
Sunday, April 24, 2011

He Lives!

Happy Easter, Sunday!

I hope you had a special day, celebrating Jesus and His sacrifice of the resurrection. He lives! How wonderful that our Lord is alive and well, giving to us daily hope and strength to run this race called life. I am nothing without His spirit and have no hope in this life without Him; my heart's desire is to dwell with Him in that place called Heaven where I will be able to hold his nail stained hands. Thank you, Jesus, for what you did and continue to do for someone as filthy and unworthy as me!

Harbor is growing by leaps and bounds, acquiring new skills every single day. I really have my precious mother to thank for that. She has taught him to read, though sight words, and he can spell and loosely write his name alone. At 29 months, he amazes even the likes of me! She does a lot of creative play and they create art, much like this, almost every day. After drawing it out together, they discuss the colors, numbers, and names of their pictures. Harbor is just a sponge, soaking it all in.

Another example of their creative play is their ability to turn everyday objects into exciting works of art! My mom will cover cereal boxes with butcher paper and create store fronts. She and Harbor decided on the "menu" and cut out tiny little plates complete with lunch. Mom said she and Harbor spent a few hours serving "lunch" and enjoying it with their animal friends. Harbor's creativity has just skyrocketed and we catch him having imaginative play with everyday objects quite frequently now. Such fun to witness as a mother and teacher!

Rachel is such a fun, God-fearing young woman. The older she gets, the more I confide in her and, often times, seek her council. She is someone I admire greatly, and though we were both raised as only children at home, I feel such a warm kinship with her. We may be almost a decade apart in age, however, she knows me like no other! She is my sister, soul to soul!


Someday soon, I'll trade my work pumps for my house flats and spend every moment raising and training up Harbor William in the way we would have him go. I'm sure he will enjoy wearing flats, too. Who wouldn't? Those heels are killers!  : )

Childhood is meant for happiness, play, and exploration. These are truly the days to remember!

David called me this day to let me know that he had awoke in Detroit to a few inches of snow covering the ground. I laughed and informed him that in the south, it was already in the 80's! Later that day, Harbor wandered into the backyard at my parents' house. He promptly plopped down and hunted for ladybugs. I know the change in weather is going to be a bit of a shock for us, but I am looking forward to snowmen, hot chocolate, and rosy red noses and cheeks. With faces pressed to glass windows, waiting for daddy to pull into the driveway will fill our home with warmth! But, we will always look forward to hot, muggy summer visits to Arkansas, where April brings swimming and sunscreen.

Harbor has really fallen in love with a few movies as of late. He adores Richard Scary and "Busy Town." He also loves any movie with music, including the musical "The Unsinkable Molly Brown." With blanket in tow, he likes to hunker down in pillows and sing along.

Sweet, sweet summer, how we have missed thee! Spring seems like a mysterious stranger in the south in Arkansas. We have a long, hard winter, two days of spring and bam! It is summer in the 80's! Strange weather! We were out of swim diapers, but when a fluke day in the 80's popped up, we took full advantage!

Innocence can be found in these little feet. As his mommy, I know where he treads, I know what he does, I know his every need. How I pray, as his mommy, that I will still be a close friend as he grows older, knowing that his feet trod in places that will fill him with righteous, holy things. That is my prayer!

David and I recently celebrated a decade of marriage. Ten years has come and gone, and while they have been full of hardship and trials at times, I am proud of our commitment to remain true to our vows. Marriage is the hardest work I have known. It takes deep compromise, unselfish acts of kindness, and a prayerful heart to make it a lasting and fulfilling commitment. I know that Satan would love nothing more to convince us that life apart is what is best, but I have hope in the Lord that this marriage has been ordained by Christ and that by living for Him, we are living under His grace.

We married young- I was only 19 and David was 20 by only one month, we waited eight years to have Harbor, have bought and sold four homes, built a home from the ground up, and have started and finished two bachelor degrees. We have vacationed, experienced parenthood, and shared many nights on our knees, seeking God's wisdom. It is hard work, but it is my most proud accomplishment. In a day when people seek their own agendas, there is something powerful in sticking to a person, for better or for worse, promising to seek God's face.

Living apart has lent itself to some gracious gift giving! The beginning of this past week resulted in a fresh white bouquet of hydrangeas, my favorite flower and a flower used in my wedding bouquet, sent to my classroom.

A few days later, a love poem, stolen by a famous poet (grin!) was mailed, handwritten on notebook paper. Though he is an Engineer and not an English major, David has written to me in this way a hundred times before and while he may not always have the perfect words, Shakespeare usually does!

