
Monday, July 27, 2009

Motorcycle Momma

Hello all! What a great summer we are having. I think I have yet to have one moment of "unfun" this summer! (I made that word up, but, hey- i'm off for the summer! Literacy teachers are allowed to speak poorly in the summer, right?)

I have such exciting news! I have a new blog to share! If you have been reading me for any length of time, you know I talk tons about my cute-as-a-button cousin, Rachel. She has just started her very own blog, and if you are a friend or family member, you may do well to follow her closely- she will probably update more than me and you may be able to see more of what we are doing through her! Ha, ha! If you are a reader of mine at all, she would be just tickled if you visited her and left a comment. Visit Rachel to see what she is all about!

I just finished a really fun tile order for Ashley- she wanted a girly horse print for her young daughter's bedroom. Since her daughter is a toddler, the last thing I wanted was a really realistic horse. I wanted it to be whimsy and fun and almost comical, all the while being frilly and cute! I really think it will look great with all the stuff she has going on in her room! Thanks, Ashley!

We recently had some more family pictures made at the University. I really, really love the UofA. It makes me long for a graduate degree. I feel so at home on its grounds. There isn't a corner or a tree that doesn't provoke some really strong images of my youth or my early years of marriage. I'm glad to raise my son in a place where we are so happy. Our photographer was none other than Mrs. Foshe of Foshe Fotos. If you haven't checked her out, you really should. She will amaze you. : )

Just look at this little beauty! Mom, granny, and I recently hit up a local Salvation Army in search of treasure and I feel like I had the winning ticket when I found this darling rocker. It is super sturdy and just needs a good sanding. Don't you adore how tall the back is? I am planning on sanding it down and painting it for Harbor's (gulp) upcoming birthday party in November.

This weekend David and I inherited a great anitque patio set from my parents- it's a really pretty white wicker set- couch, two side chairs, two end tables, and a coffee table. The round table I did have on the deck is now coming inside and mom and I are in the process of making a fun new tablecloth for it. I think the black and white will look pretty in the green dining room.

Harbor is eight months old... sigh.. We took these pictures in his nursery at my parent's house. It is nice being able to leave him knowing he has a warm, familiar place to sleep. It also helps that his bedtime routine in never interuppted, no matter what we are doing. It sure makes date nights much more realistic for us.

I have started some birthday planning and have purchased some fabric. I think this has been the fastest year of my life. : )

My parents are HUGE "Bachelor" fans and have watch parties every week with food and friends... I haven't gotten into the show since Trista married Ryan, but Rachel is always at my parents house on Bachelor night! My mom and Rachel and I like to be goofy and have fun when we are together! : )

"And let the peace of God rule in your hearts and be ye thankful." Colossians 3:15

We are so lucky to have my mother care for Harbor while we work. When she offered to keep him before we were even pregnant, we knew we were ready to start "trying." She even spends her days off with him by choice and I feel blessed beyond words. Mom, if you are reading this, we just can't get over how perfect you are! Thank you!

Two weeks ago, my mother celebrated her 50th birthday and we very spontaneously planned a motorcycle trip to Branson within about an hour's notice to celebrate. David and I, Rachel and her dad, and my dad all rode motorcycles, while my mom, aunt, granny, and HW followed in the car. We ate at Olive Garden where my mom wore the traditional 50th birthday hat worn by several other family members on their 5oth birthdays. We shopped at the Outlet mall and just enjoyed being together as a family.

I am a big fan of the Dr. Brown bottles and those were the only ones that really worked well for HW when I stopped nursing and gradually began the switch to formula. I am so happy that they also have a sippy cup out on the market! In the last month, Harbor has really taken to it and figured out how to hold it by himself. All of his milestones are met with such enthusiastic wonder in our house!

Talented keyboardist seeking lead vocals.

All in a rewarding day's work! : )

We try to make meal times, happy times, full of smiles and praise. He recognizes his highchair by sight and makes happy feet by kicking when he knows it is time to eat! : )

Harbor is such a blessing. God has given a "good and pefect gift" in that little boy. He is sleeping about 13 hours a night and every morning I find him standing up in his crib "talking". His little legs are a mile long.. his bed can only be lowered one more time and I still think he will be able to crawl out of it if can figure out how. : ) We have a great bedtime routine down and I know it has been the key to all of us resting so well.. just a few weeks ago we added teeth brushing and that has gone smoothly. He enjoys sucking the toothpaste off the brush. : ) I'm glad to teach him good habits and I think starting early can't hurt.

Reading at home...

A few weeks back, our playgroup met up at Lyndsey's house for two kinds of pizza- pepporoni and fruit! The six kids always have fun playing together and it is a great chance for us moms to talk about what phases and milestones our kids are hitting. I really feel like a better mom knowing that I have so many "go-to" girls for advice and encouragement. God is so good!

