
Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Dinner with an Old Friend

Last night, I had dinner with a very old friend. Very old meaning that her and I go way back. Not old as in age- she is actually a year younger than me, but I was old for my grade and she was young, so we both ended up in the same grade together. The first year I ever, in my life, attended public school, I was in the 7th grade. Kim and I went to school together 7th-11th, and then she moved to Oklahoma. She is married with two kids, and we try to meet up together once or twice a year whenever she comes into town. She brought her youngest son, Dagan, with her, and we had dinner at my house and spent hours looking at old photo albums. It is so nice to actually have a friend who remembers your old boyfriends, the ditsy comments, the embarrassing fashion declarations, and the heartaches of Jr. High school. We laughed at old inside jokes, and she even remembered the wording to a "friendship" contract I typed up on the computer and made everybody sign. Oh Lordy... I actually have kept in contact with most of my old girlfriends and have been so glad. Kim knows me inside and out; I can totally be myself with her! What a blessing it is to keep old friendships!


  1. Old friends are the best. Josh and I recently had our 10 year high school reunion. It was so great to see so many people that we grew up with.

  2. I remember her being in band with you on flag line!

  3. We are all grown up....which still gets to me...but I still have our contract somewhere, and I don't remember all the wording but I do remember it mentioned J.M. and "matestudiantes." Good times...good times...

  4. Oh my gosh....KIM!!! If it weren't us getting in trouble in Lifetime sports for tearing up a tape measure!!!

  5. I am laughing out loud right now!!! The tape measure day!!!! THAT is one thing I do remember---didn't we all have to chip in a amount to pay for a new one?? because JESSICA broke it and tried to hide it?!?!?! Is that right?!?! I can't recall all the gorey details!

  6. Kim! Goodness, she looks great! She was so sweet and and fun. I haven't seen her in ages. I'm glad you guys keep in contact!

  7. Oh Kim, I remember when she use to come over & you guys would pratice flags & hang out together. Time really does pass so fast, she is now a mother of two boys , married & all grown up. Thats great to find the time to keep in touch with such dear friends.

  8. Oh my, I have not seen her in forever, she was the one that got me in flags, with Amanda. Oh my that was 10 years ago...

  9. I had to laugh out loud when Ashley mentioned the tape measure!! We actually talked about that! Thank you so much for having me over it was so much fun! Your house is beautiful. Oh tell David I am sorry for being loud when he was trying to watch his tv show!! :) Talk to you soon!!