And to top off the romance of the letter and flowers, a beautiful ring was given to me on the very day of our anniversary. Such a special day, despite being states apart! When I wear it, I am reminded that my vow has meaning and when I honor it, I honor my God, by being obedient to my promise to Him.

Today, we attended a joyful Easter Sunday service with family and had a nice family lunch afterwards at my aunt and uncle's home. She had the table decorated so pretty with pink place mats, flowers, and vases full of pastel eggs.  Our conversation naturally turned to Detroit and David, alone, on Easter. This experience has matured my heart- only seeing David three days out of the last 56 has made me realize that family is all that matters in this life, apart from salvation.

Life is not about what happens, it is who you are with when it happens that makes all the difference. I have always been very independent, but I truly have a softer spirit and a more tender hearted approach to David. I miss him and value our time. I'm looking forward to him coming home in seven days! I have one last week in the classroom, but am packed and have removed my personal effects. I am ready!

As a small side note, I have added a poll in the upper right corner of my blog. Feel free to participate! I have realized, from talking to so many of you, that almost half of my blog following comes from those who have no blogs! These are coworkers, family members, and friends in the community who follow, but who have no way to comment, and as we are preparing to move, I wanted to explore the option of adding a few "comment" changes. I also know I have a few hunderd lurkers, but that is okay with me. I lurk on several blogs and am usually too in awe to comment, though I think I may be brave one day and gush at how much I admire several families! Ha!

Have a blessed week! Remember, Jesus lives just for you, and if He had to do it all again, He would suffer and die on the cross, shunned by the world, just for you. Amazing love! Do you know Him?


  1. I love your post! Harbor is precious. I think it is fabulous all of the things your mom has taught him. She needs to be teaching Kindergarten somewhere big time. I love hearing about your anniversary. What sweet presents.

  2. Happy belated anniversary! My hubs and I got married young too, and we waited 7 years before we started our family. We have a lot in common, I guess that's why I enjoy reading your blog so much. I love the pictures of Harbor! I know you are beyond excited to be reunited with your husband. I honestly don't know how you've done it. It would be SO hard for're nearing the finish line though! [= Your outlook on marriage is very similar to mine. Other than parenting it is the hardest thing I've ever done, but I don't regret it for anything. My husband is my best friend. =) Hope you have an amazing week!

  3. Your mom is amazing! Harbor is so lucky! She needs to start a blog and fill with all of her tips.
    The ring, flowers, and poem were just so sweet.
    Happy Easter!

  4. Your hubby is just so sweet!! Gorgeous ring! Happy Anniversary to you both!

  5. I love the little things your mom made for Harbor to play with! So cool! Your ring is beautiful!

  6. Your mom is the BEST grandma! You are so lucky to have her!

  7. Loved the new post! I had such a good time spending so much time with Harbor last week!

  8. As always i love reading your posts. If i lived near you i have NO doubt we would be such great friends. LOL I wanted to tell you though that there was one part that just touched my heart so greatly.. When you talked about "life is being about who you are when things happen" and how you are different with david. In the past two years the marriage i worked so hard to make fell apart before my very eyes I felt as if I would never love anyone again that I would never understand or be a part of that type of relationship. Than about two months ago GOD brought this amazing man into my life.. someone that causes me as an extremley independant woman to want with him to be the total opposite. I see a bright future for me now and I am so glad. You have encouraged me so many times in the last two years without even knowing it and I thank you for that.. :0) May God bless you and your sweet family daily. I feel pretty sure I am on my way to being truly loved and truly happy for the first time in my life.. GOD IS SO GOOD!
    and that ring GIRL beautiful! Have a great day sweetie!

  9. Lurker here! I though this was a perfect time to post my first comment. I voted "doesn't matter because I am a lurker and don't know you personally." While that is true, it is only appropriate to introduce myself at this point. I came across your blog when I did a search for "setting up my classroom" or something like that. I wanted to see ideas that were out there as I prepared for school. I enjoy reading because our lives have a LOT in common. Married to your high school sweetheart, dedicated teacher, hard-working mommy (ok, I *just* became a mom), crafter, husband "job stuff" etc. Right there with ya! Most of all, I LOVE how Faithful you are... you remind me to put God first, something I forget when I get too caught up in my own life. I would like to really start blogging one day... I don't know how you find the time to do what you do. You have a BEAUTIFUL family, and I really enjoy reading. Thank you for your blog and, most of all, for reminding me to put Him first when I forget!
    Kristy Yankee, Massachusetts

  10. Jessica,
    I love all of your pictures and your projects. So when are you and Harbor actually making the big move?

    Have a Blessed day,
