
Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The Waiting Game

Hello to all! What a busy night we have had here at the McCash house.

I had my 36 week Dr. appointment today after school. I have been on light duty at work all week and it has really gone fine. The school nurse checks my blood pressure twice a day, and for the most part, it has been really low. My swelling is pretty much nonexistent as well. I was happy about this and looking forward to hearing from my doctor today.

At my appointment, my blood pressure was great, swelling minimal, and my protein was just a trace amount. I was so excited to hear this because I knew it would free me to keep working for a few more weeks without the threat of the pre-eclampsia causing an early C-section, or something along those lines.

Well, imagine my surprise when I get checked for the first time at just 36 weeks and 1 day. I am 75% effaced and dilated to a 3.5. Yikes!! I am still measuring at 40 weeks and I have "dropped." I couldn't tell that I had because I am still getting kicked in the ribs. The Dr. told me that he is very low- he touched Harbor's head while he was checking me- and his feet are still in my rib cage. I think I am growing a lil' thanksgiving turkey. : ) He sure looks to be a hefty lil' Halloween pumpkin.

The Dr. told me that I could risk working another week, but his advice was to stay home. He doesn't think I will last much longer. I am clueless about all of this, don't you know?! I know the waiting game could take me into another week or two, but at 3.5 cmm and still having some regular contractions here and there, he doesn't think it will be long.

So anyway.. a shock at 36 weeks. Keep our family in your prayers. We want a healthy, happy Harbor. : )

I have been in my classroom the last two hours finalizing everything for my long term sub. I am so sad about leaving work. I love my job. I love to work outside of the house and dress up and be a part of a team. It will be hard for me, but I know I will love Harbor more. I will still miss my kids and the challenges of teaching. I am struggling with leaving it in someone else's hands, but I know Harbor will complete that hole in my heart and make me forget all of it. I'm hopeful for that! God knows I need His strength and I pray for it daily.

I still have a ton to post- my McCash family baby shower from last weekend, a few fun gifts from friends- including my necklace that arrived from Leigh and some adorable burp cloths from a bloggy gal pal, Rachel. Also, a sweet silky from Catherine, as well as pictures of Brandy and in the hospital after having Hayden. Heavens! I am getting behind. I will try to post those in the next day or two.

I have not even packed my hospital bag yet, so I need to do some things around here first. : )

Take care!



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Oh my!! You don't have long now! Take it easy and get that bag packed!! We will be there for Thanksgiving so hopefully we can plan a few hours for me to come over and see you and Harbor. Talk to you later!

  3. YAY! How exciting! I am also reluctant to leave my students with someone else. I am sure everything will work out great!

  4. How very exciting!!! You take good care of yourself and that baby and get some rest! :) Your classroom will be fine. I know it is hard! I'll be praying for you and that sweet baby boy! :)

  5. Hi Jessica,
    Reading this post makes me cry. I remember when little Bailey was born and the first time I held her in my arms. I don't think you have much longer. However, I lost my mucus plug at 34 weeks and we came home from the hospital exactly 4 weeks after I lost it. From this point, your labor/delivery is anyone's guess. I expected mine to be exactly like my mom's and instead it was NOTHING like it. I would LOVE to tell you that you will get up to go to the bathroom at 5 am and your water will break (like mine did) but, your labor will probably be completely different. I was dialated to a one and 100% effaced for 2 weeks before little B decided to show her face. I remember being SO anxious and having trouble leaving work too but for different reasons. Not to be mean but I literally had HELLIANS last year. This year I would be sad leaving my kids. HOwever, once I dialated to a 4 my contractions started and 7 hours later I was holding a baby. Anyway, I'm SO sorry for rambling. I hope that some time when I am back in Arkansas Bailey and I can come by and see you. Love and hugs, take care! I bet your mom is on cloud 9 :)

  6. PS. I had a dream that "Harbor" turned out to be a girl :)

  7. Ooohh! How exciting!! I have no labor/delivery advice whatsoever, but I'm just so excited to see little Harbor!!

  8. Can't wait to see pictures--can you believe it's so soon??? I'm thankful that your blood pressure is under control--that is a huge blessing!

