
Friday, January 16, 2009

Kelly Stamps

Please stop what you are doing and say a quick prayer for the Stamps family tonight. Kelly is a sweet friend of mine and they need a touch from God.


  1. J, I have followed Kellys blog right along with yours my heart breaks for her and Scott. I just was so excited to look yesterday to see Harper and then the bad news. I am praying for her and I know you are as well.
    I posted her on my blog to.

  2. God woke me up early this morning the moment I opened my eyes God put Kelly on my heart. I did not check her blog yesterday because I expected it to be 5 miles long and I was just to worn out to enjoy it fully. Before I got to her blog I noticed an emial from Norma Davis about her friend Kelly Stamps who's baby was very sick. My heart broke and I could not get to her blog fast enough. I don't even really know Kelly except through Mer's blog, but I know God woke me up to pray for her. So off I got to my prayer closet.

  3. Jess,
    PLEASE tell Kelly to e-mail or "blog" me if she needs ANYTHING. I live in Tulsa and my grandpa is actually also in Saint Francis right now and I will be happy to do ANYTHING (along with praying) for them! THey probably don't know the area too well and I will be happy to do what I can.

  4. I couldn't rest at all last night till I started praying. Sometimes I forget to just take it all to God, the good in life( thats the easy part) & all the things in life that we don't understand (thats the hard part). But I got peace when I started praying for Kelly,Scott, & Harper & all the loved ones who loved that sweet baby girl, Harper. God is still on the throne today just like he was yesterday when Harper entered this world. We must all just be in prayer for them all thru the days that are ahead, whatever comes of all this. Its in God's hands,PRAY HARD LADIES for this Harper's Health. Karen Barnes

  5. I didn't sleep well last night, it seems a lot out their in bloggyland had the same problem. I prayed all night and especially hard for good news before I checked Kelly's blog this morning. Praise God the news is getting better with each post. I can't wait to see her in perfect health in the Hog tutu in her beautiful nursery!

  6. This story makes me so very sad, but in the midst of it, I have to remember that God is in control. Prayers are coming for your sweet friend. :)

  7. I don't know Kelly, however if she is one of Jessica's friends I know she is a lovely person. I immediately asked the Lord to be with this family in this time of need. I have seen his goodness and grace as he blessed us with Stacy's return to good health. This family will continue to be in my prayers. God is in control and we must stay faithful. God bless all Debra

  8. Oh my heart just broke for Kelly when I read her blog. I have been saying prayers all day for her and Harper. I God has great things planned for Harper!

  9. Hey Jessica. I know you are friends with Kelly I.R.L. so I wanted to run something by you. The other day I was reading where somebody needs encouragent and prayers while fighting cancer. So they were asking people to send in letters or notes of encouragment on a 8 1/2 by 11 standard size piece of paper. They were then going to gather them up and convert it into a binder and give it to the patient. I was thinking that would be a great idea to send to Kelly and Scott. And one day when Harper is old enough to understand she can see how many people were praying for her. What do you think?

  10. I also follow Kelly's blog and have thought about her all weekend! I know so many people are praying for sweet Harper and their family!

  11. Thanks Jessica!! P.S.- I LOVE your blog!! I dig all your creative ideas!!

  12. My family has been praying for Kelly and Scott and Harper all weekend. Thank you for posting.

  13. Jessica,
    I just wanted to let you know that we have set up a prayer blog for baby Harper. Log on to with the ID:, and with the password: harperbrown. Once in the dashboard, you can post a prayer for Harper, or a word of encouragement for Scott and Kelly.

  14. I just seen her blog today!!!! OMG!!!! I was in tears!!!! This is soooooooooooooooo SAD!!!!

    They are in my thoughts and prayers!!!!!

  15. It is amazing the 100s of thousands of people praying for them
