
Wednesday, August 12, 2015

First Grade

And just like that- poof!- summer is over and gone!
It is just the beginning of a new era for our family,and to be truthful, it hurts.
This is Harbor's first year to be away from home all the livelong day.
And I know there will be no stopping it from here on out.
I'm in the minority of moms, I think, but I am the happiest when my kids are home.
When I taught back when Harbor was a tot, I really struggled to find joy and balance in my work/life.
I just always felt stretched thin.
Everything in me yearned for more time at home: time to cook, and play, and rock babies.
I know God has made us all different and planted seeds that flower different fruit in different seasons, and I'm so thankful for that!  Someday, I think God may call me again to teach, but I know the time isn't any time soon.
: )
Harbor had his first day of first grade today.
He was ready, but still a bit hesitant.
He had a magical year in kindergarten last year- he really excelled and grew and found the work interesting and fun.  It will be a hard year to top- and he knows it.
But he is excited about seeing old friends and making new.
We took our annual chalkboard pictures to document his favorites this go 'round.
Mommy confession:
I dressed him in his school uniform {he attends a classical academy with a uniform policy} and took these pictures on Sunday, three days before school actually started.
David played at the park with the little ones while I snapped away, and then Harbor changed clothes and joined them.
I just knew that the first day would be hectic and trying, and I wanted to make my load as light as possible.  Having these pictures done ahead of time helped us all have a much smoother morning.

He chose an L.L.Bean backpack this year and I have high hopes!
His Lillian Vernon from last year barely came across the finish line.
Praying this one lasts!

We spent one evening coming up with menu ideas for lunch and posting them on the 'fridge.
He was really excited about having a "real" school lunch since last year he only went half day.

I hung a few streamers and made a simple banner out of construction paper, and we surprised him in the morning.  It took five minutes to throw it up the night before, but Harbor's little face was the prize!

A sweet friend of mine drove over to my house at 7:00 a.m. to watch a sleeping Henry and crawling Hollin so that I could take Harbor alone and walk him in properly and really just be in the moment.

It was a total blessing to spend that time alone with Harbor.
I'm really glad I asked- and so thankful for her time to do that favor for me.

Harbor got right to work and colored away as the students trickled in.

After drop off, I met a few friends at Chick-Fil-A for a "Boo Hoo Brunch" as we all had first graders starting school today.

It was a special time to encourage one another.
We each have three children, so nine total between us, and when you get moms of that many littles together, it is always good for the soul!
{that is me in the polka dot top- always fun to be in pictures once in awhile!}

When dinner was finished, we sang "Happy First Grade to You" to the tune of "Happy Birthday" and ate  a vanilla cocoa puff inspired cake.
I baked it really quickly while he was in school and iced it right before dinner.

{I'm eating seconds thirds and blogging right now!}
: )

We love  how sweet and simple all the students looked today in their little uniforms.
It makes getting dressed SO easy in the morning.

And it also makes comparing pictures from year to year look like your child stepped into a time machine.  

What a difference in 12 measly little months.
And right before my own eyes.
It is the reason I blog-
I'm so very thankful for the opportunity to preserve these thoughts in my head.

I designed some photo cards as gifts- one for last year's teacher, and of course, the new one this year.
We passed them out today.
Each print was only 34 cents, plus a candy bar.
Really affordable and so fun!

Who doesn't want a candy bar on the first day of school?!
: )

I attached the candy bars with double stick tape.

We had all the kids in bed by 8:30 p.m. tonight.
Though I'm sad to lose Harbor during the day, I know he is ready.
And little Henry is getting ready to start his home school experience with me.
I need to do some final tweaking in our schedule and really get a feel for how carpool and commute times will go first, but I'm just thrilled to get more one -on-one time with him,
Before too long, my Henry will be in school!
What a joy to get to do this a few more times with each child.
Hope all is well with you!
Cooler weather is heading to Colorado and we had some snow on the mountains just a few days ago.
Pumpkin everything is around the corner.
: )
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1 comment:

  1. My goodness, how he has grown in just a year!! I hope he has a fantastic year! What a special time.