  9. Oh! My! How the time has gone so quickly! Take care and we are waiting a good word about Harbor's arrival! I'll be praying for you all!


  10. Oh my goodness!! He could totally be here any time. How exciting!

  11. That's very exciting. I am anxious to hear how everything progresses. Are you going back to work later or was this a final goodbye? That will be difficult for me, as well.

  12. Oh Jess I am glad that everything is better with the blood pressure and swelling. I can't believe that Harbor is soo close to being here.

  13. This is so exciting ;)! I can't believe that in just days or weeks, Harbor could be here!!!

    I know it will be hard to leave your job for a while. I felt the same way b/c I value our volunteers so much. However, God will provide and ease any worries ;)!

    Take care of you and baby Harbor too!

  14. Congratulations! I know you can't wait to hold that little bundle of joy in your arms. I'm so excited for you and David. Take care!

  15. Yes, Melody I'm on cloud 9,ha!!! How can a mother not be. What an exciting time for Jessica & David. When I think back about me being P.G & where my life was. I just know that the Lord is good, & takes care of those that you love. And how fast the time really does pass, I now can see how one day you are young & so full of life & not so much any longer, the cycle of life is great. Wow...I'm going to be a grandma very soon, praise the Lord for such wonderful gifts. Children are a gift from the Lord, I see that more & more as I grow older every year. Thank-you Jesus for all your love, protection, guidance, & all the grace that none of us deserve. And for a heavenly home with you one day when this life is over. I didn't mean to say all that. I try to be careful what I say on this blog-land, you just never know who all reads it since over half the people don't leave comments but I am so thankful for Harbor & I am going to do my very best to be who the Lord wants me to be. And sometimes my heart is heavy with the weight that I haven't done too good of a job when the day is done. But at least I know God loves me & all those that I care about. Please pray for Jessica,David & little Harbor, Thank-you all so much for your love & kindness, Karen= Jessica's Mommy

  16. Jessica,

    Just let me know when you'd like me to bring over the magazine stash and the movies!

    I'm praying for you....

  17. How exciting!!! I think I'd get your bag ready girlie! When I dilated to 3-4 within 2 days I had my precious Shelby. I know you love to teach and you love your students, but please know that God has a new joy in store for you. A joy that you will find even more rewarding and more love then you will even imagine knowing/feeling. Can't wait to see little Harbor on the blog! Hugs to Brandy........I went to see her blog but it went private, so let her know please. :)

  18. I don't know if this will make you feel better, but I was 90% effaced and dilated 3.5 cm and I never went into labor. They finally enduced me, and I still ended up having a c-section. You just never know. Take it easy and let me know if you need anything!! I'm so glad your blood pressure is good!

  19. Oh my gosh - you could be having Harbor ANY DAY!!!! That is so weird that you are measuring 4 weeks ahead - how does that happen???? You are going to meet your son SOOOOO soon!

  20. Praying for your family!

    Also I need to apologize for being absent to your bloggy baby shower. I was without a computer for 2 weeks b/c of the move. Please accept my apology.

    I had both of my girls at 36 weeks. Harper Jane was right on 36 weeks and Mary Margaret was 36 weeks and 5 days. I didn't have a bag packed either about crazy! So PACK that bag and get ready.

    I can't wait to see some pics of precious Harbor. He will bless you beyond measure and he is so very lucky to have such caring and adoring parents!

    Good luck and keep us posted:)

  21. Wow girl--you are CLOSE! I wasn't 75% until the hospital!
    Good luck--I know you will be so thrilled to see his sweet face.
    PS, I felt that way about work too, and I still miss it, but there is something about being home with your boy that makes you forget about it!

  22. That is SO exciting!! I remember getting checked towards the end of my pregnancy with Amelia and hoping so badly that I was dilating. Nothing! haha! Maybe this time will be different. It just feels like you have a head start, doesn't it? Have fun packing your hospital bag! exciting! Y'all are in my prayers! Take care of yourself.

  23. Oh wow!!! Definately get the bag packed and probably in the car. LOL. We will continue to keep your little family in our prayers and pray for a fast and east delivery and healthy baby.

