
Thursday, May 3, 2012

Anyone from Michigan?

*Edited: {Email me at:}

Tonight, I decided to link up to Kelly's Korner to see if anyone in Michigan is blogging. : )
Kelly is a sweet friend of mine, so I thought it would be fun to participate in her link-up!

My name is Jessica.


I'm 30 years old and have been married for 11 years.
We have one son, Harbor William, who is three.
We are Southerns from beautiful Northwest Arkansas.
We both have degrees from the University of Arkansas.
I am a "retired" English teacher who now stays home full time.
I taught 5th grade Literacy for six years before moving to metro Detroit.
My husband is an Industrial Engineer and took a job last year here in Michigan.
We moved 1,000 miles from everyone we know. : )

God has been so good to give us mercy and grace during such a big transition!
He is the king of our home and the saviour of our hearts.

I love photography, crafts {especially handmade cards}, decorating, and blogging.
I'm just a southern girl spreading some southern hospitality up north!

Thanks for stopping by!
If you are from my {new} neck of the woods, I'd love to follow your blog!

{Even if you are not from Michigan, if you follow our blog, where are you from? Do tell!}
: )


  1. Love your blog. =) I've followed since before Harbour was born. You have a beautiful family. I can totally identify with you & moving far away from family. Hope you find some blogger friends in Michigan to link up with!!! =) Have a great weekend!

  2. Hi, dear Jesssica. I'm Sara from Italy and I'm following your blog since you were building your last house. Your family is so cute. Kisses from Italy. Sara.

  3. Hi Jessica! My name is Sarah and I live in Canton, about 30 minutes from you. I have a 2 1/2 year old son and an 11 mo. old daughter. We don't have a blog, but I could email you pictures. :) We'd love to do a play date with you! You guys look so cute and like you enjoy a lot of the things we do. I love the DIA and Detroit Zoo! My husband and I used to hang out in down town Detroit, but haven't much since having our kids. How can we get in touch?

  4. Hi Jessica,
    We're in Massachusetts but love your blog and just wanted to say hi!

  5. Hi Jessica! I live in SE Michigan, too, and found you through Kelly's Korner. :)

  6. Stopping by from Kelly's corner to say hello! Thanks for stopping by earlier, and I hope you are enjoying life in Michigan!

  7. Hi :) I am in SE MI too...I do not have a blog, but do love following them.

  8. I am in Ohio about 2 hours from you. I am right along Lake Erie about half way between Toledo and Cleveland. I have been following your blog before you were pregnant with your son. I think I found you on one of the Christmas Home Tours. That Christmas tour is what made me determined to start a blog. It took me a couple years to do it though!!! LOL!


  9. Cute family! And welcome to Michigan!

    Stopping by from Kelly's I'm from SE Michigan-Ann Arbor/Ypsilanti to be more specific :-)

  10. Just saw your comment on my blog :) So great to meet you and you live so close to me! I agree with Sarah that a bloggy meetup at the Detroit Zoo or something like that would be sweet! (I don't have any children, but I am a live-in nanny to two boys.)
    xo, Alisha

  11. Thanks for your kind words. :o) You will survive. Seriously it wasn't completely miserable living far away from the south, but it certainly did help me to appreciate my Southern heritage like NEVER before. =) Wherever my family is....I can live happily. I'm sure that's how you are as well. My husband has teased me many times about moving to Colorado and I've even entertained the idea. Where my family is...there my HEART is. =) I love how you stay connected with your family even though you're miles apart. We do the same with my in-laws who still live in the Midwest. =)

  12. I am so glad you found my blog. I hope you are enjoying Michigan. We are west michigan, right on Lake Michigan.
    Your son is adorable.

  13. I'm from SC but I thought I would say hi! I've been following you since before Harbor was born, I don't even remember how I came across your blog! You have an adorable family :)

  14. Thought I would stop by and say Hi again from chatting over on my blog. Love reading all about your little guy and your family! We are headed to the Toledo Zoo tomorrow, definitely get to it if you have the chance. It blows the Detroit Zoo away!!

  15. I love your blog, Jessica, and am most appreciative of your homemade laundry detergent recipe! I'm a follower from the north Dallas area...yep, I'm a Texas girl. :-)

  16. I'm Carol, aka Nana, from Tulsa, OK. I have been reading your blog since Harbor was a baby. I have commented a few times before. I always enjoy seeing what you & your family are doing. Have fun visiting your family!


  17. This is a ver cool idea! Have always loved your blog! Your are an inspiration and a blessing sweet friend!

  18. Jessica here again is your follow from ontario that lives across the blueawater bridge and port Huron where you go to the lighthouse would love to connect and meet you someday

  19. Hi, thanks for leaving a comment on my blog! :) I don't know how I missed yours when I was browsing the link last night!

    I hope you're enjoying Michigan so far. It's been a fantastic state to be born and raised in. :)

  20. Hi Jessica! Thanks for stopping by my blog. You have a beautiful family. Hope you're enjoying Michigan. I was born & raised here & I love it! = )

  21. Hi Jessica! Stopping by from Kelly's link-up. Welcome to Michigan! I do love our beautful State! Hopefully you have had the chance to venture up to the U.P. where it is even more beautful!
