
Monday, December 15, 2008

Christmas Tour... last year!

Okay.. a part of me is being lazy and just wants to hold my Harbor William all day, but in all reality, I didn't do much for Christmas this year. I did get a new tree- a 10 footer- that has replaced last year's tree in the dining room and I did get all new ornamnents, but other than that, I have done nothing new... Well, there is the new ginormous wreath above the front door on the cedar beams... Maybe I will post some Christmas pictures soon.. Until then, here is our house LAST year, 2007... Enjoy!

Click here to visit our home last year!


  1. Jessica, Hold Harbor all day long if thats what you want too do. Because this time next year Harbor won't let you hold him, ha!!! He will be checking everything out & him & Bichon will be getting into everything. So just love these days they will pass so fast & you won't even remember when you could hold Harbor all day long. Love you..Mom

  2. Your decorations are beautiful. I know exactly what you mean about wanting to old your little baby all day long:) Cade is taking a nap right now in his crib, but I have spent a lot of time lately just sitting and holding him. Have a great Christmas!!!

  3. Jessica- Hold and love that baby while you can. Time passes so quickly. Mine oldest is 18-it seems like yesterday that I was washing his head under the kitchen sink and later cuddling and holding him. Life is so short. Enjoy the precious moments.
    Be blessed, friend.

  4. Thanks for the tour. Also late congratulations on Harbor. I have been reading your blog for a long awhile. I usually don't comment just enjoy. But am trying to comment more. Merry Christmas

  5. Don't worry about Christmas decor...just enjoy little Harbor & get back on the wagon next year!

  6. 6040 W Wedington
    Fayetteville, AR 72704

  7. I think you have a pretty good excuse for not posting! He is too cute for words!

  8. Beautiful decorations! I know you and Harbor are having so much fun!

    Bichon was tagged on my blog!

  9. Jessica,
    Your house is absolutely beautiful!! Thank you for linking us ~~ just beautiful!!!

    You hold that dear little Harbor all day ~~ enjoy every moment.

    Merry CHRISTmas to you sweet girl,

  10. Haha, welcome to motherhood! That's like the story of my life anymore. But the trade-off's the best isn't it?