  24. Oops, I accidentally deleted my comment when my laptop died. I can't believe its already time for Harbor to be born! I guess I kinda forgot since Ellie was born a month early that you were due around the same time as me (which would have been last week). Don't worry about him coming early, if she can be 4 weeks early and be perfectly healthy, AND you're measuring early I'm sure he will be perfect too. Still, I will say a prayer for you and baby Harbor and that you have an easy breezy delivery!

  25. oh my exciting!! Praying for you and baby Harbor. Can't wait till you get to post pictures :-)

  26. How exciting that baby Harbor will make his appearance quite soon. I will definitely be praying for you during this time and I can't wait to see pictures of this sweet baby!

  27. GIrl! That is so exciting about the baby. I am glad that you are healthy as is Harbor. You have a wonderful, full exciting life ahead of you. Keep us all posted.
    And the necklace...I am gla dto hear it arrived. I will let Joanne (from the complany) know. She wanted to be sure.
    I am so happy for you on everything! Much excitiement in the air. Good lcuk to you and many blessings.

  28. How exciting! I can't believe Harbor is almost here. Stay calm and relax as much as possible. Let me know if you have any questions. Hopefully I can come see you over Thanksgiving.

    Carrie Dean

  29. WOW Jessica!! I can't beleive you are already dilated that much! Little Harbor will be here before you know it. I started packing my hospital bag last weekend:) Maybe we will end up in there at the same time!:)

  30. How exciting! I can't believe you have progressed so much, that baby will be here soon! Pack your bag!

  31. WOW it's getting very close ~~ take it easy dear one and enjoy the quiet :o)

    Blessings to you sweet one,

  32. I can't wait to hear the big news! Take a load off and enjoy the last few days of freedom from baby. I know you can't wait now, but there will come a day sooner than you think when you will wish for just a few of those quiet moments.

  33. We will be praying! So are you going to stay at home with Harbor and not return to work?

  34. You had better take it easy. I remember I went in and got checked for the first time at 37 weeks and I was dialated to a 2. I never made my next appt!! I had an almost 9lb boy! Good luck with everything.

  35. Good luck!!! Sending prayers your way. =)

  36. Whew who!! You may have your little guy before i do!! iam 100% enfaced due date today!!
    The head is down and stays there..I feel like he's gonna drop out!! it will go fast so have taken all the prcautions in case we have a home birth!! Yikes!! We have over half an hour to drive and grizzly is in a field a few miles away combining!! So we shall see what this guy has in store for us!!
    Yes rest and pack your bag!!! OOHH I can't wait!!!
    I can't imagine how excited your class will be!!!

  37. Oh what fun! I know it may be hard, but enjoy this time at home. I, too, hated leaving my work in someone else's hands, but after my daughter was born I could have CARED LESS about that work! :) And those 3.5 cm are just 3.5 cm less that you'll have to go through in labor. Which is a WONDERFUL thing. Hope you have a restful week!

  38. Oh, this is all so exciting! I can't wait to check your blog someday soon and see "Harbor is Here!" or some such title!! I know you're having a hard time with being out of the classroom but just try to focus on preparing for your little man's arrival. Mentally, physically, and spiritually! That should keep you busy enough to take your mind off school!

  39. wow! i can imagine your surprise! but, with you measuring bigger and on your feet so much, i guess i might have guessed (only b/c of my l&d experience).

    i am sorry you are having to leave in the middle of everything, but being mom's can make us do extraordinary things, like bedrest, for our kids. i know from personal...and happy experience! i'll be thinking of you and praying for you!

    oh, i was on bedrest from 24 weeks until i delivered at 38 weeks, but i was dilated to 3 cm/90%/and +2 around 32 weeks, so maybe he will hold out just a little longer! :) who knows? only the good lord!

  40. How exciting! I am so glad you got a good report! I can't wait to meet your little man (or maybe I should say big man :)

  41. Wow! That is SO exciting!! This is a very fun time. Everything is going to go well. I will be praying.
    I went to labor with Ella at 35 weeks. They were able to stop things until 36 weeks when she was born and everything was fine! She didn't have to spend one second in the NICU. Harbor will be just fine!
