
Sunday, January 24, 2016

A Tale of Two Holidays

2015 was unique in that we didn't go home to Arkansas for any holidays.

We spent Thanksgiving with the Gaughan gang at their house here in Colorado, and my parents made the trek to our house for New Years.

We also had Thanksgiving visitors from Arkansas.
My cousin Rachel and her husband made the drive to stay a week with us.
It was fun to give them the grand tour of our town. We really enjoyed seeing Christmas displays in Denver and shopping at Ikea.

We spent Christmas Eve with our friends, the Gaughans, and then Christmas day at home with just our little family.
{many of these are cell phone pictures}

We saw Santa.
 Not everyone was happy about him, but Henry finally seemed to be over his fear.
Hollin's turn was definitely this year!

My parents joined us a few weeks later.
We opened gifts {my favorite was private ballroom dancing lessons from David!}, went to the movies to see The Good Dinosaur, had a date night out to Star Wars on New Years Eve, visited the mall to ride the train, drove neighborhoods at night to see the Christmas lights, and ate great dinners together. 

David took  my parents on a tour of the manufacturing facility he oversees.
Despite living here for three years, this was the first time my parents had been inside the gates of the compound. It is always fun for the kids to see his robots and the big machines,

I'm a bit sad that Christmas cards have come to an end for another year.
They are always fun to find in the mailbox.

We mailed out 200 this year.
They are always a labor of love.
I picked out several perfect ones to set aside for the kids.
Someday it will be really special to hand them a packet of cards and newsletters from their childhood.

We hope you had a great holiday season!
Now that January is almost behind us, we are holding onto hope for Spring!

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