
Sunday, September 18, 2011

Big 3-0

Today, I celebrated my big "30th" birthday with friends and family.

David and I laughed about the fact that when he turned 30, he lived in Detroit alone, closing on our house, while I waited back in Arkansas finishing up my school year. And now that I'm turning 30, I'm back in Arkansas and he is in Detroit alone again.

Time apart does make the heart grow fonder and he was missed today at the party, but I am so thankful he is the hard worker and provider for our family that he is.

My wonderful parents have catered to Harbor and I this week, driving us here and there {my car is in Detroit}, planning fun activities, and cooking our favorite foods. What a blessing and example they are to me, even more so now than ever before.  

Rachel celebrated her 21st birthday and I my 30th.

Mark Twain said it best when he said,
"Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter."

I am so thankful for this abundant life I have through Christ. To be honest, I don't deserve it. I am a sinner saved only through the blood of Jesus Christ. He is my Help and my Father.  

Twenty one fingers!

Thirty Fingers!

Harbor thought the chef at the open air grill was a bit too noisy for his liking!

We had a fun time chatting with the chef, and he and Ashley provided lots of entertaining pictures!  : )

So thankful for gift cards that I can use back at home and share with my family of three.
I love going out to eat!

My mom worked hard to surprise me with a sweet, sweet gift from Harbor. What a treasure! He was so proud, and my heart bubbled over with love and happiness for his hard work.

Matthew 6:20
"Instead, store up treasures for yourselves in heaven, where moths and rust don't destroy and thieves don't break in and steal."

Another very special gift was from my parents. Oh, how my heart sang!

My mom took hundreds of hours of camcorder tape, took them to Sam's Club, and had them burned professionally onto DVDs, all organized by date and chapter. What value they have for us now- to be off tapes and cassettes- ready to be watched and enjoyed easily.

The girls

My parents

After the party, we celebrated my great aunt's 50th wedding anniversary. What an accomplishment in this day and age. Wonderful marriages don't just happen. They require loving someone else more than yourself. They are an inspiration to me in being selfless and self sacrificing, which were reminders I certainly always need to see and hear.

Harbor was fussy from being confined at the restaurant and then having to sit quietly at the anniversary party, so I ended up spending the majority of my time in the parking lot pushing him in the stroller. Oh, but to be in a parking lot in Arkansas. Big smiles!  : )

He did request cake later. Smart boy.

I was pleased to see so many familiar faces and family members.

It was a great weekend. David has been managing well and spent the day in Michigan cleaning out the garage. We miss him, but know these next two weeks in Arkansas will pass so quickly. I'm thankful he has allowed me to be gone three weeks. He knows being with my family is like water to my soul!

One day left to vote on the poll!


  1. Happy Birthday and welcome to your thirties! I am about a year and a half ahead of you at 31. I'm glad you're getting to spend time with your friends and family in Arkansas! Marc (my hubs) says that sometimes I need to go home to "recharge my batteries". I completely get it; I need to see the people I've known my whole life and my family. Hope you have a wonderful rest of your vacation. Marc doesn't get to go with me as often either, so I know what it's like to have half my heart left in NY. :)

  2. Happy Birthday to both of you beautiful girls!!

  3. Happy Birthday!! So thankful that you are able to be with your family to celebrate. I know y'all are enjoying it so much!

  4. Happy Birthday! It is fun on this side! You really get to know who you are in your 30s. It is great! (I will be 35 this year. Yikes.)

  5. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! What a special time!!

  6. Happy birthday! You look so pretty! :)

    It's kind of funny,but for the last year or two I kept having in the back of my mind that somewhere along the line I had read a blog with a little boy named Harbor. I thought it was such a cool name. Now today I found you again by accident! ;)

  7. Happy belated b-day!! Looks like you had a wonderful day :)

  8. Happy (late) Birthday! So glad you got to spend it with family (even if you were minus the hubby again)!
