
Thursday, October 20, 2011

Mice in our House {Lots of Them and We Like It!}

This morning, our foyer seemed perfectly normal... until we rounded the corner!

Eek! Sometime in the night, white mice had invaded our staircase!

Some of them had even chewed holes! Man, those things are quick.

Several of them were having conversations about how pretty our staircase was. Even though I agreed, it sickened me to hear them. In my own house. Shiver!

Harbor wondered if they were real....

So he got a little bit closer...

and touched a few, right on their furry little tails! Brave, isn't he? Yep! That's my boy!

He heard them talking too. I have no idea what they were saying to him. He wouldn't tell me.  : )

And would you believe we even found grey ones trying to get outside!
You'd better believe we opened the door and showed them the road!

Happy Halloween!

{And if you want to find mice in your house, which you don't, I promise, let me know and I'll send you the template I used.}

Because, really. Who wants a mouse invasion? Not us!  : )


  1. you are so funny! when i read that title, i almost skipped over reading because i didn't want to know/see any mice!! but i must say, these are cute! :)

  2. Ha!!!! That is so cute & perfect for Halloween. I bet Harbor thought oh yippee... more pets to play with other than Bichon the dog,ha!!!I had a pet mouse as a pet from my 5th grade class at the end of my 5th grade school year & it got out & mated with other mice that really were in our house & then my mom had to put rat killer out,I wasn't a happy kid that day,ha!!!I'm glad your mice are made out of pretty white paper. Has David seen them yet? I bet he got a good laugh. I mailed Harbor's snow boots today. I know He'll need them any day, love & miss you MOM :)

  3. Awww, so fun! LOVE that one of Harbor listening to the mouse chit chat :)

  4. How cute!!! I love the picture of Harbor down "listening" to them. So adorable!!

  5. LOL, So cute. Wishing I had stairs

  6. Ha! I love it! My Mary-Kate would love those!

  7. SO cute!! I love your mice friends!

  8. Oh those are really cute! I love the picture of Harbor listening to them. ;] I would be a bit afraid that I would forget they were there and scare myself. Getting up in the middle of the night for a glass of water might not be so fun with these little guys running around.

  9. One of my blog friends has been having REAL mouse problems, so I was happy to see yours. Those are so cute! I think I need some mice at my house.