We recently met David's mom, sister, and our neice, Chyann, at Noodles for dinner. We rarely eat there, but I don't know why since it is so good! They serve a great garlic oil with your bread for dipping and, as my good friend Lyndsey said, "You could just put your face in it and lap it up!!" I couldn't have said it any better!

Two weekends ago, David and I loaded up our Goldwing and rode with three other couples on a two-day, overnight ride on the scenic Talamena Trail. We had a great time and are very thankful to my parents who played with Harbor all weekend. At the time of the trip, Harbor was seven months old, and this was our first trial run at spending the night "somewhere" else. Since Harbor is used to his nursery at their house, he slept through the night and did just fine. David and I missed him, but really enjoyed getting to spend some quality time together just to reconnect. To me, motorcycles and romance are just hand-in-hand. (I can hear some of you yelling, "Yeah, right! Not for me! I hate those things!") Ha, ha!

Christmas in July has come and gone at our abode. I recently finished all 170 Christmas cards for this year. Since they are 100% handmade, I work on them in the summer. I did this last year also when I was pregnant because I knew with a November baby, my time would be limited. I think it is my new annual tradition around here now. Maybe I will give a sneak peek soon... the colors are so vivid and very untraditional. : ) I have been making my Christmas cards by hand since we were married eight years ago. It is a hobby I just love. I would love to get together with any gals from NWA if they make their own also! Any takers???

Have a great week and don't forget to say hello to Miss Rachel!



  1. I've missed walking the last couple of weeks. I can tell Harbor has grown a lot since the last time I saw him!

  2. It is so nice that you are so close to your cousin; in general your family looks like you are all very close knit and have so much fun with each other. I am envious.

  3. Never made my own Christmas cards, but I'm up for a crafty card making experience! I can just be the newb in the group! :) Just give me a call (or email!)

    I can't believe your baby boy is 8 months old! He's getting sooo big!

  4. You have such great pictures and I wish I had half the things to do that you guys do! :) How much fun your family must have...Ryan has a bike but I haven't worked up the courage to get back on it yet, now that we have Trigg, I am afraid something will happen. Harbor is such a ham in those pics when he's in cute he is!

    Thanks for the kind words on my blog. I really want to be a good mother and it is nice when others notice!

  5. Your pictures are beautiful! Harbor is growing up so fast and getting cuter if that is even possible. I am close to my family too. They can't stand to go a day without seeing MK. We have the same book that you were reading to HW. MK loves it. I am glad you have had some date nights. Those are so important. I love to scrap book. I would love to learn how to make my own Christmas cards.

  6. Lots going on in your life Jessica! Harbor is growing by leaps and bounds! So sweet! Have a great summer with him!

  7. I LOVED all the pictures of Harbor!! He is getting cuter and cuter everyday! Thanks for putting a link to my blog on yours :)

    love you!

  8. So much to comment about..

    Love the cheer shot of you, Rach, & your Mom.. so cute!
    Bike rides are romantic, I miss our bike.. sniffle.
    Harboe is just such a happy baby! Adorable too!

  9. I would love to learn how to make cards. Actually I have thrown around the idea of making my daughters graduation inventations.

  10. You are SO right about it being the fastest year of your life. It goes by so quickly.
    Greyson would like to join Harbor's band--he loves lead vocals!

  11. Hey girl! You look like you are having a fabulous summer. I love the mini trips that you are able to take. I've never been to Branson but have heard it's really neat. Once things get better around here we are hoping for a little 'middle of America' trip thru your neck of the woods. :)

    I'm still searching for a teaching job. They are hard to come by these days but I am trying. :)

    Harbor is just too cute. So full of personality! Can't wait to see what you are cooking up for that fabric!

  12. Girl you have had a crazy busy summer. Harbor has grown so much. Brittney and I had our own little watch party last night too, you should have joined.

  13. Harbor is a cutie! I'm off to Searcy today, so wish me luck. I saw your Facebook status and you are right, your blog is a full time job :) You do a great job with it though. Can't believe you said the M word (Master's); I am so not ready for that yet.

  14. Good to hear you're having a fun summer!! I always love reading your posts b/c they're full of pictures! Harbor is growing so much. His hair is really coming in...such a cutie!!

    The motorcycle trip looks beautiful! Loved the pic of the shadow on the road. Cool!

    I wish I lived closer b/c I'd join you in making christmas cards! Sounds fun!

    This is my last week of summer :( Start back to pre planning next week. What about you?

    Oh and I'm going to visit Rachel's blog now!!

  15. Your baby boy is beautiful! Your mom seems to be enjoying life to the fullest.

  16. Oh, Harbor has grown so much! He is absolutely adorable and you look great! I love all the pictures...he is such a cutie! The motorcycle pictures are great!

  17. Glad you are having a great summer! I can't believe Harbor is 8 months old and I still haven't met him! Wow! He looks like he is tons of fun! I wish I could get in on the card making! =(

  18. HW is just adorable!! I love the
    "50" hat! A bedtime routine is very important and my boys still stick very close to the one that they had as babies.

