
Friday, October 31, 2014

Happy Halloween 2014 {dinosaur style!}

In some ways, I cannot believe Halloween is over for another year!

I still feel like we should be wrapping up summer, but yet, here we are.
And Thanksgiving is heading our way- and fast.
Doesn't having kids make life go quick?!

Last year, we did Thing 1 & 2 costumes.
The boys decided they wanted to go as dinosaurs this year, so David offered to sew them up.
We saw a few cute ideas on Pinterest, but David ultimately ended up designing his own pattern and staying up late a few nights to sew them up.
I made the feet that cover their shoes out of craft foam, but David took on the rest.

We had two nights of family fun:
1. Cub Scouts
2. Church Fall Festival

We're not really into Halloween all that much,
 but the kids have fun playing the games for candy, so it is always a great time.
I made a big dinner tonight, per usual, and even being as organized as I could, we were still almost an hour late to church. Thank goodness the kids can at least sleep late tomorrow morning!
Yay for Fridays!
{and I think next year, we will just eat out! Ha!}
: )

And this little miss had her first "Boo!"
She was quite content to sleep in her Bjorn through most of the noise and activity of the bounce house, the ball pit, the game stations, and the cake walk {where Harbor and I both each won cupcakes!}

And other than a few pumpkins on the porch, 
the only other Fall decor out is on our dining room table and mantle.

Next on my list of to-do's is Harbor's party next weekend and then I can start hammering out our annual Christmas cards. We had our photo shoot last weekend and "the picture" has been chosen!  Whew!
Always glad to have that part taken care of.
: )

We also plan to stay here in Colorado again this Thanksgiving instead of traveling home to Arkansas.
We've invited a family to eat Thanksgiving lunch with us, and I'm excited about putting on a nice spread for them!  We've even discussed going up into the mountains after Thanksgiving lunch, so that is always exciting for the kids.

Lots of fun coming up in the next few weeks!
The calm before the storm!
But, boy, how I love these busy holiday seasons.

Kids make everything more special!
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