
Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Just a few things!

Today has flown by!
I feel like we just sat down to our morning Math work... and now it is getting close to dinner time!
Do your days pass in a flash like mine do?
I wanted to check in really quickly while my little one naps to share a few random things.
This past Sunday we tried a new church- we are still on the church hunt here in Colorado- and felt brave enough to try a "mega" church. There were about 15,000 people total in their membership. BIG church!  It was a neat experience- they even had a famous recording artist in their worship band with a new Blockbuster hit on Christian radios right now.
I fought the urge to take pictures.
Before we loaded up for the service, we took a few
spur of the moment tripod pictures with the self timer.

And in case you ever wanted to see me really, really close up, here you go.
Your wish come true, folks!
Harbor has shown an increasing interest in photography
{maybe his mom has something to do with it? Ha!}
And he asked to take my picture himself.
A little close, but he did a great job!
So, go ahead.
Zoom in on my crows feet, acne, and wrinkles.
Trust me. I've got them!
And I loved the family one so much, I created my own 5x7 Fall photo card.
They've been printed and when I have a minute, I've been stuffing and addressing envelopes.
{If you are a FB friend of mine because I know you in real life,
 I've been taking orders to create these! Fun!}

Also, I shared this on Facebook weeks and weeks ago, but not on my blog.
This is the two-week menu I designed, and use, to grocery shop.
I only shop twice a month for two weeks at a time.
Feel free to print this for yourself- it will print as an 8.5 x 11 standard sheet.
Is there any interest in how I meal plan and shop?
I could easily share my methods, but I'm sure you have a good system.
Let me know if you'd like a post about meal planning.

And last item on my random list today....
Do you remember this Fall checklist Harbor and I created?

We are slowly, but steadily working our way down the list!

And we'd better get a move on!
Some mornings here in Colorado, it doesn't feel like Fall.
It already feels like winter!
: )
Anything new at your house?
 photo signature_zpsf4b92bae.jpg


  1. I love the latest photos of you guys as a family, really good to be taking with the tripod & self timer. And girl you have always taken care of your skin & pretty smile so you will age very gracefully as we all can see that you are now in your early 30's. And I love to see Harbor in his room with that paint that I have yet to see for my self but someday soon. Love & miss you all, Mom

  2. I would love to hear about your meal planning process and especially your shopping trips. I try so hard to shop for two weeks at a time but hardly ever pull it off. Any help would be greatly appreicated as i am expecting Baby #2 in February. Love your blog and so thrilled that you are blogging more regularly! Missed you!!

  3. Our homeschool days fly by fast too! I'm loving all the pics of your beautiful new home. I've enjoyed watching your life through your blog. Have a blessed day!

  4. Love the meal planning sheet! Thanks for sharing. I am going to give this a try. I grocery shop every two weeks to match when I get paid. It can be quite a challenge to plan for two weeks at a time, especially when we are already crazy busy this time of year.
