
Monday, March 17, 2014

Spring Beginnings

We are beginning {barely!} to see some signs of Spring here in Colorado!
And we are SO ready.
After Henry's first birthday in January, David headed back to University for six hours worth of night classes. We definitely miss him, but are proud of his drive to continuously improve.
He will add a certificate to his bachelor's degree in Solid Works software for 3D modeling.
This was the "obligatory" first night of class picture I snapped as he was leaving.
: )
In February, I made the boys Valentine Day shirts.

Nothing fancy, but, when you have boys, you don't get to do tutus, head bands, or big hair bows!

I made thank you cards to mail to friends and family for Henry's first birthday.
Despite living so far away, we have the best support system!
We love every piece of mail and every package that comes our way.
Very thankful!

And if anyone was hanging by a thread to know what tutorial I used to make our family party hats,
visit this link!

Mainly, the last few months of our lives have been at home, staring out onto our driveway.
At all the snow.
I think at one point in late February, I counted that the boys and I {aside from church} had been home a total of 13 days without leaving.
It's been cold, y'all!

Henry has been growing so fast!
Oh, we love him!

In early March, Harbor came down with a terrible case of the Norovirus.
Our entire family was wiped out and exhausted.
Thankfully, my mom caught a flight out of Arkansas and was here in days.
She stayed for two full weeks and I didn't cook or do laundry once during that time.
SO nice!

Henry at 14 months can say nine words
[mama, dada, uh oh!, dog, cheese, fish, mooo for cow, banana and night-night],
 is walking {running!} everywhere, and is quite a little ham.
He signs eat and drink with American Sign Language.
He is loving table food, but still enjoys nursing in the evenings before bedtime.
Harbor is our serious, quiet, introverted son.
Henry is an entertainer.
We love them both- so fun to see how your children differ!

My Rachel- my sister cousin, as I like to call her- is engaged to be married!
When I received a beautiful package in the mail with a small gift and this card, my heart could not have been happier.  We've been wedding planning, and I've been enjoying this stage of life with her.
: )

Harbor was invited to a birthday party last weekend to celebrate with a friend from church and took home a balloon. Henry just thought it was the cat's meow.
Loved taking pictures of him playing in the great room!

And in anticipation of Spring, we have Easter up!
I adore Christmas- it is my favorite!- but Easter is my second favorite.
Such a meaningful event for us as Christians- and so much fun for the kids, too! 

the real reason I've been so absent from the blog is a bad case of being "under the weather!"
Hopefully, I'm rounding the corner and will be feeling better {and back to taking pictures!} soon!

We are SO excited and thankful!
Three states... three blessings!
An Arkansas babe, a Michigan babe, and a Colorado babe!
 photo signature_zpsf4b92bae.jpg


  1. So exciting!!! Congratulations and hope you melt soon and can get out of the house

  2. congratulations!!!! so so exciting!!! so fun for your sweet little family!!!

  3. Congrats!! How fun to add another little one, and in 3 different states too. We're expecting our third in early August too. Hope you're feeling well!

  4. Congratulations! Such a blessing!

  5. Awwww YAY! I have been checking your blog to see if you had posted your cute Spring decor yet! I'm so excited to see you are adding to your sweet family! <3 Congratulations!!

  6. YAY! So happy for you and your family! What a blessing....Many prayers for a safe and healthy baby and mommy!

  7. Silent loooong time reader! So happy for you and you're beautiful family.

  8. AHHHHHH!!!!! YAY! Congratulations, Sweetie! So so excited for you!

  9. Congratulations!!!!! So happy for your sweet family!!!!!!!

  10. Congratulations!!! I'm so very excited for your family to have another blessing! Praying for an uneventful next few months for you!
