
Friday, November 1, 2013

A "Wild" Night: Fall Festival Costumes

Having two little boys is so much fun!
Getting their costumes assembled was a total labor of love for me!
In fact, I will post in another day or so and provide the template I used for their shirts.
I had them printed as 8x10's on photo paper at Sam's Club-
shiny, thick, and perfect font!
I'll let you have them in case you have a wild thing or two at your house, also!

These "self-timer" tripod pictures melt. my. heart.
{I shot these with my Canon EOS on AV mode with my F-Stop as low as it would go. Why am I telling you that? I'm not sure, actually. Haha!  But sometimes I see pictures and wonder what their settings were.  Mmmm-kay. Moving on.}
We took the Wild Things to church for a Fall festival.
So much fun!
By choice, the last two years, we've decided not to do the real "Trick or Treating"
mainly for personal convictions
 and because we're not fans of scary costumes and the kids getting spooked,
but we love supporting church- and are all in favor of letting the kids dress up!
This was Henry's 1st Halloween- and Harbor's 5th.
Just for fun:
Here is a post covering all of our Halloweens since Harbor's been born-
costumes, tutorials for his homemade costumes, and even pictures of our homes over the years.
All recapped in one place!
My sweetest little wild things!
: )

I'll make time this weekend to post the blue hair tutorial
and the template I used for the shirts!
{PS- Loved hearing from so many of you!  Love your comments and words of encouragement!}
 photo signature_zpsf4b92bae.jpg

1 comment:

  1. Those are some cute little "things" that you have there. :) We do not "do" Halloween either. I know it is different for each family but that is just what God has placed in our hearts. Hope you are having a great weekend!
