
Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Home Sweet Hog

Over Memorial Day, David took a few days leave from work and we made the 12 hour drive from Colorado to Arkansas to see both sides of our family.  Going home is always such a treat. We both went to Jr. High, High School, graduated from College, built a home, began our careers, and had our first child within about 15 minutes of both sets of our families, so Arkansas is definitely home. We miss our families- and our Razorbacks!
We spent time on our family farm where my dad helps his brother {and other family members} run a successful 300 acre beef farm. My kids love to see Papa with his cows and help drive tractors. We were there during the haying season, which is always great fun.
It's hard to believe its been OVER three years since we sold our house, packed our bags, and watched the moving van move us cross country to Detroit.

My family also threw a surprise baby shower and held it at my parent's house. I was definitely surprised, and it was a lot of fun!
I've had big baby showers for my previous two children and just felt like three showers was asking so much. For Harbor, I actually had four baby showers- so, so blessed, but I just felt like I wanted to keep things simple and not ask everyone to go all out.  Of course, my family wouldn't stand for no shower at all, so I was very humbled that they had a little family affair for us!
: )

{A big thank you to all who respond on FB with private messages or leave comments here! I am the world's worst for responding, but I do read and appreciate hearing from so many!}
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1 comment:

  1. I'm so behind on blogging and reading blogs! Wow I didn't realize you were pregnant with a 3rd and it's a girl!! That's so exciting. Congratulations!!
