
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Jessica and Judith Take Detroit {Lake Erie and the Island Cruise}

I'm finally wrapping up Judith's visit to Detroit! It already feels like a year ago, but it was only in July. Time is passing so quickly!

We live within 15 miles of many islands, one being Grosse Ile. We took the Jeep and I gave her a tour of some of the pretty homes there. 

The next day, we drove to the entrance of the Lake Erie Metropark, which is only 10 minutes or so from where we live. It was a beautiful morning and we enjoyed getting to talk and walk and talk some more. Harbor enjoyed being pushed in the stroller and was such a good little boy.

We saw many freighter ships and yachts out on the water.

This pier is actually in our town and very close to our house. We enjoy the water and boat watching it provides.

We went out to eat that night and walked the downtown in our city.

The next day, we headed to an art festival in our downtown. We ate roasted pecans, ate lunch ate a trendy little Mediterranean cafe, and window shopped.

That night, David took care of Harbor and we headed back to Lake Erie to meet up at the marina for an island cruise and a coastal cruise of Canada.

The tour was roughly two hours long and took us up the coast of Michigan toward Detroit and then into Canadian waters to see their mainland in Windsor, as well.

And, of course, we saw many more large freighter ships hauling loads to Chicago and Toledo. We also passed by the Detroit Lighthouse, the light house in the water at the opening of Lake Erie from the Detroit River {but were still too far away for my camera to zoom in enough to get a good picture}

There was also a sailboat race in progress, which was lots of fun to watch.

This is Bobo Island, a Canadian Island close to Detroit. There were some beautiful homes here.

A large ferry docked to allow residents of Bobo Island to drive their cars on in order to go into town. Island living would be interesting, wouldn't it?  : )

That night, Judith and I went to a late night movie and opted to eat dinner at the theater, which ended up being nachos and popcorn.  : )  She left the next afternoon by taxi. I felt really sad that I couldn't drive her, but I am just not brave enough here in this big city to get her there and find my way home safely.

We had a great visit!

Rachel mailed a sweet package a few days ago, as did my parents. We always appreciate new books and goodies! Thanks, family!

I don't think I have shown you the shower curtain I sewed for the upstairs bathroom. I finished it a few weeks ago and I went with red damask and black and white harlequin.

You can also see the great tile work David did when he redid the bathroom floor. It was originally a tan laminate, but David gutted the bathroom and installed new lights, toilet, sink, and floors before Harbor and I moved up here to join him. We went with the subway tile to keep the time period true to the house.

Happy Wednesday to you!


  1. What a fun trip Judith had! You guys are terrific hosts! What a fun time exploring everything. Love the tile and shower curtain! It is beautiful!

  2. Love the tile and the shower curtain!!

  3. Jessica, you guys live in such a beautiful place. I'm so glad you are getting out to see it. Someday when you don't live there you won't miss it cause you got out & enjoyed it.I bet Judith feels like its also been a year since she came to vist you with her having to go back to school & life being busier than ever for her.I can see little Harbor William changing every time you make a new blog post, I'm sure you don't see it since you are with him everyday but I sure see it. He looks so much like a toddler now & not a baby.So glad Harbor enjoys the packages from home, its not much but I know it helps to keep Harbor busy & hopefully out of trouble(he likes to play in Bichon's food/water)& I think he does that because he has too much time on his hands,ha!!!I see Harbor still enjoys stickers,ha!!!Shower curtain looks great you did a good job sewing it. I never got to see the original bathroom but the up-do looks great & David did such a good job on everything. I'm sure someday David will be sad to leave this house because of all the work he has put into it.But it least you guys are making it your home for the this season in your lives. Give HW a kiss & hug for Poppy & Gigi.We love you...MOM

  4. I love the tile! And the red with it.
