
Friday, October 31, 2008

McCash Family Shower!

David has such a wonderful family- it is really half the reason I married him. : ) My neice, also named Jessica, is pregnant and we are due two days apart. We had a combined baby shower and it was so much fun! I am happy to share this occasion with her.
(Side note- it was also nice to share the spotlight since I get embarrased when everyone is watching me open gifts. Know what I mean??)

My neice, Jessica, David's mom, and me

The toliet paper game~

David's sister made both of us diaper cakes. Mine had a sweet little dog theme. : )

My neices Chyann and Madison

My neice Amber made the cake herself! She did such a good job!

The baby food game~

My mother-in-law, Joann. I love her so much for giving me such a wonderful husband!

my mom and I

36 weeks~

On Tuesday, I went to the hospital to visit with Brandy and Hayden. Hayden is such a pretty boy and his sister, Jordan, loves him very much. : )

The necklace Leigh had made for my virtual baby shower arrived. It is so unique and precious. It has Harbor's name engraved on one pendant, D + J on another, and our anniversary stone. It also has Harbor's birthstone. Thanks Leigh!

Catherine came by the house and delivered the sweetest silky blanket for Harbor! I love the color combination. I have it packed in Harbor's hospital bag. : ) Thanks Catherine. I love it!

A bloggy friend, Rachel, whom I have never met in real life, but would love to, mailed three handmade burp cloths this week. They are so soft! I know lots of love went into them and I appreciate it so much. Thanks, Rachel!

I also have to thank my friend Susan for surprising me yesterday with a Sonic drink, girly movies, and tons of decorating magazines to keep me busy while I am at home. You are the best, Susan, and you made my week!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The Waiting Game

Hello to all! What a busy night we have had here at the McCash house.

I had my 36 week Dr. appointment today after school. I have been on light duty at work all week and it has really gone fine. The school nurse checks my blood pressure twice a day, and for the most part, it has been really low. My swelling is pretty much nonexistent as well. I was happy about this and looking forward to hearing from my doctor today.

At my appointment, my blood pressure was great, swelling minimal, and my protein was just a trace amount. I was so excited to hear this because I knew it would free me to keep working for a few more weeks without the threat of the pre-eclampsia causing an early C-section, or something along those lines.

Well, imagine my surprise when I get checked for the first time at just 36 weeks and 1 day. I am 75% effaced and dilated to a 3.5. Yikes!! I am still measuring at 40 weeks and I have "dropped." I couldn't tell that I had because I am still getting kicked in the ribs. The Dr. told me that he is very low- he touched Harbor's head while he was checking me- and his feet are still in my rib cage. I think I am growing a lil' thanksgiving turkey. : ) He sure looks to be a hefty lil' Halloween pumpkin.

The Dr. told me that I could risk working another week, but his advice was to stay home. He doesn't think I will last much longer. I am clueless about all of this, don't you know?! I know the waiting game could take me into another week or two, but at 3.5 cmm and still having some regular contractions here and there, he doesn't think it will be long.

So anyway.. a shock at 36 weeks. Keep our family in your prayers. We want a healthy, happy Harbor. : )

I have been in my classroom the last two hours finalizing everything for my long term sub. I am so sad about leaving work. I love my job. I love to work outside of the house and dress up and be a part of a team. It will be hard for me, but I know I will love Harbor more. I will still miss my kids and the challenges of teaching. I am struggling with leaving it in someone else's hands, but I know Harbor will complete that hole in my heart and make me forget all of it. I'm hopeful for that! God knows I need His strength and I pray for it daily.

I still have a ton to post- my McCash family baby shower from last weekend, a few fun gifts from friends- including my necklace that arrived from Leigh and some adorable burp cloths from a bloggy gal pal, Rachel. Also, a sweet silky from Catherine, as well as pictures of Brandy and in the hospital after having Hayden. Heavens! I am getting behind. I will try to post those in the next day or two.

I have not even packed my hospital bag yet, so I need to do some things around here first. : )

Take care!


Sunday, October 26, 2008

Work Shower!

Thanks to all who left such encouraging comments! I have been feeling great! I only hope my blood pressure stays low for my Wednesday appointment. : )

I am getting so behind on posting! It is hard to stay on top of new posts with so much going on. Here are pictures from my work shower, two weeks ago. I work with such wonderful, special ladies. My shower was fabulous and I cannot believe the amount of gifts I received. I feel very blessed indeed.

