
Friday, March 4, 2011

Pure Joy

 I am so humbled by all of your sweet well wishes. I loved hearing from so many of you, especially those that live in the Michigan area and even in Canada. It makes me feel like I'm moving close to friends- albeit we have never met in real life- and I feel a bit like I already know some of my neighbors.  It was also such fun hearing from those of you who have been reading my blog for a long time- some since before Harbor William was born. I'm not sure if our lives are very exciting or even interesting, but I'm happy to know my blog is a bright spot in your day. Thank you for taking the time to stop and send kind words our way!

We have remained busy with little time to feel lonely or sad that daddy is so far away. Harbor is so full of laughter and life- just a vibrant sparkle of energy. With Skype, and Harbor's new belief that Daddy lives inside of our computer, the transition has been very easy. David has completed his first week of work and is very busy with his new responsibilities. He has enjoyed meeting his new coworkers and fellow engineers. He has already requested that I mail a few of his statistical analysis textbooks to use for some manufacturing process projects, so I know he is enjoying what he is doing. He seems to thrive on deep analytical problem solving tasks. I'm glad- it makes him good at what he does and I'm so proud of his drive and work ethic.

I'm not sure this will be the best year for my 365 Picture a Day project. On one hand, I know with moving and unpacking, the house in disarray, taking a daily picture may be tough. On the flip side, this may be the best year ever to remain true to my photography commitments and do my best to document what I can. Either way, I am certainly giving myself permission to relax and prioritize as I see fit with no twangs of guilt or regret. Sometimes life presents unexpected time constraints and I have found that going with the flow is the best medicine for avoiding anxiety.  : )

This coming Tuesday will mark two weeks that David has been up north. In 10 years of marriage, this is the longest we have ever been apart. I admire those of you that have been in similar situations with spouses on trips or away on business for long amounts of time. It certainly makes my heart yearn for that companionship and I am thankful to have a person in my life that completes me. David, I know you are reading this- you are loved and missed! Be safe and know that we are cheering you on!

Harbor is 100% all boy. He loves to build and knock-down. Roads, tunnels, and bridges bring him such happiness! He is a mess.

As a full time working mama, my time with Harbor is limited. I just soak him up. He will never, ever again be this little. I mentally try to memorize the feeling of holding his little hand, holding him on my lap, rocking him asleep. He is growing everyday and these days are numbered. Just the weight of him cuddling in my arms makes me so sad sometimes. I would love to always have a baby in my arms.

My parents and I got such a giggle out of Harbor hiding in the pantry. He is just small enough to push the food back on that bottom shelf and lie down inside by pulling the doors shut on himself. He brought his little pillow in with him of his own accord and would yell, "Wow!" every time he opened the doors. We just laughed and laughed which made him more excited. While he was in there, he ate some chocolate. Poor baby. He is so mistreated. Ha!

I really missed David on library day. Not only was I afraid of Harbor William running wild, I missed his presence during such an embedded family routine. Thankfully, my mom offered to go with us and I was so glad. I had help with Harbor (they did puzzles while I spent my time selecting the "just right" books for the week,) and my mom brought her camera which made these fun pictures in the parking garage possible. Harbor calls the parking garage a big tunnel and he is so happy when we park. For him, the parking garage and the library are equal partners in his fun!

I thought I'd post a picture that didn't involve my marriage or my motherhood... just my beauty routine. All girls need to share beauty secrets, right?  : )

Harbor is showing many creative skill sets- he enjoys using his hands to build, manipulate, and create. I couldn't be more giddy about these developments. I even remember finding out I was pregnant three years ago and praying that our child would have a splendid sense of creativity. I just love the end product. Scrap booking these works of art are just too much fun.

Bichon, our Bichon Frise, was our first born child. As many of you know, David and I were married 8 years before Harbor came along. Though she is not the main star of this blog, she is still my girl, forever and always. She filled a niche during those seasons of life and we really love her sweet disposition.

I would love to do some research on the Farmer's Almanac. As a teacher, I teach my kiddos how to utilize multiple reference books, but I really don't know much about the actual creation of the Farmer's Alamanac. With the day lillies blooming, I'm sad to know it is predicting snow in few weeks. Harbor and I have really loved our time outside watering the flowers (and rocks, trees, and asphalt!)

