
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Thanksgiving Cards {and Q & A}

Thank you for all of the lovely comments on Harbor turning three! Many of you left comments for the first time {So nice to "meet" you!} and all of them were very heart-warming. I love my blogging friends and appreciate your kindness!

There were many comments on my homemade laundry detergent post. There seemed to be a great deal of interest on the subject and I will tell you what I can.
The recipe came from the Duggar's first book, 20 And Counting. I'm assuming because they use it for their family, it would not prove to be harmful to a baby's skin. They have a couple of babies in their household, I believe.  : )

Yes! It is safe for your HE washers!
You can read about it from a few other bloggers here and here and here.

Harbor and I love a little project and there is nothing better
 - am I right-
than receiving snail mail from a  friend?
So, we made a handful of Thanksgiving cards.

Harbor loves any project that involves sitting and creating something with his hands.
He is at a fun age!

Harbor loves to help- whether it is crafting or cooking. He wants in on the action!


We were both pretty proud and are excited for friends and family to see how "big" the turkey is!
Harbor's hands are growing a little tiny bit everyday. : )

Happy Thanksgiving!

We recently had Harbor's 3rd birthday party and it was fun, but very windy! I hope to post those pictures soon.
In other news, we have made a last minute decision to travel home for Thanksgiving. We will be driving 30 hours round trip with a three year old and a dog to spend 48 hours in Arkansas, including sleeping time! Eek! It will be a lot of driving, but so worth it for two afternoons and nights with our loved ones.


  1. Those are so cute!!! love the idea. I also love your new header. Such a cute title!

  2. how stinkin' cute are those cards!!! love it!!! oh, would it be weird to say i adore your handwriting!! i hate mine!!! soooo happy you'll be with family during thanksgiving!! i pray for safe travels to and fro!!

  3. I hope you have a safe trip "home"! I'm excited for you that you get to go be with your family for Thanksgiving. We are hosting this year, Marc's family will all be here, but mine will all be in Arkansas and I will miss them for sure. The cards are too cute!

  4. I love your cards! They are perfect! SO glad you get to spend time with your family! Family is so important!

  5. I live the cards! You are so creative! If I knew you IRL I would always look forward to cards from you at the holidays :)

  6. I love to see Gigi's sweet Harbor all smiles at his little table. I miss doing projects like that with him but I know you are enjoying getting to do them with him, good memories with mommy. Can't wait to see you guys. I love all the pictures, give Harbor a kiss from Poppy & Gigi, MOM
