
Monday, October 6, 2008

Birthday parties, bloggy meetings, and more!

Hello, hello! I hope all is going well and that your week is off to a great start!

Here are Harbor's tree ornaments and stocking from Oops! I'm hoping it can be monogrammed. I can't wait to set his little tree up. I'm know he and Bichon will be good friends, thus the cute dog ornaments!

This Saturday, after our couple's breastfeeding class, David dropped me off at Tim's Pizza to meet up with Pinkmommy and baby Prince for lunch. We met at 12:00, and by 2:45, we were still chatting it up! : ) David came in to watch the game and happily held Prince while we visited. Can I just say that Pinkmommy is blessed with the gift of encouragment! She was so sweet, reassuring, and full of advice. I hope I didn't bore her with all my "baby talk", but it was so nice visiting with her since she has a newborn son. Pinkmommy has gorgeous curly hair by the way. : ) And she is very funny! I felt like we were old friends when we parted.

Happy 8th Birthday, Colton! After my bloggy meeting, David and I went to Colton's birthday party at Fun City. The kids had such fun bouncing in the ball pit. I had fun pigging out on cake and ice cream. : ) Alicia was my maid of honor in my wedding over seven years ago, so it is always a treat seeing her and her family.

My mom, me, and Alicia

Happy Birthday Jordan! On Sunday, David and I headed out to celebrate Jordan's 2nd birthday. Her momma, Brandy, and I are old friends from Jr. High/High school. Jordan had a fun bouncy castle and a gorgeous cake! Can I get an amen from the crowd for two days worth of buttercream frosting?? Thank you, Jesus! : )

I'm so excited to show you my mother's nursery for Harbor. His room at her place is bigger than at our house, so she has had more floor space to really make some cute nooks and crannies. I love how her bedding came out, and especially love his adjoining bathroom. She has covered the room in pictures of Bichon, David, and myslef so that harbor will always see his "momma" and "daddy", even while we are at work. I love it mom, and I know Harbor will love having such a fun, colorful space at your house to call his very own.

I'm also excited that the new October issue of Peekaboo magazine is out and that Harbor's bedding was featured in the add. Mind you, it is a very small add, but to my family it is pretty exciting!

I want to also thank Leigh for the fabulous virtual shower she had for me last week! I have loved hearing from so many of you, anh have especially enjoyed the great gifts coming in the mail! The cookies have arrived as well as the "boob tube" cream! I feel so blessed to have such kind people in my life. Little Harbor will feel so loved one day to see all of your advice in his baby book!

Have a great week!


  1. I had a great time visiting Saturday! Harbor is such a lucky boy to have you guys as parents! Both of you will be great!

  2. Wow ur mom went all out on that nusery and bathroom--it's adorbale!! He'll be asking to go to GiGi's before you know it!! Cute pics and J's party, I'm glad u got a full shot of the castle, bc I didn't! Cute of me and you too--and our boys!

  3. Your mom's nursery and bathroom are so cute! I love the little green rainboots sitting in the nursery! Every boy needs a pair of rubber boots. Dagan wears his around the house! You and Brandy look adorable in your picture! Oh and Geneva! I miss her! Just seeing you two together brought back memories of marching in the parade...

  4. Jessica, you and your mother look like sisters. Both beauties! And her bedroom and bath for baby Harbor is absolutley adorable! Just precious!

  5. I have never commented before but darn that room is so cute! What a lucky look great.

  6. Wow you sure have been busy and what a charming time it appears to have been! Your Mommy is such a good grandmommy, it looks terrific. And congrats on the ad, it's so wonderful!

  7. I love the room! Everything looks great!

  8. That nursery and bath are adorable! I love the bedding!

    And I am in LOVE with that pink and green cake!! How cute is that?!

  9. Your mom is amazing! You are very blessed!

  10. OOHH how adorable!! whatcute room!!! Lots of wonderful things!! Love the pics your all so adorable!!

  11. Ha!!!Theres's my room for little Harbor, it was fun decorateing & finding stuff to help bring the room together. Can't wait to see Harbor's first doggie Christmas tree, Bichon will love it too, she won't even know what's going on, just a new little body in her house that cry's. I'm sure they will be best of buddies. Both getting into stuff, ha!!!So neat to see your baby bedding in that little magazine, thats just makes it that more special. Seeing that you hand picked each & every piece of fabric yourself. It looks great. And how cool to meet a bloggy friend. Life is so busy-thats just great to make the time to meet a new friend & what a beautiful baby boy Pink Mommy has. Jordan & Colton both looked like they had a good time at their birthday party's, as you can see the years are passing so fast. Love you..Mom

  12. It looks like you had a great weekend! pinkmommy is so adorable and little prince! I hate that I missed Jordan's b-day party, but it looks like you all had a great time- her cake is so cute! How exciting that Harbor's bedding is in that ad- it looks awesome! I LOVE your mom's nursery- she did a fantastic job! I got a tree for Zayde's room, too. I can't wait to find ornaments. =)

  13. Your moms room and bathroom look great. I am going to have to get both of you two help!!! You and Brandi both look great in the pics from Jordan's party. Can't wait to see you Saturday!!

  14. You mom's nursery looks great! Looks like you had a busy weekend!

  15. Your mom's room for Harbor is adorable!!!!
    I am so jealous that you and Pinkmommy got to have lunch. I can just imagine how fun that lunch was!

