
Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Home Tour: Formal Living Room

I hope your week is off to a great start!
We are recovering from a busy weekend-
we took our Christmas card pictures ourselves via tripod and self timer
and made a day trip to a few old Colorado mining towns.
We've not been home but an hour or two all weekend,
My laundry is crying out to be folded
{or maybe that's one of my kids crying?}
: )
So, I thought I'd start our home tour by showing you our formal living area.
It was stark white when we moved in and full of boxes.
It was, in fact, our dumping ground for every homeless box.
After the entire home tour wraps up, I'll post side-by-side before and afters.
We mainly use this space as our office {computer armoire}
and as Harbor's school room. 
The big white dresser holds all of our games and puzzles.
And just for fun, in our Michigan house,
the chair was in our master bedroom sitting room,
the dresser in the guest room,
and the the school table in our dining room.
Moving furniture around makes it feel new once again!

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