Tomorrow, Saturday, Harbor and I will return to the library to enjoy the parking garage, elevator, and books. Endless aisles of books just waiting to be discovered is nothing short of glorious. I also have a hair appointment and am considering doing something different with my color. Darker, maybe? I'd love to go closer to my natural color so that when I relocate in a few weeks to Detroit, I don't have to rush to find a new hairdresser (Sniff, sniff!!) I'll miss you, Lyndsey! Soooo much! What will I do without your genius??

I hope you are enjoying your weekend. Again, it was great to meet and discover so many new blog readers through your kind comments. Blogging makes the world so small! Take care! Enjoy this balmy, prespring weather! Get out and find some blooming day lillies!  : )


  1. What great pictures Jessica!! Have you had a chance to research your new area??

  2. We can start a support group for people moving far far from their homes!

  3. Congrats on the job and the new move. You guys will be in my prayers!

  4. What a great post! I wish we had a huge library like that!!

  5. Great pictures! Congrats and good luck on your big move!

  6. I'm so glad you're finding so much joy in your days! It won't be long before your family is back together again, and what an adventure awaits you! :)

  7. I love all of the pictures! Harbor is growing up so fast! He is so precious!

  8. I was so surprised to read of the upcoming move in your last post! I thought the news you hinted of was going to be a new baby on the way!! Ha! I think most ladies' minds go there when another woman hints of a surprise. It's so exciting and a bit sad/scary to be moving far away from home! My husband & I moved from Louisiana to Tennessee almost a year ago now and it has been moment after moment of new discovery. I pray that you will find a church and new friends quickly since they are the things that help make a big city seem smaller. I hope everything goes well with the move and I can't wait to hear about your first days in the Motor City!! God bless!!

  9. jessica,,
    I just love reading your blog. All the pictures are soooo precious. I am so excited for you and your move to detroit.. I would love to move there. Gotta love the froggy boots and harbor's sweet smile... have a great week.

  10. Jessica,
    Your pictures are just beautiful!! I love how you capture your moments so beautifully.

    Have a Blessed and Beautiful Lord's day friend,

  11. Wow, Jessica! I was catching up on my blog reading and I was so shocked! You have some major changes in your life!

    I've commented to you before.....I teach 5th grade (The governor in OH is acting like public employees--teachers---are the cause of the state's debt.)In fact, this is my 30th year and I'm the same age as your mom. We have a Harley-Davidson Ultra Classic that Hubby and I ride together. We live in a little town called Sinking Spring, OH. Hmmm....about 4 hours from you.

    We,also, have a grandson, Levi, who turned 2 on Dec. 1. That's how/when I found your blog through Kelly's Korner. Anyway, whenever you're feeling lonely and too far from Arkansas, maybe we could meet for a ride this summer.

    You'll have to go see Marblehead Lighthouse and take Harbor to Cedar Point Amusement Park. Their kiddie section is "Snoopy" stuff.

    God bless!!!!

  12. What?!?! You are leaving NWA??? Happy for you and sad for us! I have been there twice in the last three years! You can do it! I can't believe you guys are moving!

  13. Jessica,

    I have been thinking about you and praying for you and your family often. How hard it must be to be seperated from your hubby for such a time .My hubby is an accountant is working longer hours and may not see him till the kids go to bed and that can be hard enough esp when you really don't have anyone to visit or help out. But then I think of you and what you are going through and it doesn't seem so bad. As I am blessed enough to have him home each night. Thanks for the response too I will talk to hubby about maybe meeting at the zoo this summer we had talked about going. would love to connect with other bloggers esp ones that I follow. Love you pics always look forward to see what you have to say and show us. You are fablous and look fabulous and continuing to think and pray for you and praying that this time seperate will go by quickly. You son is the same age as my youngest

  14. I got caught up on your blog just the other day, and have since been kicking myself for not getting together while we had the chance (since we only live about 3 houses apart!). I know you've lived away from AR many times, but I still can't believe you're going! I hope you enjoy being a stay-home mom and enjoy the time you'll have with Harbor. I know I haven't regretted leaving my job once since I left.

  15. Ok, I seriously need to know what kind of curlers you use. :)

  16. thanks for your is truly your gift :)
