
Thursday, October 23, 2008


I have lots to post about and a hundred pictures, but for now, I want to just give a quick update and ask for your prayers. Wednesday was my 35 week appointment. I was diagnosed with mild preeclampsia- high blood pressure, some swelling in my feet, and an elevated level of protein in my urine. It hit within a day or two, with no warning signs. I actually feel great! I still have lots of energy and my sense of humor.

My doctor was quite concerned and wanted me to stop working, but I begged for another week, just to see how it goes. I am on bedrest/light duty until I go back to work on Monday. My doctor is going to let me work Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday and then go back for my next appointment on Wednesday. We are both praying that I have either eliminated a symptom of the preeclampsia, or that it has at least not gotten worse.

Yesterday, I was 35 weeks, but measuring four weeks ahead!! Yikes! My Dr. said I am as big as a woman in her 39th week. He keeps saying that this baby will be a big boy if I can make it full term. But, right now that little Harbor still needs his lungs to develop. I am praying God will let him bake at least two to three more weeks.

In the next few days, I hope to post the pictures from my work shower earlier in the week and the next baby shower that is coming up this weekend.

Until then, I plan on just keeping my feet up and relaxing! : )


  1. Oh Sweet girl, I am so sorry to hear this. I will remember you dear one. And keep those beautiful feet up this weekend ~~

    Praying for you,

  2. I will be praying for you and little Harbor! Hope you get lots of rest this weekend!

  3. Oh, please take it easy!! I'll be praying for you and little Harbor :)

  4. Oh, please take it easy!! I'll be praying for you and little Harbor :)

  5. I just wanted to let you know that I am praying for you and little baby Harbor. I hope everything goes great on the next doctor’s visit!

  6. Take it easy! You're getting very close to having that baby in your arms!

  7. Definitely thinking of you! The good news is that you are so close to full term! And don't work--most people would jump at that chance!!! :)

  8. I will be praying for you and little Harbor, Jessica!! Just get plenty of rest and take good care of both of you!! I'm glad you are almost to the end now!

  9. Hi Jessica! I will pray for you and baby Harbor. God will take care of both of you! I can't wait to see your pictures of showers!

  10. You and Harbor are in my thoughts and prayers this evening. Take care of yourself and that sweet boy.

  11. Please heed and be cautious. You are in my prayers.

  12. I will be praying. take it easy though! Your sub will do a good job!

  13. I'll be praying for you!!! I was so scared this week when I thought I might have signs of pre-clampsia. Take it easy - let David wait on you!!!

  14. I had no idea! I will definitely be praying for you! You're VERY close to full term, so I'm sure that God will let little Harbor get as healthy as possible!

  15. Oh sweetie we are going to send many prayers up for you and hope that you can keep little Harbor safe inside! Hang in there! Take it easy on yourself!

  16. Jessica, rest and take it easy. I'm praying that Habor will be cozy and comfy for a few more weeks!

  17. Jessica, let everything go and put those feet up and just rest! Harbor is first priority! We will be praying for you and your sweet little Harbor!

  18. STOP CLEANING THE TOILET!! ;-) Love ya!

  19. Jess-coming from someone who had her baby 7 WEEKS early, you are in my prayers! But also remember that G was born that early and turned out just fine! Take it easy, let David wait on you hand and foot (you know he loves it!) and know that God has you in HIS hands!

  20. I am so praying for you and also I had my baby at 35 weeks and she went home with me from the hospital. thanks for the update!

  21. I pray that Harbor stays safe in your belly for a few more weeks. Hope you get lots of rest!

  22. REST this weekend! I'll be anxious to hear how next week's appointment goes.

  23. I will be praying for you!!! I am so sorry to hear that you are having trouble... Jess- Just call or e-mail me if you need anything. I just live a couple blocks away!!!

  24. I am praying for you, sweet friend, and for little Harbor. We know about scares around the Harris household, too. You need to rest. I had to learn that the hard way over the last week.

  25. Hello Jessica, Please take it easy & get the rest you need so little Harbor will rest too if you do. I know it was meant for me to be at your doctor's appointment with you, but getting locked out of your car wasn't fun but if you haven't of, I wouldn't of left work to go & get you, ha!!! And get you to your doctor's appointment. I know it was really frustrating since the soda machine kept your dollar & it started to rain on you with your umbrella was in your car, could it get any worse, but then it was time to get to your doctor's appointment. And then the news that the DR. gave you. I just know the Lord knows all about you & baby Harbor & where you guys are at, so we will just keep praying for your health & leave it in God's hands. Just where you have always been. Let the house work go & take it easy, love you, Mom

  26. Jess,

    You are SOOOOO in my prayers. I know what that early delivery bit is like. TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF. The job is not worth it!!!!!!!! I know you want to keep working to avoid going stir crazy, but remember what's important. If you need ANYTHING, don't hesitate to let me know!

