
Thursday, July 17, 2008

Lots to Catch Up On...

We had such an enjoyable vacation! It was nice to get away for just a few days- though the drive was long, it turned out to be a fun way to chat and visit with my parents. The beach was so clean and white. The weather was warm, but not unbearable. It was really just a perfect weekend away. We watched the fireworks from a seafood restaurant in Mobile. They really know how to put on a good show! We were actually able to pay for gas, food, admission tickets, parking, etc.. all with the cash we earned from our yard sale the weekend before. We were thrilled to be able to go on vacation and not have to charge anything to the credit card. It sure makes a day of yard saling worthwhile when you can get away for few days and come home debt free!

The vacation was really much needed by David. Since I have been on summer vacation, I really have too much time on my hands, but David has been working and going to school all summer. His graduation date is December 2008, so he is really looking forward to this being his last semester at UofA. He has worked so hard to get through the engineering program, and let me tell you, any degree in engineering is rigorous. I actually am a little sad about his graduation date. I am pumped he is finishing, but there is no "walking" ceremony in December and I hate that. Though we are planning on having some type of family party, I was looking forward to seeing him walk. I walked at UofA for my bachelor's degree back in 2005 and it seems like walking, for me, was the icing on the cake. It really made it feel real. I don't think David really cares that much about all of that sentimental stuff like I do though. Ha!

With graduation nearing, David has been actively looking into engineering internship opportunities in NWA. As a teacher, my internship opportunities were nothing in comparison. As a teacher, you had to pay to take an internship and basically worked for free just for the "experience". It was actually the UofA's equivalent to an internship, but is really part of the master's program they offer. An engineering internship is a whole different ballgame. In engineering, they pay you to come and work for them, and the internships are part of your bachelor's program. They are not a requirement, because frankly, there are not many internships that go around. You may have one for every 50 students.

The day before we left to go on vacation, an engineer called to offer David an interview for an internship he had recently applied for. David was of course thrilled, but knew competition was steep, and tried not to dwell too much on it. The interview was set up for the week we returned from vacation. Well, I was only home one full day from being gone on vacation before I had to repack to go to Searcy for a four day workshop for school. It was hard to leave home. I failed to mention that the day before we left for the Gulf, David's brother, wife and three kids came to our house to stay for the week. We gave them full access to our whole house and left them for the beach. They were still staying with us when we got back, and I had to turn around and leave again. I love that they are so comfortable with us that they can stay and play at our home while we are gone, but I hated not being able to play hostess. I literally spent seven nights straight in a hotel. It was not fun. At all.

After I got out of one of the workshops, I saw a voicemail and heard David telling me that his interview was awesome and that he had been offered an engineering position with them. To say that a burden of stress flew off my shoulders in an understatement. When we first toyed with the idea of trying to get pregnant, David still being in school definitely made us both reconsider. After seven years of marriage, we still didn't feel we had God's blessing on starting a family yet. For us, approaching parenthood was met with lots of prayers before we could even consider opening up to the possibility. All the years in the past, we both felt it was not only not in God's will for us, we felt it was not His timing- thus, we never pursued parenthood. But this past Spring, something changed. For the very first time, ever, we both felt this pull to parenthood. We prayed many, many nights. Was it just us? Was it truly God? We wanted to make certain that it was not our selfish desires, but God's true leading. When we decided to try, and it only took one time, we were in awe at the power that is God. For me, a horribly obsessive planner, I think God knew it would take something of that magnitude to convince me I was in His will and all was well with the world. Ha, ha!

At that time, David was planning on graduating in May. Only a few weeks later, literally, did David find out through his advisor that he could graduate the first of December with summer classes. Wow! Another God thing for us. He would graduate only a week or so after my due date! My mom, who had offered before we even got pregnant to be a full time nanny was planning on quitting her job at the birth. Not but a few weeks after we found out we were expecting, my mom's bank closed and everyone was told they would lose their jobs in- November- our due date month. Another enormous God thing!! Not that my mom losing her job was a good thing, but just the raw timing was incredible. This internship is just another way we have seen God move in an incredible way. To say that I am grateful and relieved to see that God not only provides, but provides in abundance, is an understatement. He moves mountains. In fact, He moves things that we thought were unmovable and impossible. To know financially that we are being taken care of is such a relief.

