
Thursday, September 13, 2012

Just Life

Sometimes when I'm uploading random pictures for my blog,
I have to remind myself why I take the time to do so.
Let's face it..
Blogging is a lot of work.

I don't keep a bedside journal.
I don't keep fantastic records for Harbor anymore now that he has gotten older.
I don't live close to any of my family.

My blog is my heart.
It is the real me grasping at some way to
record our life, however exciting or mundane.
I've been blogging for a long time now,
years before Harbor was ever born.

So, when you see pictures of us cooking, or playing board games and you yawn...

Just be assured that I'm allowing you a peek into our family life
so that I, too, can someday recall
what life was really, truly like.

I just really want to blog about the normal, the everyday.

I love looking back at the exciting posts through the years:
the day David graduated from college,
we closed on our land,
we built a custom home,
Harbor's birth,
our vacations,
our moves to and fro from home to home...
{this home in Detroit is our 4th to own in 11 years}

but more importantly, the days in between
tell the greatest story..
I think these are the days that will slip through my hands, lost forever.

Week 22

Last week, as most weeks for us, we spent a great deal of our time in the kitchen.

We made a batch of old fashioned rice crispy treats.

And I whipped up a big platter of southern potato salad.

Harbor requested kool aid play dough.
I love being able to share time in the kitchen with him.

The weather is getting cooler and cooler each week.
I'm in heaven!
I endure summer, but it is the Fall where I really feel the happiest.

My boys hand washed my car and I had my camera close by
and snapped a few pictures out the front door.

Our landscaping is really full and lush.
I'm thankful to have escaped the drought so many states are suffering from,
including my family in Arkansas.

We have a Fall wreath out, a Razorback flag for college football season,
and a big pumpkin in the front window.

I've been decorating the house with lots of pumpkins, spiders, and mice.

We are really not huge into the Halloween scene at our house,
but I grew up in a home with lots of "decor" nonetheless.
They are some of best childhood memories and something
I enjoy doing for my family now.

In fact, I had a recent flashback while grocery shopping this week.

When I was a kid, my parents grew huge gourds on the side of our house.
Long green vines wound up the brick
like a Hansel and Gretel movie scene.

My mom would tend to them and pluck them off.
They were a good foot long, if not not longer.

They would hang from various places in our home to cure.

She would dry and paint them to look like
Santa Clauses, pumpkins, and animal characters.

Gourds this time of year really take me back to happy place.

I grew up surrounded by folk art in our home.

And, I found this little guy sneaking a very hot cookie right out of the oven.
Kudos to him, though, for getting a spatula out of the drawer all by himself.
If he is going to sneak, at least keep the floor free of crumbs, right?
: )


  1. Oh Jessica your words as I read this makes me want to turn back the hands of time & enjoy the days that have been so long gone, days when life was slower & the simple times we didn't think were all so grand back then but now we know they were because the years have pasted so fast & we wish we could go back & enjoy them again.You are doing really good things with Harbor so that he too will look back on his childhood & have fond memories of days at home with you because they too will pass so very fast & you can never get them back. Loved all the photos...Poppy & Gigi are missing out on the simple days with Harbor but thats ok for right now because thats just the way it has to be right now. God knows all about where each of us need to be at this time. Give Harbor a hug & kiss for us. We miss & love you all...Mom

  2. Your family loves seeing the day-to-day life pictures!:) We miss our sweet Harbor, Jessica, and David so much. I'm glad it is seeming more and more like fall up there. Love you, Jess......Rachel

  3. I love reading your posts! I am glad you all are doing so great! Harbor is growing up so fast! He will be a great big brother!
