
Friday, September 16, 2011


I can't believe a week in Arkansas has passed so quickly! We have missed David so much, but haven enjoyed seeing familiar faces and comforting places!

I wanted to answer two questions from the last few posts:

Thanks, Tori! I'm flattered.  : ) Honestly, most of my clothes I have had for years and years, but when I do shop, I tend to buy from three places. I love, love thrift stores and have the best luck finding vintage jewelry and perfectly worn in jeans. When I need something specific, my favorite places are Forever 21 {even though I'm forever in my 30's now!} and T.J. Maxx. I am really petite at only 5' 2'', so I tend to buy things that fit me well, are tailored, or have many items hemmed/altered.

Thanks for asking this question as I'm sure many of you have wondered the same thing. I honestly don't have a great reason as to why so many pictures of mine are taken lopsided, but it is done intentionally. I think most of the time it just feels right. There is a lopsided picture of Harbor playing at Lighthouse Beach and it was fun to catch a sailboat in the upper corner. Sometimes it is for editing purposes. There is a lopsided picture of my dad and Harbor getting on the tour bus at the Henry Ford and it is lopsided to cut out a long row of trash cans, but still capture the whole bus. I know it may drive some of you crazy {sorry!} but it is just my picture taking style, I guess.

This week:

 Harbor and I met up with David's mom and our nephew Greg for a play date. I'm thankful for a mother-in-law that I can see even without David being in town with us.
She is so good to me and I love her {and her son!}

Harbor chased Grandma's ducks and explored the chicken houses.

and enjoyed playing with homemade "kool aid" colored play dough one-on-one.

He has so enjoyed spending every morning at Gigi and Poppy's house with new toys to captivate him.

My sweet dad made this table for Harbor so he would have a little place to sit now that he has outgrown their high chair. I am so thankful for his woodworking skills and treasure these hand crafted gifts.

We have also spent an enormous amount of time with Rachel. Since Rach and I are both only children, we feel more like sisters since we grew up together, despite being nine years apart.

We made a trip to the University of Arkansas, where my dad, David, and I graduated from college. Rachel is a senior this year! So excited for her to join us in our alma mater.  : )

We looked for familiar names on the sidewalk.

David spent the majority of 2008 living in this building as he was finishing up his degree in Industrial Engineering. I remember one night he never came home. Seriously. All day and all night and the next day working in the lab. We hope Harbor follows in his footsteps doing something he loves.

And I revisited my name for old times sake!

I was so happy to be with my family, being silly, laughing, totally in my comfort zone.

My mom, Rachel, and I all cheered/danced back in our high schools days.

I think my mom still has it!  : )

We went to the park after leaving UofA.

And threw rocks in the creek.

Isn't it important at this sweet little age to take time to stop and smell the roses?

Yes, life is sweet.

Hoping you find something sweet to do this weekend, too!


  1. I love the little table and chair. Yes it is great to stop and smell the roses every now and then!

  2. The table is so precious! I know you are enjoying your time with family here!

  3. Oh it looks like you are really enjoying your time at home! You seem to have such a neat family!

  4. There wer SO many more places we wanted to do! But the boys got worn out after just 4 or 5 hours! Bran is off on Fridays so I think we are going to get them off to school and head downtown the next few weeks so we can take it all in without kiddos! Looks like your having great weather in Arkansas! Did you all get to go to the game tonight?

  5. Your mom totally still has it! :) I love that you're having such a nice time at home in Arkansas. And, I seriously laughed out loud about the "forever in my thirties" comment. Me too, hunny!

  6. So fun!! I know you are enjoying your time!!

    I love your picture taking style!! :)

  7. Yes, your clothes are adorable and I LOVE your lopsided pictures :)
