
Monday, March 31, 2008


Sorry for my lack of blogging! With Benchmark approaching in a week, I have been swamped at work (and with life in general.) This letter was sent to me last week by a close and dear friend. I told her I would post it to my blog. Amber, my friend, is an incredible servant. She lives to serve Christ and spread the good news of salvation to a lost and dying world. Please keep her in your prayers.



Thank you for being willing to mention some prayer requests on your blog. I know you are EXTREMELY busy. Ive attached each mission letter which states the needs and prayer requests. Please feel free to add anything you'd like! You will most likely find many grammatical errors. I know you will be dying to change these! Please do. It won't hurt my feelings in the least. :)

My reason for going on this trip can be described best by this quote:

True Evangelical Faith Cannot Lie Dormant…

It clothes the naked

It feeds the hungry

It comforts the sorrowful

It shelters the destitute

It serves those that harm it

It binds up which is wounded

It has become all things to all people.

Menno Simons 1539

I don't go to get stamps in my passport or to see tourists sights. I go because Christ compels my heart to share the love of God.

Can I also share with you my heart and why I feel led to go on these trips? You don't have to share everything, as I know bloggers like pictures mainly..hehe.

There is a doctor in Asia who works strongly with the governments to bring help to the indigenous people in the jungles and villages. These people groups are usually starving or extremely ill and have sent word help is needed urgently. When this doctor, (I won't mention his name to protect his safety) gets word of the need, he pulls open his Bible to Phil 4:13. He tells God he has nothing (he literally has nothing because he's been persecuted tremendously), but God has everything. He begs God to give him wisdom. God works through this life tremendously. The doctor divinely met a member of the Baptist Missionary Association and shared the needs. Over the course of 3-5 years, our churches has answered the many calls from this doctor stating the needs. The needs are always so great when news comes over the phone and e-mail. However, when we step foot in the land of Southeast Asia, and travel across the lands through many hardships; the issues come to light. The need is greater than we could have imagined. We always depend on God for the provision of these great needs. The doctor and I are very close. In fact, God graciously allowed me to share in leading her to Christ. We talk almost weekly and I have been to Southeast Asia twice now to help him. I love the people. I love the work. I love to watch God transform the people there. The Buddhist monks are actually learning English from our missionaries. They love learning to read the book, The Bible!!!!! Hopefully, many will come to know Christ and cast down their idols for a real and living God. I wish I could sit and share every need, every friendship, every child who needs help, every widow who needs comfort, every mouth that needs fed, every wounded who needs care…yet words honestly aren't enough to describe the deep passion in my heart I have for the Khmer people. All I know is Jesus is Lord. And He provides. He provides in whatever will bring Him the most glory.

I will be going to Thailand, Laos and probably Cambodia in May. We will be traveling to and thru the jungles setting up clinics. Pray for the health and safety. Please pray for the funds to be raised.

I was just telling God last week that I felt overwhelmed with my current school, full time job, starting nursing school, finding money for nursing school, moving to a completely different city, finding a way to provide for everything I will need for the year. I won't have a job in nursing school, etc… Ive surrendered it to Him, spoke the truth my heart has experienced: 'When God leads, He will provide.", and am just resting in His power and peace.

Remaining Costs:

I need $1400 for Haiti by the end of May. Donations made to "Aid for Developing Countries" It is a non-profit 501 c-3 company. Tax receipts available upon requests.

I need $2200 for Southeast Asia by the 1st of May. Donations need to be made out to "BMMI". (Baptist Medical Missionaries International)

If they don't want to designate a certain country, it will be applied to the trip which has the most need according to deadline.

Donations can be sent to 13661 A Dogwood Drive Fayetteville, AR 72704. If anyone wants to e-mail me, my email is You can give out my phone number of 870-405-1806 as well. I love to share stories and details!

Thank you so very much! I sure love you, Jessica!!

I will soon be a blogger to document my journey through nursing school…Your mom is trying to come up with my blogger name. :) Whoop-Whoop! I can't wait.

Thanks, again.


  1. What a tremendous spirit and one that through her compasionate one will learn the love of the Holy Spirit. Praise!

  2. I loved reading this. Deep in my heart, I want to do this kind of service. However, I know that is not my calling for NOW anyway. I am a nurse, and for now, I know that is one of my services to others. But I hope one day, I can be used where there is greater need. Thank you for sharing this, Jessica!

  3. Oh man. Reading this made me miss going on missions trips. I can't wait until we can go again. We went last summer, but I want to be able to take the kids next time. Call me crazy, but I want them right there with us when we do missions work, even if they are small. I'll pray that your friend raises her money.

  4. I will def pray for her! :)

    If you get a chance check out a tile I made for Aubrey!! James hasn't seen it yet! I hope you dn't mind me making one!! :) Yours are def better!

    Hugs-and we're neighbors!

  5. Hi Jessica,
    Sounds like you are really busy at the moment. I have just tagged you for a six word memior if you would like to play along instructions are on my blog.
    Cheers Linda

  6. What a heart for God she has. Thanks for posting her letter.
    By the way I have something for you over at my blog.

  7. Ok, Jessica. Enough already! I am missing your creative post....get in the game girl. (smile) Hope all is well at your end.

  8. I am so proud of Amber; she is so incredible! She will definately be in my prayers.

  9. I miss reading your daily or even your weekly posts. :) Hope all is well with you.
