
Wednesday, October 10, 2007

The Only Albino Lobster I Will Kiss!!

My mom (Bichon's GiGi) took Bichon's Halloween pictures tonight. Bichon decided she really wanted to be a lobster, and just begged for this costume at Target. I finally agreed, seeing as how she is really such a good girl! My mom took about 50 pictures, which means I really only found two I loved. Those two are not posted- I am taking them tonight to have copies made, so that I can get my Halloween cards sent out in the next week. The final pics are top secret! My friends' children should be receiving them soon! Enjoy!


  1. the pup is SOOO cute! doesn't target just have the best dog halloween costumes! my max is a rooster this year (unless i decide to exchange it for the yoda costume.) last year he was a dinosaur and he was the cutest thing ever! but maybe i'm just partial...

  2. You are too funny! You're already ahead of me--I'm still not positive with Brooklynn is going to be. I'm thinking a fairy or a ballerina. She loves wearing that tutu so I might as well use it. :)

  3. Love Bichon the lobster! Daisy and Oscar got their costumes from Target, too, and they cannot wait to model them. One year, they were Yoda and Princess Leia, and it was SO funny! Glad you love your dog as much as I love mine!

  4. That is so sweet. She looks just adorable!

  5. Those are really cute pictures! I love the lobster costume. I don't think I could get either one of my labs in to a costume or to even sit still long enough to take a picture in them.

  6. I was at Kim's today and we were looking at old pictures. You weren't with David at that one--it was the next year. I can't remember the guy's name you were dating at the first banquet. We'll have to all get together and look at old pictures soon. It's amazing how time flies.

  7. Haha! You're funny. I know for a fact that you ended up with a much better man! I'm so grateful to your mom for always being there with her camera. She was so cute as our photographer!

  8. that is by far the cutest costume I have ever(!) seen including my own child's!

  9. That is awesome!! I am so sad I am just now looking at this picture. It's bringing me such joy. :-)