I ramble on and on to basically say, when we finally jumped into parenthood, after years of prayer and wanting to seek God's face for His timing, He reassured us He had a plan. The amazing thing is that after we jumped, His plan, the one He originally showed us, got better and better! We are so humbled.

In other news, we bought a crib and changing table from a boutique here in NWA. It was a raw wood store that allowed you to choose your stain. I loved this because as the child grows, we can go back again and again and add pieces of furniture and not have to worry about trying to coordinate it all. I chose an espresso stain- very dark, almost black, but not quite. The changing table is actually a real dresser. I plan on just putting a pad on the top, and when diapers are history, so is the changing pad. We are still waiting on the dresser to come in, but here is a picture of the wrought iron ladder stand I got for baskets and Nick-knacks. I honestly can't remember if I posted a picture of this in a previous post or not, so here it is. We are waiting to paint until July 28th, when I have my ultra sound. We have, however, bought paint for the ceiling. I plan on doing some "stuff" to the ceiling, but until I know for sure what it is, I will hold off on everything else.

When we got home from vacation, there was a sweet package in the mail from Staci, a fellow blogger I have never met in real life, but love just the same! She knows how much I adore flags, and found the CUTEST pregnancy flag. It says "Mom To Be". Thank you, Staci! You are way too kind!!

David spends most of his time, outside of homework, work, and "honey-do" lists, working in the yard. He loves to mow and landscape. Since returning from our vacation, he has planted another blue cypress tree, re potted our topiary trees on the porch in bigger pots, and made two hydrangea arrangements at the base of the entry stairs. He always makes the house look so good, and I am glad he enjoys it. I think I dislike the heat too much during this time of the year to get out there.

Pregnancy is going well! The baby is finally kicking some, and not just "fluttering" around. David can actually feel the baby move now, which is really fun. At my last appointment, I had gained 11 lbs total. I am officially 21 weeks this week, so a full five months. I have been trying to watch what I eat, but I have a feeling I will start gaining more here in the next few months. Being back to work soon will surely help combat a lot of weight gain. Maybe teaching and being on my feet with 120 eleven-year olds will keep me on my toes. What do you think? : ) Ha, ha!

Happy summer!


  1. What a great post. I love to hear how God is working in His children's lives. I am so excited for David what a relief that must be to the both of you. I love the crib. I love darker woods. You are so creative I know the room will be wonderful.
    Can't wait to check back on the 28th to see what you are having.

  2. What a GREAT post! I am so happy to hear that God is moving mountains and answering all of your prayers ;)!

    I am looking forward to the 28th when we find out what you are having! I know the nursery will be adorable no matter what!

  3. That flag is sooo cute! I have been thinking about you and wondering if you knew the sex of the baby yet. I hope you will give us an update!

  4. SO great to finally hear from you! You've been busy! Next summer you will be busy too (Just in a TOTALLY different way). I check your blog EVERY day and have been looking forward to an update. I can now relate to your ER experience. Zach had to take me yesterday for excrutiating (sp) cramps and heavy bleeding. We waited 2 hours for them to basically tell us that I was wasting their time. They never even saw me. Anyway, we are still waiting to find out if I had a miscarriage. We weren't trying to get pregnant but we thought I was before all of this. Anyway, I don't want to be a downer, I CANNOT wait to find out what you're having. You will share...right?

  5. I love the crib! Congrats to you and David!! I am so glad that things are going so well for you! I can't wait to see what you are having!! Talk to you soon!!

  6. Yay! I'm glad you like the flag! LOVE the crib and I can't wait to see what you're gonna do on the ceiling. I'm sure it'll be spectacular!!

    Congrats to David, too! It's obvious God has His hand on this pregnancy :)

  7. Wow Jessica, that is an awesome story! I love hearing how He has worked in your life! It is truly inspiring!!! I'm glad that the pregnancy is going good and I can't wait to hear what "it" is!

  8. SO glad you had a great time at the beach! I am so glad things worked out for you and your hubby! God is good!

  9. Glad to hear that you guys are doing well. Gotta love that God is in control and that we are not.

    Love the dark stain. That is my favorite!

    All the new landscaping looks great.

