
Thursday, August 28, 2014

School Days

Harbor is a kindergartner!

I know all mamas feel like the time has flown since birth, but it really has.
A piece of advice for new mamas:
enjoy the years of babyhood and toddler chaos.
All too soon, they go away to school.
And when they do, you will be left like me...
watching the clock on the oven, waiting to sit in the carpool line for an hour, missing them terribly so!

Thankfully, Harbor is only gone for three hours per day and then we get to pick him up.
 I'm so thankful for the schooling choices we have here and the freedom to choose what feels best.

Seeing that big book bag on my little fella is enough to make my eyes water.

However, he is really doing well!
Lots of homework {20 minutes per night already} and they are already learning Latin.
He is really enjoying it.
I'm so very thankful.

On the first few days, my mom was in town, so he had a very special send off.
Even daddy took a half day from work to help with drop off and pick up.

                                 Since he is only gone a short time, he has snack instead of lunch.

                         I've really bought into the idea of the Bento Box, though I have zero time to
                                         cookie cutter sandwiches or make anything themed.
                                            I do like the idea of snacks that require no waste-
                                 no packages for little hands to open alone or lack of fresh produce.
                                   Bento Box originated in Japan and is really intriguing if you want
                                                               to read up on the full concept.

And while big brother is at school, little brother has taken his seat at the workbook table.
Henry misses Harbor, but I have enjoyed spending one-on-one time with him.
He really loves to draw and color, so we've been spending lots of time encouraging those 
beginning writing concepts.

But, I must admit....
Henry hasn't been getting too much time with me this past week.
Hollin has arrived three weeks early!
And, boy, oh boy!
Have we been busy!
Three little ones ages five and under.
I feel so blessed, my heart so full and content.
Children are truly from Him.
How lucky I am to be a busy mom, how blessed I am to be their mama.
 I can think of nothing else I'd rather be doing in this season of life.
My hands may be full...
but my heart runs over!
: )
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  1. WHAT!!!! YAY!! Don't hold out on us for too long!!! Dying to see pictures of her and the nursery.

  2. So glad for you that Hollin arrived safely, I'm sure she's beautiful! I hear ya on the whole 3 kids under 5....I have 3 boys 4 years and under. My oldest is going to start Preschool 2 days a week starting next week so I agree that time just flies by WAY too fast.
    I'm always inspired/motivated by how intentional you are with teaching your children, they are blessed to have such a great mama!

  3. You have a busy household. Congrats on sweet Hollin! Can't wait to see pictures of her.
