
Saturday, September 28, 2013

New State, New Season

The weather this week has been glorious in our part of Colorado.
Sunny and cool, hovering in the low 70's and upper 60's with a scant splattering
of snow on the mountain peaks. 
We're unpacking our winter boxes from Detroit, preparing to switch out sandals for boots.
Fall is, without doubt, my favorite time of year.
I tolerate the summer, but Fall is my happy place.
We've spent many Saturday mornings on the couch, listening to Pandora, planning our day ahead.
It seems we are always on a trail.
If we're not hiking it, we're biking it.

And lugging the tripod with us.
You just never know when a picture will present itself.
: )

Or a perfect picnic spot will stop you in your tracks.

At home, we're easing back into a school schedule.
I always seem to get asked a lot of questions about our schooling.
I do have an education degree, and I did teach for six years before staying home,
but I taught 5th grade.
I have been photographing our school routine and plan on posting soon-
our schedule, our routine, etc
So, stay tuned if you have a little one and would like some preschool prep ideas.

Part of our routine is that Harbor works on his scripture references for church.

And receives plenty of breaks for fun play!

And poor Henry.
What can I say.
He is a little brother, now.

Soccer is almost over
{sniff, sniff!}

Somehow, someway
{I have no clue how!}
I turned from a,
"I don't want to spend all Saturday on the field"
to a
"Go, Harbor! Get it, Harbor! RRRUUUNNNN, Harbor!"
kinda mom.

Seeing little ones run around and chase soccer balls is just too hilarious.
I love it.

And my sweet cheeks, Henny-Penny, is just growing bigger every day.

While they don't always play together, Harbor loves the attention of Henry following after him.
Blocks are always a favorite around our house.

Harbor told me this was his "Camp" site.
The white tents are actually cardboard corners off of a painting.

And these were the mountains beside his campsite.
Looks like someone has camping on the brain.

So, Harbor and I sat down and created our very own Fall checklist.
He made sure to tell me what was important to him.
Camping made the list.
Do you recall this post?
Apparently it made an impression because it made the list, also.

{Feel free to right click and save this Fall checklist for yourself!
If you pin to Pinterest, just make sure it links back here.
You can cut our names off of the top.
It will print as an 8.5 x 11 on a home computer.
I still can't believe we are celebrating Fall again, in another new state, again.
New state, new season.
We're ready!
: )
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  1. Love all the photos, but those mountains on those biking trails are so amazing & quite the backdrop for your photos. I just love Harbors sock feet while he is in the pull behind on David's bike he is just kick back & enjoying the ride, ha.......& little Henry is watching everything & taking it all in, so cute. Maybe someday I can see Harbor play soccer. And Henry is growing & changing so fast now & he is so cute with his little teeth now. Give Henry & Harbor a hug & kiss from Poppy & Gigi, we miss & love you all so much, MOM

  2. HI I love your new home. Such a talented decorator. The boys are adorable. The pictures from Colorado are gorgeous too. Glad to see you back blogging.

  3. Long time reader, first time poster! Love your blog and cannot wait to see your "school" post. Wondering if you plan to homeschool when Harbor starts kindergarten.

  4. Seeing your littles makes me miss mine. They are 12 and 14 now and gone are the days of little tyke soccer and picnics! Cherish these times because they really do grow so fast!! And I can't wait to try the recipe you posted above. I love coming to your blog to get fresh decorating and meal ideas! So glad you are back to blogging.
    Chele, Ks

  5. hi! luv ur house and luv seeing all families activities...I have read for several years now. where did u get the booklet for the bible verses?
