
Monday, October 17, 2011

My Halloween Decor {Hauntingly Beautiful}

Well, maybe not beautiful, but fun and Harbor sure got a kick out of seeing it the morning after I had put everything up.  : )

In my younger years {my early 20's,} I would have been all about decorating my mantle for every holiday. And, I did. Looking back through my archives, you can find loads of posts about what I did, what I put out, etc. But, now that I'm 30, and chasing a toddler, and have no one to invite over for a Halloween party, I find myself scaling back a bit. Maybe it is just a fluke with moving and all and being so busy.
I'm sure next year I'll be up for going all out again . : )

But this year, I had David take me to Ikea for two perfect white shelves {$14.00 a piece} and great rounded mounted brackets {perfect for hanging flag buntings}

My plan is to leave the mantle be {with the exception of Christmas} and decorate for all my holidays here instead.

These hanging brackets from Ikea are perfect for flag bunting, are they not?  : )

I spray painted a big piece of cardboard for the backdrop at the top and painted the "BOO" frame black. Other than that, and cutting out my felt bunting and throwing the ghost into a white frame, I had everything already here in my storage bins.
I love when a project can come together quickly and easily.

Speaking of projects, remember Harbor's leaf rubbings on the 'fridge? He enjoyed it so much, we, well, just kept at it. I had no idea he would take to it as much as he did, but since he was on a roll, we turned it into a project.

Operation "Send a Michigan Leaf South" was in full swing:

  Have your kids {or nieces or nephews} tried any fun crafts lately? I'm always looking for something new!

{I'm adding a new "label" for these shelves, since I'll be trying them out this year. Feel free to use it if you ever want to look back at my holiday decor shelved.}


  1. Love your cute decorations! Your house is SO pretty! I love all the neat details!

    We have been making lots of leaf rubs as well! It's so fun! :)

  2. So cute. Love the decorations. Even though my baby is only 6 months I have been making notes of craft projects for the future. Love this one!

  3. such cute decorations!!

    the leaf letters are ADORABLE!!!! so sweet!!!

  4. Thanks for stopping in! The recipe is a huge favorite, I even made it for the fundraiser I ran back in July. If you'd like amounts and measurements, let me know. Your halloween decorations are too cute. My friends are most definitely a lively bunch; I need time to recover, I'm exhausted! :)

  5. Such a great idea with the leaves. I read a blog recently from Florida and her relatives send her leaves from up north for her girls to play in. Cute decor

  6. I love all your decorations! So cute!

  7. So fun! The Ikea shelves were a great idea! :]

  8. I so love the leaf idea. And I look forward to getting our "Michigan leaf" in the mail. Something new & exciteing for my fridge from Harbor & mommmy. I still have all the drawing that Harbor done this summer of the mountains & the train tracks. And when Harbor came back to Poppy & Gigi's house this last trip Harbor loved looking at his work on the fridge, he said "I did that Gigi" it was so cute. Makes me miss Harbor so much :( I love your new idea of the shevels on the dining room wall, plus its the perfect place that you will see it everyday & often, the kitchen area is the hang out for the family. I loved getting to skype you & Harbor today while Dad was home for lunch but also makes me miss you guys so very very much. I will be mailing Harbor some winter snow boots in my next package since its cold here now, first frost is tonight. I know you guys will get snow soon & Harbor William will need some winter boots to go outside & play for just alittle while,ha!!!Give Harbor a kiss & hug for Poppy & Gigi :)Love you all. MOM

  9. So cute! And I love the idea of having a little corner to decorate. Sometimes I feel overwhelmed trying to decorate the whole house, especially with four little helpers! :)

  10. love your decorations!
    And what a perfect idea to send you leaf rubbings to family! I love it!!
