
Friday, September 13, 2013

Middle Eastern Beef with Tomatoes : A new recipe

Hello there!
Henry is napping and Harbor is eating lunch,
so I thought I'd share a quick and easy crock pot recipe that we happen to love at our house!
Maybe you need an idea for dinner this next week?
Try it out and let me know what you think!
The recipe is for a Middle Eastern beef and tomato one pot dinner.
Here is what I used:
{actual recipe and ingredient list is listed below}

{click on the picture to enlarge the text}

Cooking directions:
My helper last week wasn't too far away.
: )

Just a note:
*Make sure you include all the spices- especially the Allspice and Cinnamon.
Those two spices are what give it a very distinct flavor.
You don't want to leave them out!
This recipe isn't "spicy", but rather really flavorful.
There isn't any "heat" if you prefer a mild taste.
*Also, sear your beef, as the recipe states, in a pan first.
Don't add it to the crock pot raw.
Searing is what seals in the juice and creates tender meat pieces.
*Don't be tempted to add canned greenbeans. Buy fresh.
 Canned will turn into mush in the crockpot!

Once you have seared your beef, toss it, along with all the juices, right on top of your beans, tomatoes, onions, and spices.
Your house should smell like Cinnamon at this point!

Stir well, put the lid on, and don't peek!
: )

This dinner is a great way to eat a cultural meal with a distinct Middle Eastern flavor at home.
And a great way to introduce young taste buds to new flavors!
We happen to love it!
I serve it over brown rice.

Happy Cooking!
{I've added this recipe to a new "Recipe" tab at the top.
I hope to add more recipes that I make regularly.}
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1 comment:

  1. I haven't seen this post before but I went backwards & saw this & it looks very yummy. I so love crockpot recipes. Love that Henry wasn't too far away being all smiles. Miss & love you, MOM