Every table was decorated in its own theme. One table even had monogrammed pacifiers. It was fun bringing home all the table decor! : )

I received so many cute monogrammed items- lots of blankets, two onesies with our school mascot, burp clothes and bibs, stuffed animals, a diaper bag, wipe case... I'm so glad monogramming is "in"! I also received tons of practical necessities.. thank goodness! Harbor cannot live on cute bibs alone! Ha, ha!

My team of 5th grade teachers : )

I made and sent Brandy's baby shower invitations this last week. I just got word that she is actually in the hospital having him right now, so he may make an appearance on the day of the shower and come with her. : )

David made an arrangement in the front yard and so I posed for my week 34 picture. I will actually be 36 weeks on Tuesday though, so just know that the current me is even bigger than I was in that pict! : ) Ha!

Have a great week!

Thursday, October 23, 2008


I have lots to post about and a hundred pictures, but for now, I want to just give a quick update and ask for your prayers. Wednesday was my 35 week appointment. I was diagnosed with mild preeclampsia- high blood pressure, some swelling in my feet, and an elevated level of protein in my urine. It hit within a day or two, with no warning signs. I actually feel great! I still have lots of energy and my sense of humor.

My doctor was quite concerned and wanted me to stop working, but I begged for another week, just to see how it goes. I am on bedrest/light duty until I go back to work on Monday. My doctor is going to let me work Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday and then go back for my next appointment on Wednesday. We are both praying that I have either eliminated a symptom of the preeclampsia, or that it has at least not gotten worse.

Yesterday, I was 35 weeks, but measuring four weeks ahead!! Yikes! My Dr. said I am as big as a woman in her 39th week. He keeps saying that this baby will be a big boy if I can make it full term. But, right now that little Harbor still needs his lungs to develop. I am praying God will let him bake at least two to three more weeks.

In the next few days, I hope to post the pictures from my work shower earlier in the week and the next baby shower that is coming up this weekend.

Until then, I plan on just keeping my feet up and relaxing! : )

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Baby Shower!

New things:

1. I've been working on my Halloween cards. Bichon's pictures in her costume have been ordered and I am finishing up my last few cards. I hope to mail them this weekend.

2. I found these really pretty stars at T.J. Maxx in the Christmas aisle. I thought they would look fun in Harbor's room year round. Every boy needs a lil' bling! : )

3. I also found these funky feathers in lime, chocolate, and blue and put them in a metal basket for his room. With the letters Lyndsey mod-podged at my shower sitting right above the feathers, it has all come together nicely. I'm loving how bright and colorful the feathers are.

4. David finally had time this weekend to hang the picture my mom and I found at Oops. It has a precious Emily Dickinson quote on it. I love the color of the eggs! They match our bedroom/bathroom so well.

5. Harbor's closet is already getting full!! After only one shower, I am shocked at the quantity of clothing he has already accumulated. Yikes! He is officially a baby metrosexual! Ha! I have tried to keep it all organized, and am thankful for the shelving we had our trim carpenter add while we were building.

I had my first baby shower this weekend! My best friend from High School, Lyndsey, threw a beautiful shower at her house. Everything was just gorgeous. I feel so blessed to have such loving, wonderful people in my life.

I feel so fortunate to have had four offers to have showers for me. Next week I have my work shower, a McCash shower, and the first of November another family shower. Lyndsey hosted what I called my "girlfriend" shower. It was nice to have a smaller guest list and actually get to cit-chat with all the girls. A big thanks to all for coming and being so sweet. Harbor thanks you! : )

WARNING: Lots of pictures of young, cute ladies coming up!!!

LOVED my paisley and giraffe print cake! Yummy!

Lyndsey and I

Kellye and I

Susan and family- aren't they gorgeous?

Me, Marcia, and Rachel

Amy, Brittney, and Nicole.

My Aunt Cathy and I

Lyndsey, me, Melissa, Adrienne, and Amy

Miranda and I

Rachel and I

Mom and I

Can you believe all these ladies are expecting babies?? We did a lineup of all the gals either pregnant right now or in the adoption process.

Rachel and Miranda

Super cute Razorback onesie with "McCash" on the back. Thanks, Nicole!!

Another fun Razorback romper with "Harbor" on the bottom. : )

Lyndsey painted a great chocolate and lime paisley toy chest for Harbor's room.



Nicole and Brittney

Brandy and I

Fun signature board!

Amy and I

Amy, mom, and I

Amy made the cutest diaper case and wipe covers to match the nursery! You should hurry over to her blog and place an order!!!

These next few weeks should be exciting with more showers and the countdown getting closer to the due date! : ) With only six weeks to go, I am in the home stretch. I am ready, but at the same time, not. I have enjoyed being pregnant so it is a bit sad to know it is almost over.

Have a great week!