
Tuesday, May 6, 2014

'Round Here

'Round here... things have been been busy.
We've been busy with the day to day stuff, Easter festivities, the progressing pregnancy, and church.
We attended a birthday party for a sweet friend!

One of my best friends, Judith, flew into Colorado with her husband on vacation and met us for dinner. We had a great time catching up!  Some of you may recall that she also flew to Detroit to visit us for a week when we lived there. I'm so blessed to have these deep, abiding friendships!
We taught 5th grade together for many years, and despite being a stay at home mom now, I still love to hear the latest and greatest of what is new in the world of education.

Harbor is growing up.
Sometimes what my eyes see doesn't match the image I have in my heart.
To me, he is still a tiny boy, but I know he is growing and changing.
Being a mommy is painful sometimes, isn't it?
I love seeing him at every stage, but I just adore having "little" kids at home.

This Easter, we stayed here in Colorado.
David is finishing up six hours at the local University and has also recently taken a promotion that includes moving into management and now has several employees that directly report to him, so leaving just wasn't a choice this year.
We had a great time though- we invited friends over for Easter lunch, hunted eggs, and enjoyed an unusually warm day for Colorado this early in the season.
{We've had snow in May still... but most days are warming up!}

We used our tripod/timer and drove to a few scenic spots for family Easter pictures.
In these pictures, I was about 20 weeks pregnant.
This third pregnancy has been flying.
I've just been so consumed with two other small children to really have the time to focus on much else. I guess that is what happens with a growing, busy family, but I certainly am doing my best to document and remember the details.
Thank goodness for good cameras to help document the busy seasons of life!

You may notice in this next picture that I'm sporting a lovely orthopedic shoe.
My foot wrestled with a piece of wrought iron furniture.. and lost.
With a broken foot, the kids and I made the trip home to Arkansas for two weeks for help.
Aaannnndddd.. while there, Henry fell and busted out his front tooth and had to have emergency surgery to have it removed.
It was a really rough week. Poor Henry.
Thankfully, we're both on the mend.
Thank goodness for family!

Despite having a missing front tooth, Henry and his smile delight me!
He is such an entertainer!

He is 15 months old, saying about 14 words, signing for food and drink, taking 1-2 naps a day, and nursing usually once or twice, as well. 

He is such a perfect addition to our family.
Children are a joy!
 I seriously cannot get enough of my boys.
Motherhood isn't always easy {Amen, right?!} but I know my children are my lasting legacy.
Pouring out into them is what gives me the most peace.

Our Awana Cubbies class at church is ending and since I was a director this year, we wanted to make a little gift for all of our helpers. I was inspired by Pinterest to create and design these little tags and Harbor traced his hand for the hand prints.

We celebrated our 13th wedding Anniversary in April.
13 years and a third baby on the way... we sure know how to keep it young, right?
We went out to eat at Old Chicago with the kids in tow and exchanged cards.
: )

We also recently had our ultrasound!
For those of you who don't know me in real life- or have Facebook- big exciting changes are coming!
{Photography by Harbor}

Hope all is well out your way!
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  1. Enjoyed your post! Sounds like things have been busy there. I love your family pictures in the mountains--beautiful family, beautiful setting! Your boys are growing up too fast.

  2. So excited for you to have a little girl! My sweet Gracie was one month yesterday and I can tell you they are a pure are so blessed with such a sweet little family. Continuing to pray for you through your pregnancy. Loved the family photos by the way! :0)

  3. Silent reader: Soooo happy that you all will get to experience a little girl! Can't wait to see nursery come together and the name! I know she will be beautiful! Love reading your posts!!

  4. Congrats on adding a baby girl to your family!
