
Friday, April 20, 2012

Junk Mail

It's Friday! And David has the whole weekend off- a miracle!

For our anniversary, we kept it really low key. Last year, for our 10th, we were living in separate states. He had moved to Michigan to house hunt and Harbor and I remained in Arkansas, as I finished teaching. He had flowers sent to my classroom and a new pretty rock for my ring finger hand delivered to me at home.

This year, we agreed to keep it easy. We went out to dinner and I awoke the next morning to find a sweet card with a small handwritten paragraph and a new box of Sharpies.
I'd say after eleven years, he knows what my makes my heart beat fast.

Handwritten Sharpie cards for everyone!  You can thank David. : )

This past week, I've made David and Harbor blueberry muffins for breakfast and packed a bag so David can grab them on his way to work. Since he has to be in his office at 6:00 a.m., I am honestly not getting up before him and presenting him breakfast at the table. Mind blowing, I know. {Grin!}
 I do feel better when I can add these yummy blueberries to the mix though. 

Sometimes the smallest things make the biggest difference.

For one of our lessons this week, I have been working on the word "favorite." I gave Harbor the junk mail from the mailbox and told him to only cut out his favorites. After he cut them out, we went over each piece and he told me why he liked it, etc. A few food items were ones he doesn't like {avacados}, so I had a great chance to teach him again about the word "favorite" and what it means to him.

It was a fun lesson and Harbor especially enjoyed using the glue
{a favorite of his, no doubt!}

A few days later, we covered a cracker box with paper, used cardboard to make handles and a whistle and made a train. We stuffed plastic animals inside and took them on a ride to a few important places. They visited the laundry room and helped me start a few loads of clothes, mainly. : )

Do you see a theme here.. using trash and junk mail as toys?
Making our own creations is just way too much fun.

David's raised garden bed is soon to produce curly little tendrils of sweet plants.
We can't wait!
We spend a lot on fruit and vegetables every week. I put out the groceries from this weeks shopping trip and couldn't help but think that soon we will be picking our own cucumbers, tomatoes, broccoli, kohlrabi, green beans, and peppers.

David built an irrigation system to keep it watered and all the seeds have been planted.
Now, if we can only keep the frost away. Oh, Michigan, warm up for me, will ya? : )

Have a great weekend! 


  1. What a great post! You guys are doing amazing things! You are doing a fantastic job with Harbor! You are teaching him to be creative and have an imagination! How awesome! I can't wait to see how your garden turns out!

  2. I love to see Harbor gain a new skill in using his scissors & glue. And using junk mail to make a craft out of it, very creative Jessica. Just shows that you don't have to spend allot of money to keep the small children busy doing fun things & they are learing while they are playing too. Helps get them ready for preschool/kindergarden. And Poppy & Gigi will miss Davids yummy goodies out of the garden. So glad you have alittle spot for a garden. So enjoyed all of the photos of Harbor, give his a kiss/hug for us :)

  3. I'm never brave enough to plant from seeds, I always use starter plants.....can't wait to see your garden grow!! Hoping mine did ok last night, it got pretty cold here!
