
Monday, July 4, 2011

4th Family Fun

We had a wonderful 4th of July!

We feel like every holiday we celebrate for the first time this virgin year in Detroit is a memory maker. We are just clinging on to one another, relying on each other, and it feels pretty special. We are so thankful for our freedom... freedom to love Jesus, freedom to choose our leaders, and the freedom to move 1000 miles from home for a career of our choosing, but still remain Americans, ever loyal, ever true to our red, white, and blue!

{and in case you're wondering, I am totally rocking my tripod and self-timer in all of these pictures {I took around 70}. Getting a two year old to cooperate is a challenge, but we have learned some tricks along the way!}

Happy 4th of July to you and your families!

I wish I had more time to blog tonight, but we had a full day at the zoo, watching fireworks on the water, and I have a house to clean. Have I mentioned that one of my best gal pals from Arkansas is flying into Detroit from Fayetteville in less than a week to spend four days with me! Yes, it is true! So happy!


  1. Great family pictures! Happy 4th!

  2. LOVE the pictures!! You look so good! It looks like you have lost weight...:)

  3. Love the pictures! Everyone looks so patriotic!

    Love, Rachel

  4. These pictures are beautiful!! And you look amazing!!

  5. Ok, I guess that was one of the best-ever gifts I got you guys was that tri-pod,ha!!!because you have really used it more than I ever thought you would have. I love all the pictures, good color & lighting in them all. And even Harbor William is looking. He is changeing more & more everything I see him. And I remember seeing that house you used as the back ground but don't remember such good colors on the side of the house. Good Job Miss Jessica on finding a perfect place for your July 4th photo shoot.But you know there are allot of great places so close to your house. I look forward to seeing what you come up with,ha!!! And I'm sure Judith won't want to go home when she finds out the temp's up there. Today is suppose to be 98 & thats not even the heat index, so sticking HOT that no one wants to go outside do anything. Give HW a kiss & hug from Poppy & Gigi, we love you guys, Gigi

  6. Aw, such fun! I love all of those gorgeous photos :) I need a tripod ;)

  7. I've been wanting to get a self timer! You have totally convinced me to do it:)

  8. Fabulous pictures! Happy 4th!

  9. Love,love,love these family pics! :)

  10. What wonderful family pictures!!!!!!
