
Saturday, August 20, 2016

The Great Room: Before and After

We continued with house renovations and began the undertaking of painting the entire lower level in Valspar's Tempered Gray. I took on the task of painting all the window sills in Valspar's Pam Lace.
Paint can work wonders!

The kids settled into a new house like champs!

I worked new furniture in here and there and got a few things hung on the walls.

Our Great Room before and after: new flooring, new trim, removal of the pony wall, new paint, and an overhaul of the gold fireplace and oak mantle.

Aren't before and after shots so much fun?!
Boy, oh, boy!

Mother's Day roses

Walks in the wagon during a week David flew out of town for work

Our front yard tree in full, glorious bloom! 

Henry found great happiness in the faucet out back

And Harbor participated in his soccer graduation program.
He is so sweet, I could just eat him with a spoon!

We played with random dogs at the local park

and climber tall, tall trees!
Childhood is magical!

David and I enjoyed late night Red Box rentals and house became home.

Sweet moments in the early morning hours are the best. The whole day awaits!

Sonic happy hour!

I enjoyed many a nights in the master bath.
For me, one thing I love in a house is a good master bath tub.
I know lots of people don't use their soaking tubs, but I could read in ours four times a week.
Such a treat!

Another flowering tree from our backyard.
No more snow!

My nightly reading versus Davids.
: )

Painting in the master bathroom

And Daddy reading to his boys.
Love hearing his voice coming out from under the bedroom door.
Music to this mama's heart.

Teeth brushing

Stair climbing

Curly hair/don't care
: )
{sometimes you just have to wake up and go all natural!}

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