  16. The nursery turned out amazing. Oh, you are so blessed that your Mom is going to keep Harbor... he will be one lucky little boy. You look great and the Christmas Tree decorations are wonderful. We put all Emma's hairbows on her Christmas tree in her room and it was so cute...perhaps I need to post a picture of that. Have a great rest of the week.

  17. Everything is so beautiful it's hard to know where to start! I'll have to check out that website for the bedding. I want to do something for Shelby's room and haven't seen anything that I like out in the stores........and we've been to virtually a million. Just joking, but I'm sure you know what I mean. LOL

    Hope you are feeling great! I can't believe how fast time has flown by. It seems like yesterday when you announced you were pregnant. LOL

  18. Your mom's room looks great, and I love the dog Christmas tree. Brooklynn has 2 of her own trees this year and I cannot wait to decorate them (princess style of course). You and Brandy look adorable together!

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Your mom I think is uber excited about becoming a grandma, she has really out done herself with that cute nursery. I would say she is ready!

  21. What a busy weekend!

    Ummmmm cake!

    I love the Christmas decor! =) The stocking is really really CUTE!!!! I know you will have Harbor's tree looking GREAT!

    Also, I love your mom's nursery! I was wondering where you were going to put that rug I just adore!!! It looks FAB-TAB-ULOUS!!!! =)

  22. Wow...the nursery is great! It will be a great home away from home for Harbor!!

  23. Your Mom did a fabulous job on Harbor's nursery.

  24. are gorgeous, too! I am wanting some cake and some buttercream frosting now after reading this post! The nursey is so precious! Your mom is out of this world, amazing! You are so blessed! I so badly wish we lived near my parents! Hopefully one day we will move back to Arkansas.

  25. Your Mom is something else...her own nursery for your little Harbor, WOW!!

    I'm jealous...I would love to have a nursery for Harper here at my house but I'm afraid she wouldn't be here enough to warrant that!

    It is darling and I love the bathroom too! CONGRATS TO ALL OF YOU!

  26. Jessica,

    Cute birthday cake!

    I ran across your blog and wanted to ask you where you bought your ottoman. I have an 11 month old son and have been looking for one just like this so he won't hurt himself in the living room.

    I will in NWA, too. Thanks for any help!

  27. Aww...I love your blog and the pics of your nursery! How cute!

    I'm having a giveaway on my blog that I think you may love! Come join and I hope you win! Thanks so much! :)

  28. Thanks for the info, Jessica! Sam's has EVERYTHING! When did you get it!?

    Harper's nursery is precious!!

  29. Ooops... Yes, the award was definitely you! :) They're kind of cheesy, but fun! Your blog got many of us addicted to this network! hahaha!

  30. What a GREAT weekend ;)! Pretty soon another little birthday will happen...I can't wait!

    Your mom's nursery is out of this world!

  31. Such a fun post! Looks like you had fun at the parties and I love the nursery at Baby H's grandparent's house. Fun!

  32. wow! you and your mom have to decorating knack! i love her nursery too and i know that she will have so many great memories with harbor in there. she is very prepared, i see! she's ready for potty training already! that's a dedicated grandma (not sure what your mom is going to go by...mine mom is nana, but that's a very southern thing!)

  33. how fun to meet bloggy friends!!
    and Harbor's room is sooo cute!

  34. ha! no, those were actually taken in the evening. She's ok in the mornings, she's not a bear or anything, but she sleeps late and then once she's up, doesn't really "wake" up for a little bit...but she does get a new burst of energy just before bed! of

  35. How fun to meet a blog friend! And birthday cake 2 days in a row? Even more fun! Your mom's nursery looks great! Harbor is so blessed to have people that love him so much!

  36. WOW! You seem to be having an awesome time, that's great! Love your mom's nursery/bathroom by the way! I know you hear this often but here it goes again, Harbor will be thrilled to have you guys as parents. Let your mom know we are very excited and happy for her, she's patiently waited for this moment and she did an awesome job with the nursery!

  37. Jess,
    How do I allow "annonymous" posts on my blog? THANKS :)

  38. I love the nursery!!! CUTE BEDDING!!!

  39. Wow there is so much in this post I'd like to comment on, but can anyone say book and not comment :0)
    So can I just say your mama did GREAT!! What a beautiful room!! I especially love the PRINCE part and the bathroom and the bed, okay and it ALL!! SO CUTE!!! What a Blessed baby!!!

    Have a Blessed week, Dawn

  40. Hey Jessica!
    Your mom's nursery is so cute!
    About having a big baby...our doctor told us he was going to be average (7-7 1/2 pds). The way they guess is by the measurements of your stomach and mine measured just avg so we had no idea. I really do think they're just kind of guessing, so you never know! That's part of the fun!

  41. Oh I love it!! Also, I love pinkmommy. That nursery is so adorable!!! and so are you!

  42. The nursery look fabulous! I know your parents must be beside themselves waiting for little Harbor to come. Of course I know you are. Will you get to take off very long after you have him? Brandy's little girl is so pretty. I commented often on her big eyes on her blog.

  43. I love his room at Grammy/Mema/Nana/Meme's house. What do you plan to call your mom and dad? It was a big question for us. We went with Mema and Papa for way to many of our now one is Mema where Papa's up in heaven, one is Mema and Papa where Buttercup lives and one is Mema and Papa where Aunt Allie lives. My mom is Nana. I wish we had worked out different names BEFORE the Bos had a chance to give them his own names.