  27. I will be praying for you and that baby that the symptoms subside and hopefully they can get you a few more weeks. Thankfully you are measuring ahead and they can give you shots to help with the baby lungs, if something should happen. Good Luck to you.

  28. Oh, do rest and take it easy!! Pre-eclampsia is not a good thing for you or the baby! Thank goodness you seem to have a mild case. Take your doctor's advice and take care of yourself! I know you feel obligated to go to work, but remember that your baby is the most important thing right now! Praying for a wonderful appointment on Wednesday!

  29. I am so sorry to hear you are dealing with that. Please continue to keep us posted and know that your friends over in Alabama are praying for you.

  30. Wow Jessica! I'll be praying of you. Get some rest. I hope you appointment goes better next week!

  31. Sweet Jessica ~ I am so sorry to hear that this hit you out of the blue! I will be praying for you ;)!

  32. My friend had that and she DIDN'T do anything the doctor told her to do that would help and her baby was fine. However, I think that is a VERY BAD idea not to follow doctor's orders. I am sure you and little Harbor will be fine. But, I do know how scary it is when you think something might be wrong. Bailey was born at 38 weeks and was perfectly healthy so I think if you can make it to 37 weeks he will probably be healthy (and easier to deliver) :)I'm praying for you! We'll be in town this weekend. Maybe I'll call you if we aren't too busy. It's my dad's 50th birthday. ~LOVE, Melody

  33. I know I have been absent lately and I missed your online baby shower. I'm so very sorry. I've just not been able to fit blogging into my day.

    I am sending prayers up for you and baby Harbor. Both my girls came a month early so I know how you feel. I was on VERY STRICT bed rest for 8 weeks with Harper Jane (I didn't even get to shower every day--ick!). Anyway, praying for you. Hanging in there!

  34. Take it easy and we will pray that all will go well!

    Love, Carrie Dean

  35. Take is easy and I am praying for you and Harbor:)

  36. You guys are in my thoughts and prayers!! Take it easy and get some rest!

  37. Praying for lots of rest this weekend for you--hope everything is better at your next appointment.

  38. It sounds to me like we're pretty much in the same boat...our baby is measuring a lot bigger than 35 weeks doctor told me that if everything is alright we can induce on November 14 instead of waiting til Thanksgiving since I'm so miserable! I know how you're feeling but we can make it together. I'm keeping you and your family in my prayers!

  39. I had preeclamsia with my daughter last year and while I was on "bed rest" from work I bleached my kitchen tile grout, moved furniture, and did other crazy things!!! I did eventually have to be indued because my BP was so high and I looked like a balloon, but had a healthy baby!! I will pray for you and I know you'll be fine!!

  40. I sure hope everything will go okay!! i have been there!! I had preclamsia with Our oldest she was born at 31 weeks!! no sign either and I felt great!! She spent a month and a half in the nicu. But is totally fine. born at 5 pounds dropped to 4 ~ 6 when she came home she was 4pounds 13 ozs.!!
    It is good to take it easy and get lotsa rest!! i think it is pretty common with first pregnancys!!
    Me now at 38 weeks and hoping it's soon!! Our little guy is so active!! and no name yet!!
    So thinking of you and your little guy..and hope your keeping your feet up!!!

  41. Psss....just read your moms post!! wow what a day you had!!! so yes keep your feet up and take out baby photos of you and your hubby and remince with those sweet parents you have!!

  42. I'll be praying for you and baby Harbor. Relax, follow the doctors orders, try to stay calm and not overdue. Your body has to work for two and it can put a lot of stress on it. Take things slow, plan your days around relaxation and thoughts of peace. You'll get better and Harbor will be just fine. Lots of love Debbie

  43. I will be praying for you. Take care of yourself!

  44. I hope everything goes well! Gets loads of rest. No one wants to hear this news but at least you know in enough time to do something about it! I'll be praying for you!

  45. I don't want to be a damper on things, but I was in the same boat as you at 34 weeks with Boston. I was warned by my dr to stop working and take it easy. I pushed and kept it up until I was 36 weeks. I will skip all the middle stuff, but I will say that I almost died trying to have Boston. He was too big for me to have natural, but by that time my blood pressure was just so high it was to dangerous to take him via c-section. I know it seems like dr's are just to carefull, but in this case it's real and you really really need to stay on top of it.
    ok, that's my soapbox...I can't wait to see the pics!

  46. My prayers are with you. Kick your feet up and let others take care of you! Trust me, they want to!

    Keep us posted =)

  47. I am so sorry you have to go on bedrest, I know it is torture! But you get lots of rest and take care of yourself and Harbor! Even if you do go to work, let David take care of dinner and the dishes at night. (I know he won't mind :)

  48. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww honey.....
    today is Wednesday and I'm just reading this post!!!! I'm going to pray for you RIGHT NOW that you are doing better and that your doctor visit goes GREAT today!!!! =)

    My thoughts and prayers are with you!!!!!!!
