
Wednesday, October 31, 2007

The Jackson Five

My mom and her friends from work, at ANB Financial, dressed up as the Jackson Five for Halloween. My mom is the gal in the middle who didn't paint her face (hurts the complexion), with the white glove on. Because she refused to damage her pores with face paint, they referred to her as the Michael Jackson of present day! My mom is such a hoot! They all had so much fun, and when mom called me tonight to chit-chat, she said by noon she was completely worn out. I told her being cool is hard work.
(As a side note, there are four ladies and one guy in the office. He is just like one of the girls though, and they have so much fun teasing him. He was totally cool with everyone dressing up and painting their faces, which is great considering he needs no face paint. Thanks for being so cool, Michael!!)


  1. That could be the most hysterical thing I've ever seen!

  2. That is HILARIOUS! I wish I could have seen that in person. Too cute!

  3. Oh my goodness, I can't belive you put those photos on your blog. But we did have a great time, I was so tried yesterday we all laughed all day long. But least you have a super cool Mom, Ha!!!!

  4. That's a riot!!!! Very creative!!! You should have seen the dog costumes on the Today show yesterday. SOOOO funny!

  5. Once was black, but now Im white.November 1, 2007 at 8:47 AM

    Yesterday morning I painted my face all brown. Even my sweet dog avoided me. I was soooo embarassed to leave the house alone. Your mom received a phone call from me saying that I would be there shortly to ride in her backseat so no one in NWA would see me on the way to the bank. Your dad also saw me and seriously stated he did not think it was too funny (which made me bust out laughing even harder!). Upon arrival, everyone went wild, as if the real Jackson Five was there to perform just for them. The background music of "ABC..EASY AS 123.." played while we danced and laughed all day! A wild, fun time was had by all who attended. ;) It was the happiest of all Halloweens.

  6. We had soooo much fun yesterday. We met people we had never met before. They would come in and say "I was told to come down to the call center and see you guys". We had a lot of laughs. When I went home for lunch my little Mia growled at me. I had to talk to her and take off my fro before she realized it was me. We even had a bonfire with our youth and some of the kids didn't even know who I was. It was to much fun. Can't wait til tomorrow. I've got my game face on.

  7. My goodness we look fabolicious, thanks for adding our picture we sure put a scare in halloween let me tell you. Anyway, we had a good time it's really nice to work with the girls, they have a great sense of humor and are always seeking to help others. I hope and pray to have a little girl to match my son as perfect as you and Mrs. Karen..(smile) As always GO HOGS!!! Tell David what's up...

  8. I am new to this blog thing but I am too cool to be (ANONYMOUS)The comment above was Michael Snowden

  9. Karen-Micheal JacksonNovember 1, 2007 at 10:22 AM

    As for those of you that don't know it Michael Snowden played for the Arkansas Razorbacks & the Tennessee Titans, so we are all thrilled to have him hang out with us. He really is one of the girls, Ha!!!!!

  10. "Michael Jackson as present day" That is hilarious!!!

  11. That is so funny! One of the best "group" costumes I have seen in a long time. Love it!!
