
Thursday, October 17, 2013

Patches and Pools

Pumpkin patches and corn pools, that is.
: )
We had plans to drive outside of Denver to a pumpkin patch, but decided on one closer to home.
And we couldn't have picked a colder day to do it.
Harbor, upon seeing the Angy Bird balloon launcher, was almost brought to his knees.
It was like he was stepping inside a cell phone, I do believe.
{As hard as I try to keep him away from technology, he loves those birds! Can anyone relate?!}
He took many a ride down a bumpy slide.
{And so did his dad}

He played in frozen corn.
It was freezing.

And he tried his hand at launching a bird...

His dad, you know, dutifully, gave him a few pointers.
: )

And Henry kept score.

Okay, that is a lie.
Henry and I froze.

And took pictures. 
 Important stuff.
{Do you see my baby bangs sticking off the side of my head here!  Awk!}

Harbor and David took a hay ride.

Henry and I were sad to miss it,
but loved seeing them being so "this is a big boy only trip, Mom" acting.

And I did the unthinkable.
I took off their big coats for a millisecond  five minutes to take a few pictures.

Harbor picked out four pumpkins which now sit on our front porch.

And we happily were able to cross two more items off the list!
: )

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  1. My boys would have died over those Angry Birds, too! The owners of that patch sure knew what they were doing! :) Both boys are getting so big, so handsome! Don't you just love saying, "my boys." ? :)

  2. It looks like the pumpkin patch was a lot of fun - despite the cold weather. Love following along with your fall list. :)
