
Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Where, Oh, Where Has October Gone???

October was a busy month for the McCash family!


Went to the pumpkin patch-

celebrated sweet Jordan Foshe's 3rd birthday party...

Had our wonderful stylist, Lyndsey, out to our house for HW's first haircut. I decided to have it cut early with the holidays approaching. At 10 months, he sat really still and we are so thankful Lyndsey could fit us in.

Took lots of afterschool walks..

visited Gigi and Poppy's house and sat on the little potty in HW's bathroom. He is so spoiled to have his own bathroom over there. Sheesh.. What will they do if we ever have another one?? Repaint, I guess. : )

Hung out at Wilson Park, of course.

Celebrated several weekly milestones.. he will turn one this Friday! : )

and celebrated Halloween as a duck! Harbor and Bichon were both little ducks. At the McCash house, we have our ducks in a row! : )

I do have more Halloween pictures of trick-or-treating, but I will post those another day. Harbor's birthday party is this weekend and we are excited about celebrating such a special little blessing.

Take care!


  1. Love the pictures! Harbor looked adorable as a little duck.

  2. What a cute duck! Adorable! I love the pumpkin patch pictures. Thats so fun. And he was so good for his first haircut. What a good boy! Have a good weekend.

  3. I just love the ducks!!!! Absolutely precious!

  4. I can't believe he's alreayd one! And you two are so stinkin' cute!!!

  5. I can't wait to see pictures from Harbor's birthday! I love the ducks!

  6. He can't be one already! Happy Birthday to to the cutest little guy.
    I had a doctor's appointment today and got to hear the heartbeat for the first time. We are thrilled!

  7. Love the "ducks in a row". And I can't wait to see pics from Harbor's first birthday party!!!

  8. um nice picture of me and my big mouth, ha!

  9. Wow, it's hard to believe that Harbor is already going to be one year old! Time flies by doesn't it. :)

    Love the pumpkin patch pictures! One of my favorite times to photograph!! :)

  10. What an adorable little duck! I can't believe Harbor will be 1 tomorrow! Sorry we won't make it to his party, but I look forward to seeing the pictures! Thanks for the invitation it was so cute!! I love handmade invites!

  11. They are both precious ducks!!!

    Happy Birthday tomorrow, Harbor!!!

  12. He was such a cute duck! It doesn't seem possible that he's 1!

  13. Hey Jessica! Harbor is getting so big and adorable at that! So, I have decided to teach I am so excited when you get a chance could you e-mail me there are some things that I wanted to ask you.
    Thanks, Courtney

  14. Wow! He looks so grown up! He definitely has your eyes, but I see David all over him too! What a perfect combination of both of you! He is just so stinkin' cute!

    *I loved the invites! I put it in Kyah's baby book, her first birthday party invitation! :)

    You look so great! Loved the update!

  15. He is such a cutie, and it looks like you guys had a great October! The pumpkin patch looks like lots of fun! Can't wait to see your post after his 1st birthday! I know it'll turn out awesome, so I can't wait to see photos!

  16. Jessica, Thank you so much for my card and stickers for MK. She was so excited. That was so thoughtful of you for thinking of us. It made my day!

  17. Jessica,
    You look so beautiful and happy in these pics ~~ wonderful!!!

    And little Harbor is so cute. I have never seen a duck costume for Halloween. Did you sew it?!! So adorable!!



  18. Seriously - a year old ALREADY!! WHOA! That was fast! He is as handsome as ever! First haircut....he got the VIP treatment with his stylist coming to him!! :o) And if/when y'all have another you know the grandparents are just gonna have to build on to their house and add a bath/bedroom for the new baby. Just kidding! But seriously, after seeing Harbor's "home away from home" suite at their house, I wouldn't be surprised - HAHA! Happy Birthday, Harbor!!

  19. Harbor is getting so big. He is too cute. I love the pumkin patch pictures. I have never been to one... Hope you and your family have a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving.
