
Saturday, July 30, 2011


I must admit that this weekend I started feeling a bit... strange.

Here is why {I think}:

1. This is the first summer in over six years that I haven't put a classroom together.

2. This is the first summer in over six years I haven't spent hours upon hours in professional development for my teaching license.

3. When I went to the bank this past week to be added to a new account David opened, they asked me what I did for a living as they were filling out my paperwork, and I drew a complete blank. I looked at David while drawing my blank and he said my wife is a wonderful mother and is blessed to stay home. At the end I threw in that I used to be a 5th grade teacher . Why did I say that? Like I said, strange times. I'm in new territory, I tell ya.

4. This is the first time in over TEN years {yes, count them up!} that I haven't woke in the middle of the night to check that my alarm is set correctly. I checked it almost every night in college {5 years} and almost every night as a teacher {over 6 years.} I am terrified of over sleeping. I don't even have an alarm set up on my bed stand in this house yet .

I'm not complaining. I feel really blessed, actually. It is all just strange to me. To go from being a full time career mom living in Arkansas to a stay at home mom who doesn't have to work living in Detroit in a week's time... Just a whirlwind!

We've had a great weekend. David is working some insane hours this week {all day Saturday and a few hours on Sunday due to some new clients the company has picked up.} Harbor and I had a full day Friday of going to the vet's office for a check up for our dog, Bichon, then off to Hobby Lobby to shop for paper to start my Christmas cards, and then to dinner at Outback for Alice Spring's Chicken, and to the downtown area for ice cream and the river walk.

On the way out the door, I took a few pictures of Harbor and I. Since I'm rarely in pictures anymore, I thought I'd share.  : )

And this silly smile is so funny. He is doing really good to smile when the self timer light is blinking. Poor kid. He has learned all about my tripod and I'm really proud of him for being such a good boy and trying his best to cooperate with his mama and her crazy picture taking machine! Ha, ha!

My parents still send care packages almost weekly and we just love getting them! Last week a gift came from my aunt, Cathy, who spent a good deal of time vacationing this summer on Amelia Island in Florida. She sent a cute shirt for Harbor and some sea shells. Today, a package came from Rachel. We so appreciate everyone's thoughtfulness. 

Have a restful Sunday!


  1. Well, it sounds like you are truly blessed! I'm so happy you're able to be at home, but I imagine it is a big change. I just love hearing about your adventures, Jessica!

  2. I am sure it feels strange, but in a good way! Love that cute smile and Alice Springs Chicken is the best!

  3. #1--your hair is SOO long!
    #2--you are SOOO freaking skinny!
    #3--cannot wait to see your face!
    #4--I love you!

  4. You are truly doing the most important job there is! I love hearing about all of the fun things you are doing and sharing with Harbor!

  5. Oh Jessica, Dad & I were taking just today on the way to the afternoon movies that if you were here you'd be getting your class room ready again for the first of school. I'm so thankful you are able to be home with Harbor William, you willn't ever reget it. Harbor will grow up with you or without you & the first is so much more important making memories & knowing Harbor is taking care of.And I know this is still all new territory but enjoy the ride time will pass & all this will be behind you guys one day. I laughed out loud when I read that you drew a complete blank, you are keeping it real.....We got Harbor's new big boy bed together today & now I'm on the hunt for the right color bedskirt/bedspread. Miss & love you all, MOM

  6. Your little guy is really growing up! I'm happy that you have the opportunity to be at home with him at this particular age. You'll be glad you did.

    Not that it's my business....... but you are keeping up with whatever PD you need to renew your teaching license, aren't you? I know how hard you worked to obtain it and we never know what life my bring.

    I'm sorry but I've taught 30 years, been married 31 yrs. and have raised 3 children. I just had to ask :) I teach 5th grade, too. I'll probably give that response long after I've retired just like you did:) We all envy your "no alarm clock" statis.

  7. Hi, I am a follower of your blog. I enjoy reading it although, I usually don't comment on things but felt like I should today if it helps :). I am also a stay at home mom with two children. I also had to give up a career I loved and move to a town where I did not know a soul. It was quite scary actually, but I know now it was God ordained and I am very thankful that I am where I am. Anyway, if I can encourage you today, don't ever feel like you don't serve any purpose (which I'm sure you don't feel that way)but, sometimes you feel as if you lose your identity as just being a "mom" or a "housewife", or at least I did. You are a very blessed woman as am I, but on the days you feel lonely or scared just remember that things are just for a season and we can lean on Him when it gets tough. Trust me I know, I have been a stay at home mom for four years and some days are hard. I understand this is all new to you, maybe it will be easy...good luck on your new adventure Jessica, and God bless your family.

  8. Hi Jessica, I am a follower of your blog although I never comment, just felt like I should today. I really enjoy reading your blog and seeing all the neat ideas you come up with and thanks for the tutorials! Anyhow...just want you to know that I can relate to feeling "strange" and just being the "new kid in town". I am a stay at home mother of two and have been home for four years. I also had to leave a career I loved and move to a town where I didn't know a soul! If I can encourage you today, just don't allow yourself to lose your identity as being just a "mom" or a "housewife" because they are the best jobs in the world and the hardest I might add. It's an awesome blessing to be the one raising your baby! I understand you are new at this but, there will be days that are hard. Just remeber on those days that are lonely and hard at times, it's only for a season. I am thankful that God put me in the situation I am in now, it was definitely God ordained! Just lean on Him and find your strength in Him! You have an amazing family who supports you, and you are very blessed as am I. Good luck on your new adventure Jessica, and God bless your family!

  9. SO glad Harbor liked his PJ's! Miss you all terribly! Can't wait to see you in about a month! LOVE you!

  10. I'm doing all that stuff now...setting up my room and getting ready for prof. development.

    I can't imagine NOT having to do all that and I'll miss seeing pics of all the cute things you do with your room, but I'm loving seeing what you're doing with the new house. And you'll always be a've just got a much smaller class :)

  11. It's going to be an fun ride for you!

  12. It does feel weird...I know what you mean! You will really enjoy your time at home!
    Your family is so sweet to send you packages!! What a blessing!
    I have some catching up to do on your blog! Hope you've had a good summer!