  19. Harbor has grown so much and he looks like he is going to be a little stinker. Love the motorcycle photos. I would be terrified but it does look like a lot of fun.

  20. Harbor is adorable. I can't wait to see your Christmas cards, I'm planning on making my for the first time this year!

  21. Loved seeing all the new pics of Harbor. Time flies doesn't it! I swear I look at my kids and just wonder why the months have to pass by so fast. I have enjoyed all the pics and stories of your motorcycle journeys, so fun! Can't wait to see the sneak peak on those Christmas cards. I am a scrapper and have always wanted to do that, but darn it just never seems to happen. Gonna def check out Rachel's blog!

  22. Thanks Jessica for all your kind words. I'm loving my life right now, getting to hang out with Harbor William is just the best. Being a grandmother is so wonderfull. You just don't give it much thought till your there & now that I'm part of the cool group that is 50 yrs old & a grandmom (Ha!!!!), its just so wonderful.Loved all your pictures, you will never be sorry that you take so many, as you can see time really does pass way to fast. Love you...Mom

  23. I can't believe Harbor is 8 months old already! He is a definitely a cutie. Glad you are having a great summer!

  24. Harbor is just the cutest. I love the tile and please show us your christmas cards. That is a great idea to get them done in the summer. I could use some ideas to get me started.

  25. He is growing so fast! Enjoy the time before he starts walking! ha ha

  26. Looks like you guys have had a super summer.

    Harbor is so handsome and such a happy little boy.

    I must tell you that your blog is one of my favorite and I LOVE to see that you have posted. I guess I just adore it because you keep it real, it is about your sweet little family and you are always focused on your family and not attempting to entertain and keep others happy that are reading. It is obvious that it is a documentation of your families journey and I so enjoy that!

    I will be thinking about you as you return to school. Oh, but you have the best Nanny in the world, your sweet Mom. You are so blessed!

  27. This is just a thought and I don't know you at all but I have an 8 month old daughter and I looks like you need to lower your crib mattress. He looks like he could fly out!!!

  28. Little Harbor is so cute! I've been reading your blog for quite awhile now but I don't know if I've ever commented on it before. But, we have so many similarities in our lives, I just had to say something :)

    I teach school.....fifth grade to be exact. I'll be starting my
    29th year on the 24th of this month. We are moving into a new building over Christmas break. I have never taught in a building that was built for elementary children before. We've always inherited the old high schools.

    My first grandchild was due near your due date last November but my grandson, Levi, didn't arrive until Dec. 1. He is WONDERFUL!!

    I just turned 50 last Saturday. Happy "Belated" Birthday wishes to your mom :) My husband and kids (we have 3) surprised me with a party! My kids had their picture taken together. It is sooooo good of them!! They're ages 17, 26, & 28.......BEST GIFT (and birthday) EVER!!!!!

    I'm a Motorcycle Mama, too! My husband and I have a Harley-Davidson Ultra Classic. It is a 2003 Fireman's Anniversary bike. It is fire-engine red. My husband absolutely LOVES that thing! I love riding it with him, too! I've had my motorcycle endorsement since I was 16 years old but prefer riding with him. It's so much fun to do together, isn't it? Ride safely;)

    Finally, I LOVE Christmas cards, too! I haven't made ours before but love sending them AND receiving them. With the expense of postage and cards, I'm afraid that it is a dying tradition. But, not with me!!!! I'll probably be the last one sending them in our family but that's ok. It fulfills a need in me......maybe a childlike need.....I just think it's a special tradition. I can't wait to see yours!!

    Sorry so long......take care!

  29. You guys look like you are having such a great time! I got all of our Christmas cards finished already too! No way am I going to want to do them in November when I'm huge! :)

  30. Harbor is getting so big! My favorite professional photo is the one of him in the brown rocking chair.

    It makes such a difference to have a solid bedtime routine doesn't it? My mom put my brother and I on a schedule when we came home from the hospital and never looked back. :)

    I love to look at homemade things--great job!

    P.S. Have you ever thought of breaking your posts up so that there not so long? By the time I get to the end, I forget some of what I want to say because there's so many things to look at(which isn't a bad thing). Just a suggestion.

  31. Can I just say he has the most precious smile ever! He is a dolL!

  32. Oh my goodness, he is just getting so big! I love his long little legs... Bless his heart. How precious is that first picture of him and you from the photographer where he is standing on your feet?? I love it! Awesome job on getting your Christmas cards done already! You are amazing...I'm inspired! Haha!

  33. Let me just tell you, Brayden is SO excited about having you as a teacher! I think Sunday I learned about 3 facinating things about Mrs McCash! He could not stop talking about how 'cool' you were! I don't really remember ever thinking I had cool teachers, he is blessed! :)