  10. Hey Jessica, I have tears in my eyes as I read all of your latest post. Of course all parents want their kids to have the very best in life, but when it really plays out & their lives turn out to be wonderful, any parent would be so proud. But all in all you & David are where you are in life because of your faith in God & His ability to take care of you guys & knowing that hHs timing is the right timing, not our own, plus the choices that you & David have made for yourself's. God wants the best for each of us, but if we don't want the best for ourselves He can only take us so far. The future is bright & you guys have so much to look forward too. I can't wait to go with you & David on the 28th July to find out what the baby is. So much work to do on the nursery at my house & yours, ha!!!But it will be fun. And I want to tell Staci who sent you that adorable P.G flag "Thank-you" so much for being so kind & thoughful to my Jessica- she was so touched that you would think of her & make such an effort to get such a sweet gift to her. Your kindness goes over & beyond the kind of person you must be. Thanks again, Staci. Sometimes we forget that there are still good people out there if all we hear is all the bad that's in the world. As I read these blogs from time to time, I can see the friendship, kindness & love that most of you girls have for each other. That's great, that this blogging world can be used for such wonderful things to reach out & make someones day or life better by just letting someone know that they care about you. We never really know what someone might be going thru. This blogging can be used to reach out & help other people be better & feel not so alone in this thing called "life." I really didn't mean to say all that but I did....So I won't erase it. And I'm loving all our photos from our Gulf Shores trip. It was a very fast trip but as always allot of fun. I wish we lived closer so it wouldn't take so long but hey, if I hang out at the beach more I'd have to think about getting a tan so I wouldn't burn like I do, cause I'm one white girl,ha!!!Look forward to what the future holds for you, David & baby McCash...whether it's a boy or a girl. Enjoyed all your photo's. Your Mom

  11. It was great to read your post...I had a similar experience with God stepping in when I thought things couldn't get worse, so I know what you mean!!! I can't believe how close we are with due dates. I know we aren't like CLOSE friends or anything but since our babies are practically date twins (Thanksgiving Day baby!!) I wanted to get something special for both...ours is definitely a boy...can't wait to find out!!!

  12. Hey girl! I really enjoyed your post. It's an awesome site when you see God's hand in what you do..and experience. I saw a little posting somewhere (forgive me I don't recall exactly where) that said even if you can't see God's hand, trust his heart! You and David have done that and it shows.

    I do love the dark color on the crib. It will go well for either male or female.

    I look forward to hearing how things are going. Even though you may not get to post all the time, please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. :)

  13. only one recommendation for the nursery, which i'm sure will be adorable. make sure that you make a place, like a few shelves or a big toybox or something...for toys. it doesn't seem like babies would have many toys yet but they add up and fast and then a nursery begins to be cluttered if there's nowhere to put them. i never even thought about it but it was about about 4 months and i was making major renovations to allow for the mass influx of toys the kid was getting. just a thought! can't wait to see what you're having! btw, i'm pregnant too - due Feb!

  14. I am so glad to hear everything is falling into place with you and your husband. God has a way of being amazing at just the right time. I LOVE the crib. I actually looked at one very similar! The yard looks amazing! Good luck with school coming up!

  15. We have that crib in Grey's room and I love it! It is beautiful AND sturdy and well-made! I can't wait to see what you put with it!

  16. So many things to comment on! How amazing is God! I absolutely love seeing how He works in our lives! I was telling a friend last night how God loves puzzles! We don't even see the little pieces He is putting together and then wham it's all together the way it is supposed to be! I am so glad the pregnancy is going so great! And what an adorable flag!

    Thanks so much for your sweet encouragement! I cannot even tell you how much I treasure the words you have said to me! Love ya girl!

  17. God does always seem to have HIS way of working things out. Isn't that amazing? I can't wait to hear what you're having!

  18. Congratulations on the internship!!! My husband is getting his Masters in Engineering. What engineering field is David pursuing?

    Your post was filled with such great news. God is good and I too am always amazed when HIS plan unfolds how clear HE can be!!

    The yard and flowers look amazing!!Have a blessed weekend.

  19. Amazing piece of furniture, that baby crib sets off the room by itself! I can see where that nursery is heading, especially with that creative mind you have that momma Karen talks about. We may have to send (MTV) cribs out to check this nursery out. Every little step of that nursery will be tiresome,(physical & mental) but the end result will be special for David & yourself. Please don't forget to include us in your baby gift registry. Mr Snowden

  20. Jessica, it is always encouraging to hear testimonies of how God is working...thank you for sharing. I think I will send a friend a link to this post...she just found out today that she is having a little girl, due in December! However, her husband's company was recently purchased so the future of his job is uncertain, and she just started a new job in June. I think she would enjoy reading this reminder of God's perfect timing and His perfect plans for our lives!

