
Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Christmas Wreath

Spending the winter in an 82 year old house is one thing.
But in Michigan, where it gets cold and stays cold nine months out of the year, is quite another.

The hardwood floors creak and squeak. The rooms are drafty.
Secrets abound.
{We found paperwork on a family who lived here in the 1920's hidden behind a built-in in the master bedroom, and found a child's name carved in an old ceiling joist in the basement.} 

We have contemplated adding our own family history complete with pictures
and hiding them somewhere ourselves.
This house is overflowing with nooks and crannies
and the appeal to add to the rich history of the house is tempting.

I would leave my Christmas wreath for someone to discover, but, well.. I made it and want it!

Maybe a few pictures of the house on Christmas morning would suffice! : )


  1. Love your wreath! We live in Michigan too! I bet the weather has been a big adjustment for you. Hope you have a wonderful holiday!

  2. Your home is so charming! I don't blame you for not wanting to give up your wreath; it's so pretty!


  3. I *literally* want to hire you to make a wreath for my home!!


  4. I love your wreath! You house looks so warm and inviting!

  5. Ha, yes we live in a 111 year old home in Iowa. I grew up and lived in California most of my life so I love it (even with all the quirks). It DOES get sooo cold and drafty, though!

  6. I love the way your cute old house looks in the snow. And I see Harbor's little Christmas tree in the bay seat window, I bet he loves crawling up there with it,ha!!!But my favorite thing is still that round front door. Its so different & has so much history behind it. Your wreath looked out so bright & colorful, looks so good on the door. And yes, please move your wreath inside so it doesn't come up missing. Poppy & Gigi miss & love you all so much, MOM

  7. I love the way your cute old house looks in the snow. And I see Harbor's little Christmas tree in the bay seat window, I bet he loves crawling up there with it,ha!!!But my favorite thing is still that round front door. Its so different & has so much history behind it. Your wreath looked out so bright & colorful, looks so good on the door. And yes, please move your wreath inside so it doesn't come up missing. Poppy & Gigi miss & love you all so much, MOM

  8. I love your house. It would be fun to imagine all the Christmas mornings the house has seen.
