
Saturday, December 13, 2014

Hillbilly Toffee

There is something about the holiday season that makes me want to bake treats and goodies.
I'm not sure what it is, but Christmas carols almost inevitably whoosh me into the kitchen, 
with my kids not too far behind.

Almost a decade ago, when I first started teaching, 
these toffee crackers were left one day in the teacher's lounge.
They have been a household favorite since then!
We call it "Hillbilly Toffee" but "Hillbilly Crack" would be just as fitting.

Four ingredients for a sinfully indulgent Christmas candy!

You need:
Brown sugar {1/2 cup}
one full bag of chocolate chips 
one stick of butter
and a sleeve of saltines
{the saltier, the better!}

Line a baking sheet with tin foil and set your oven to 400 degrees.

Arrange your crackers in rows. Each sleeve has 35 crackers.

Combine your stick of butter and 1/2 cup of brown sugar in a sauce pan.

Turn your heat to medium 

Let come to a full boil

and boil for three minutes.

Don't stir it during this process!
{I set my timer to make sure it is a full three minutes}

Pour over your crackers immediately

Pop into your 400 degree oven and bake for seven minutes exactly.

They should pull out totally immersed and sticky.

Dump your entire bag of chips over the top and let sit for five minutes.

After five minutes, spread with a spoon.

Like so.

Let your favorite helper lick the spoon.
: )

Refrigerate over night.

I know, I know...
This one is tough.
But trust me.
No cheating.
They really need to set up in order to taste perfect.

The next day, you can crack them a part by hand like brittle or use a pizza cutter to create perfect squares.

We tend to just break them haphazardly.
Cutting with a pizza cutter is pretty, but "aint' nobody got time fo' that" at our house!
: )

And then beg and plead and look adorable in order to get as much as possible.
Like crack, I tell ya!

Dig in!

{This recipe has been added to our "recipe" tab up top}

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