    That garden flag is too cute! And your yard looks fabulous, as always...good job, David! The crib is beautiful as well. Isn't it so fun shopping for those things!?

  21. I loved reading how God is working in your lives! Just amazing! I can't wait to hear if you are expecting a boy or a girl. The crib is gorgeous. You are going to have so much fun decorating the room. I know it will be gorgeous!

  22. Jessica,

    Thanks for your post on my blog. i would love to get toghether with you, as well. Perhaps on a Sunday afternoon in the next couple of weeks? Let me what you think! By they way...I'm really enjoying reading your blog, and it was great to get to see you Saturday!

  23. Oh wow! Great post! I love the stain and design you chose for the crib. I can not wait to find out the gender and see your nursery plans.

  24. Jess...I am so glad that you are happy and doing well. I wish the best for you and hubby. I know you will embrace motherhood and just revel in all the good and bad parts of it. Looking back, I wish I had not rushed, but I obviously wouldn't change a thing. Hugs!

  25. Sounds like you are having a very busy summer. Your husband does such a great job on your yard, it looks great in pics. I bet it looks even better in person. Enjoy the rest of your summer and I know we are all waiting to see what the new McCash is going to be.

  26. It sounds like life is just moving right along for yall! The house looks great! David is such a good lawn boy! =) I'm like you...I don't know how he can deal with the heat!

    Congrats to David on the interview and job! That ROCKS!!!! =) Your so right! God is so GREAT! He can do WONDERFUL things!

    I love the flag your blog friend sent! That was so SWEET!

    The crib is so pretty...I love the color you picked!

  27. Thanks for the update! Love the pics! The crib is darling and I love your plants. Glad to hear your pregnancy is going so well.

  28. OOH this was a heart warming post!!
    I too am so gratefull to God and all the blessings he has given us!!
    It's exciting to be pregnant with a fellow blogger!!

  29. I wanted to pass a few sites on to you....
    Just in case you didn't know about them!

    Check this one out! She is always going giveaways! I found this site when I was hosting a baby shower!

    This is also a site that does giveaways ( know about this...I think thsi is the site where I met you?:

    Last One:

    Just a little info for ya!

  30. love the crib. I just ordered our new table and chairs from a raw wood store. I think I picked the same stain too! I hope mine turns out as good as yours.

  31. If I had known you were in Mobile, I would've driven down and insisted on lunch! Ok, is that why I didnt know? LOL!
    Glad you had an enjoyable trip. Good luck to David. In God's plan....

  32. Hurry on Monday! I'm ready for some exciting news outside of football. Razorbacks can always use new cheerleaders. So, i guess you know which way our family is leaning, (that baby girl). One of our boys should follow daddy playing on the "HILL", i'll be sure to tell them to open the doors in case you have a little razorback! Here's the deal, today is the last day I get to work with your mom b/c of career changes. Since your MoM is the nicest person in the whole world, with the biggest heart for others, you have been granted, if it's a girl, to register for anything you want that cost whatever and we'll pick up the tab! If it's a boy, hum, well, we got your back! Good luck on Monday, whatever the outcome is i know your family will be calling those hogs!

  33. I love all the pictures from your vacation! I am just getting back from Texas for almost two weeks, so I am a little behind and catching up. I LOVE the crib! And the dresser idea is something we did has worked wonderfully as I have problems with my back and the changing tables were all so low. THe dresser is perfect! Can't wait to see what else you do in the nursery!

    Yes, I would definitely say that God is "working" things out for you guys! Good luck with the US on the 28th!

  34. Did you know Susan Bracy is due with twin girls??

  35. I love your front porch and you flag!!!

  36. I accidently posted before I was finished typing!!! Your story is amazing! Isn't it wonderful to see God's plans played out in our lives! He does things far better than what we could do ourselves! Thanks for sharing!

  37. I am still waiting to see what little Baby McCash is.....

  38. Oh, you asked about school... I have to be back on Aug. 11. School starts on the 14, but Oklahoma gets out a few days before Arkansas. I get out on May 20. I teach 8th grade English.

  39. Not sure if you'll see this comment or not, but I also live in NWA...I was wondering what the name of the store was that you all got your baby furniture. I've been looking for something like that to find a bookshelf and little stepstool for my little girl, but haven't found anything that I could paint. So that store sounds great! You can email me at tbmroberts at gmail dot com Thank you!!!
