and sleeping from 8:00 pm until about 7:00 am straight. His favorite foods are cheese, bread, cookies, and milk.
He asks for all of them by name.
He is no longer nursing- and though I'm sad about that- I am glad we made it to 16 months and have weaned before Hollin arrives. He is a precious boy and has a big personality.

This little boy is a great big brother and is my quiet, introverted son.
He loves to draw, design machines, read, do crafts, and play outside.
He loves to eat pasta, nutella, apples, and Sonic Jr. burgers with chocolate shakes.
He also has his first loose tooth!
: )
He is currently taking swimming lessons and has been enrolled in an "invitation only" Classical Academy for kindergarten. We have been on the waiting list for months, but thankfully have secured a seat. He will only be gone a few hours each day {about 3.5}, which gives us the opportunity to home school in the extra hours he is at home. It is a uniform only school, so I'm excited to see how he enjoys it.  It has been tough finding the right solution for our family, but we're hopeful a kinder/home school mix in a classical environment will be a good fit for our Harbor. He is nervous and isn't too thrilled about going -he wants to stay home and school here- but socially, he really needs to be involved outside of the home, especially in music and PE. I'd love to keep him home with me, but I think the Lord would have me try this option first. As a former public school teacher, I am a big fan of the public system. I saw SO much good there, but I really felt, after looking at our local options, that this may be a better fit for him.

My boys keep me busy.
There is hardly a moment to myself, especially entering this 3rd trimester and working on baby related things.
It is a fun, but busy season of life for us.

Lately, Harbor has been working on different biomes and has been using my phone {supervised, of course} to look up pictures of plants and animals. Our house is plastered in his art work. It is a fun place to spend my days.

The boys have been consuming lots of watermelon

and popcorn
: )

Lastly, we took a family trip home to Arkansas over Memorial Day and I hope to share those photos soon. My family threw a wonderful surprise baby shower, and it was a great treat!

{Memorial Day Arkansas picture}
In other new, just for documentation purposes on my part, the last month has been really difficult for me health wise. I'm not one to tell many people or share news that is less than happy, but at 23 weeks I was hospitalized for extreme chest pain. Ultrasounds of my spleen, liver, and gallbladder revealed multiple gallstones, sludge, and a stone stuck mid way in my bile duct. Apparently, this is pretty common in pregnancy, but can be managed with diet. Sadly, diet hasn't been helpful in my case as my attacks come from about anything- fruit, apple juice, and even toast. Since then, I've been hospitalised twice more. I've been monitored each time, given IV fluids, morphine, and had more ultrasounds. Stones stuck in the ducts can be very dangerous- and even deadly- and they are extremely painful. I had both my boys without epidurals and I would rank the attacks up there with natural labor. They last about six hours each and leave me needing fluids and pain medication. This last hospitalization was this week, and the surgeons agreed that surgery to remove the gallbladder is just too dangerous as Hollin's chance of survival is not great. My uterus is too high and the risk of blood clots in my lungs too dangerous. It is a difficult situation. We're praying for a smooth final trimester and know the Lord is ever close at hand. Please pray for me to endure and to manage this pain effectively. Living here without family means the whole crew winds up in the hospital for seven hours while I lay hooked up to machines. My Hollin is worth it and I'm determined to endure to the end. The Lord is always good, always!, and I know nothing happens that He hasn't already foretold. I'm thankful for His promises and believe them without question, without doubt.
Just keep me in your prayers as we head to our September due date.
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  1. I love the name Hollin!! I will be praying for you, that is terrible having to endure those. Mine wasn't near so bad and I thought it was horrible so I can only imagine the pain and suffering you are going through.

  2. Ohhh I'm praying for you, Jessica. I can't imagine what you're going through. Prayers for an uneventful third trimester, no pain for you, and peace for your whole family. Hugs and love to you!!

  3. Ohhhh I'm praying for you Jessica! I can't even imagine what you are going through. Prayers for an uneventful third trimester, no pain for you, and peace for your whole family. Hugs and love!!

  4. Annnnnnd, you're adorable, by the way ;)

  5. May went by so fast! Although I'm glad and excited to be out of school for the summer. Love the name Hollin! So pretty. Will be praying that you feel better.
